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Election 2015

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E.R. Campbell said:
Yep, they've run us right into the ground, haven't they? Our reputation lies in tatters ... and then there's this, so I guess we really need change, don't we?
Oh, definitely.

My issues with the CPC and harper are the following.

Responding to every question in question period with canned talking points.

Negative, personal and dishonest political advertising.

Complete disregard for the media.

Closed, secretive style of government.

Using taxpayer dollars for economic action plan ads that might as well have CPC logos all over it.

The muzzling of scientists

The cold calculated courting of 40 percent of Canadians that gets them the majorities they want while completing disregarding the other 60 percent of Canadians.

Pierre poilievre

Respected I'm the world? Great. Maybe he should have spent some time trying to get the respect of Canadians. 70 percent of people want change. His party is at 30 percent in the polls. I see a correlation.
So sad to see that the gains we have made in the economy (wealthiest middle class, recovery from the recession, balanced budget), foreign policy (free trade agreements with the EU and the TPP, Canada becoming a real "middle power" again) and even getting provinces back into their boxes to administer provincial matters are going to be discarded in essentially a fit of spite. I see having to undergo another very long period of rebuilding in the future, starting from a very much smaller foundation as we go back to an orgy of unproductive spending, popularity contests and pandering.

Enjoy what you sow, becasue you will eventually reap the harvest. I feel most for my children and yours (if any) since they will be the ones bearing the burdens placed upon them by this generation. Weighing them down even more is cruelty.
There has been a history of conservatives underestimating trudeau. Been wrong every time.

I guess trudeau and his team will do just fine.
Not everyone will  trust the Canadian Taxpayers' federation, but here is their analysis of the spending promises of the three major parties:


Source: http://www.taxpayer.com/news-releases/ctf-releases-final-2015-election-spending-tracker

Now, I'm actually not too worried, once M Trudeau and his cabinet meet with the professionals in the senior ranks of the public service, the Mandarins, and get a look at the books then I expect that many, Many, MANY LPC promises will go the way of Jean Chrétien's promises to renegotiate the NAFTA and cancel the GST ... oh, I suspect that, like Jean Chrétien, M Trudeau will keep a few promises: kiss the F-35 good-bye.
Altair said:
There has been a history of conservatives underestimating trudeau. Been wrong every time.

I guess trudeau and his team will do just fine.

I think the Conservatives have correctly presented M Trudeau's strengths and weaknesses. I also think that M Trudeau's handlers have used him very well, as a former high-school drama teacher he is adequately equipped to be a sock puppet for Premier Wynne's acolytes, and I agree that he's doing "just fine" at that.

The Conservatives set the performance bar too low; that was an error. M Trudeau may, indeed, be "Just Not Ready" but the Liberal Party's campaign apparatus, Team Chrétien, etc, are more than able to make him look good enough, "ready" enough.

Canadians want change, I get that. Canadians are voting for change; it is very much like the 2009 Nobel Peace prize: did President Obama do anything to earn it? No, of course not, he got it for not being George W Bush, that the Nobel Committee thought, was enough ... M Trudeau might be made Prime Minister of Canada just for not being Stephen Harper.
Spectrum said:
I had been planning to join the CPC in the near future. Based on this thread though, I think I'd get far more entertainment from LPC meetings...  ;D

Altair - what kind of coffee do you guys serve?

Kool- Aid. They drink the Kool-Aid.
E.R. Campbell said:
Canadians want change, I get that. Canadians are voting for change; it is very much like the 2009 Nobel Peace prize: did President Obama do anything to earn it? No, of course not, he got it for not being George W Bush, that the Nobel Committee thought, was enough ... M Trudeau might be made Prime Minister of Canada just for not being Stephen Harper.

I will put $ on this - those who have elected the Liberals (or the NDP) to put in "anyone but Harper" will get a massive shock when campaign promises hit fiscal/"realpolitik" reality.  If they end up lasting more than a term, there will be a "Throw Trudeau" or "Stomp Tom" campaign to equal the "Stop Harper" one going now.

