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Edmonton Thread- Merged

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I used to live in Edmonton, now in Calgary.  I have never had a problem with Telus cell coverage in Alberta.
Thanks for all the replies. 
Looks like Telus will be the best bet.  Called Bell and I spent about 25 mins, was transfered numerous times and got disconnected 3 times then...Voila.....it happened.....a real person with the IQ of a potato.  What are the chances? ::)  It was 25 minutes of my life I will never get back :'(

Thanks again.  Robin :)
Called Bell and I spent about 25 mins, was transfered numerous times and got disconnected 3 times then...Voila.....it happened.....a real person with the IQ of a potato in [insert foreign country here].  What are the chances? ::)  It was 25 minutes of my life I will never get back :'(

Thanks again.  Robin :)

That's what Bell is like every time I call.  ::)
Thanks for all the replies. 
Looks like Telus will be the best bet.  Called Bell and I spent about 25 mins, was transfered numerous times and got disconnected 3 times then...Voila.....it happened.....a real person with the IQ of a potato.  What are the chances? ::)  It was 25 minutes of my life I will never get back :'(

Thanks again.  Robin :)

thats why you should call them when you are doing something, that way you can work and listen to there darn muzic (no its not a typo)  ::)
Or do as I do and keep say CUSTOMER SERVICE, then LET ME SPEAK TO YOUR SUPERVISOR if the customer service agent sounds like a numpty  ::)
Sorry to ask a different question, but I thought I might as well ask it here, rather than make a new thread...

In LFCA Meaford, they have a computer room for troops to go on MSN, Facebook, MySpace and the like. Is there anything like that in the Ed?
I have bell cellphones for my wife and I and although they have the best coverage it seems, it is a damn shame to say that their customer service is GARBAGE. Horrible retention (won't barely lift a finger for you), not great pricing for their plans and a rediculous cancellation fee for their contract. Their loyalty plan stinks also. Because sure they're give you $200-300 towards a new phone, but only if you re-sign a 3 year contract! And some of their plans are based on contracts also.

As soon as I'm done my contract I'm switching immediately and to never go back to bell.

PS> Vonage rocks.
Edmonton Garrison Town Hall Meeting

When: Monday, November 24th at 7:00 pm
Where: Edmonton Garrison Fitness Centre Blue Room

Do you know what construction projects are scheduled for the next year?
Want to know how to become more involved in your Community?
Have you ever wondered what your rent pays for?

You’re invited to attend this meeting to receive answers on these questions and many
others. Speakers include but are not limited to: the Base Commander, Canadian
Forces Housing Agency, Military Family Resource Centre, Personal Support Programs,
Community & Recreation Association, Engineer Services, and the Married
Quarters Community Council. Attendees will be given a chance to ask questions in an
open forum.
Some items that residents have brought to the Community Council for discussion at the Town Hall Meeting are:
   -Anthony Henday Construction
   -CFHA Construction Projects i.e. driveways, sidewalks, serwer lines
   -CFHA-Where does our rent go and what does it pay for?
   -Animal Control on Base
   -Parking within the Q's
   -Base Construction Projects i.e. Driving Range and Laser Tag Club
   -Outdoor Firepits-