I almost want to see this - but then again I'm a cynic.
Perhaps harper should have stepped down two years ago like pundits were saying instead of listening to his ego and trying to destroy trudeau and the liberal party.

Maybe then the chorus of change wouldn't have been so loud. But as Mr Bonaparte once said, Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
Altair said:
Responding to every question in question period with canned talking points.
Negative, personal and dishonest political advertising.
Complete disregard for the media.
Closed, secretive style of government.
Using taxpayer dollars for economic action plan ads that might as well have CPC logos all over it.
The muzzling of scientists
The cold calculated courting of 40 percent of Canadians that gets them the majorities they want while completing disregarding the other 60 percent of Canadians.
Pierre poilievre

Watch CBC much?

Apparently La Presse is reporting that the Manchild chooses to file his income tax return in Ontario to save cash.  I bet les Quebecois will love that.  He pays no income tax to Quebec. 

I got it off a blog and can't make the link work.
No I disagree. The ABC and heave Steve crowd don't know and don't care about policy. 

They are lemmings.

Dimsum said:
I will put $ on this - those who have elected the Liberals (or the NDP) to put in "anyone but Harper" will get a massive shock when campaign promises hit fiscal/"realpolitik" reality.  If they end up lasting more than a term, there will be a "Throw Trudeau" or "Stomp Tom" campaign to equal the "Stop Harper" one going now.

I almost want to see this - but then again I'm a cynic.
I rest my case.

Altair said:
Perhaps harper should have stepped down two years ago like pundits were saying instead of listening to his ego and trying to destroy trudeau and the liberal party.

Maybe then the chorus of change wouldn't have been so loud. But as Mr Bonaparte once said, Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
Altair said:
There has been a history of conservatives underestimating trudeau. Been wrong every time.

I guess trudeau and his team will do just fine.

I'm of the belief that your glasses are more of the Stevie Wonder type than Rose coloured.  I do hope your pride won't be too gravely wounded if your messiah has feet of clay one day.
There may be some good news. In the Ottawa Citizen there is speculation that, amongst other things, the Memorial to the Victims of Communism might be scrapped, early on, something that would please me ... the so-called Military Memorial Route (connecting Cartier Square to the War Museum) which includes the Navy memorial and the proposed Afghanistan Memorial and memorial to VC Winners might also be quietly shelved.


                              The proposed Memorial to the Victims of Communism  and  the Richmond Landing site, proposed home of the Afghanistan and VC
                                      to be on the front lawn of the Supreme Court                                                                            Memorials
jollyjacktar said:
I'm of the belief that your glasses are more of the Stevie Wonder type than Rose coloured.  I do hope your pride won't be too gravely wounded if your messiah has feet of clay one day.
If Mr Trudeau one day grows old, tired, corrupt, and fresh out of ideas I will park my vote elsewhere.

If he gets as vindictive, petty, negative and dishonest I will park my vote elsewhere.

But as of right now,  IMHO,  harper is all of those things and he needs to go. Seems like Canadians think so as well.
Halifax Tar said:
No I disagree. The ABC and heave Steve crowd don't know and don't care about policy. 

They are lemmings.

Agreed, but when taxes and/or deficit go up and those same people are complaining, that crowd will look like complete fools. 

As for the disregard for the media - I wonder how it would have played out if another party was in power during the heyday of social media, MSM bias notwithstanding?  I think the various LPC scandals, etc would have caused more outrage.
Altair said:
Perhaps harper should have stepped down two years ago like pundits were saying instead of listening to his ego and trying to destroy trudeau and the liberal party.

Maybe then the chorus of change wouldn't have been so loud. But as Mr Bonaparte once said, Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake pulling a Chrétien.

Anthony Furey, writing in the Toronto Sun offers us The Truth About Trudeau, which, he says, is "how shockingly inexperienced Trudeau is for someone seeking to lead our country."

Other Liberals, Mt Furey says, "have seriously impressive credentials. Trudeau is the least accomplished person on his own team. Yet he’s going to be the one calling the shots? It makes no sense."

"This isn’t just me talking," Mr Furey says, "Nor is this some Conservative smear. During the 2013 Liberal leadership I walked about the room, chatting with party bigwigs. “Really?!” was pretty much the only question I put to them. They mostly shrugged, acknowledging that the selection of Trudeau was about name recognition and style over substance."  :nod:

They, the Liberal "bigwigs" picked him, for their own reasons. We, the people of a G7 nation, are likely to get him.  :eek:
Altair said:
Oh, definitely.

My issues with the CPC and harper are the following.

Responding to every question in question period with canned talking points.

Negative, personal and dishonest political advertising.

Complete disregard for the media.

Closed, secretive style of government.

Using taxpayer dollars for economic action plan ads that might as well have CPC logos all over it.

The muzzling of scientists

The cold calculated courting of 40 percent of Canadians that gets them the majorities they want while completing disregarding the other 60 percent of Canadians.

Pierre poilievre

Respected I'm the world? Great. Maybe he should have spent some time trying to get the respect of Canadians. 70 percent of people want change. His party is at 30 percent in the polls. I see a correlation.

I don't see a single policy issue anywhere there.  Question period is nothing more than a game of sound bites - and has been since forever - so what are you really expecting from that?  Negative ads - well, thats advertising for you.  It is, by its very nature, no matter what form it takes or what "product" is being pushed - deceptive.  The media??  really?  Pierre pollevre??  a single person?

you write very well articulated arguments here but wow man, you can't find a single policy issue?  All of your grief is about the politics of the thing?  Thats so shallow.  Lemmings, for sure.

and are you really certain that a Liberal government is going to be 180 degrees from this? That is what you are voting FOR?  That they won't use taxpayer dollars to fund their own ads for their own platforms?  That PM Trudeau is going to stand up in question period and go off script? really?? c'mon Altair - you can NOT be that naive, man.  seriously...really?

so much wow...

E.R. Campbell said:
Anthony Furey, writing in the Toronto Sun offers us The Truth About Trudeau, which, he says, is "how shockingly inexperienced Trudeau is for someone seeking to lead our country."

Other Liberals, Mt Furey says, "have seriously impressive credentials. Trudeau is the least accomplished person on his own team. Yet he’s going to be the one calling the shots? It makes no sense."

"This isn’t just me talking," Mr Furey says, "Nor is this some Conservative smear. During the 2013 Liberal leadership I walked about the room, chatting with party bigwigs. “Really?!” was pretty much the only question I put to them. They mostly shrugged, acknowledging that the selection of Trudeau was about name recognition and style over substance."  :nod:

They, the Liberal "bigwigs" picked him, for their own reasons. We, the people of a G7 nation, are likely to get him.  :eek:

I remember visiting a friend (Canadian now living in the US) while the whole subject of long-term expats losing the vote came up.  He's a liberal supporter but he said, "I'm almost glad that I'm prevented from voting, because I can't in good conscience vote for a party who picked Justin Trudeau over Marc Garneau."
MARS said:
I don't see a single policy issue anywhere there.  Question period is nothing more than a game of sound bites - and has been since forever - so what are you really expecting from that?  Negative ads - well, thats advertising for you.  It is, by its very nature, no matter what form it takes or what "product" is being pushed - deceptive.  The media??  really?  Pierre pollevre??  a single person?

you write very well articulated arguments here but wow man, you can't find a single policy issue?  All of your grief is about the politics of the thing?  Thats so shallow.  Lemmings, for sure.

and are you really certain that a Liberal government is going to be 180 degrees from this? That is what you are voting FOR?  That they won't use taxpayer dollars to fund their own ads for their own platforms?  That PM Trudeau is going to stand up in question period and go off script? really?? c'mon Altair - you can NOT be that naive, man.  seriously...really?

so much wow...
There are many liberal party policies that I like more than conservative ones, but that's me being selfish.

Child care checks help me out more under Trudeau than Harper.

Tax break helps me out more as well.

I would definitely enjoy two years post secondary education for my service.

All very selfish and I concede that harpers plan may help others far more than trudeau's.

But in all honesty,  if someone other than Harper ran the party, a peter McKay or Brad wall they would at least be on my radar.
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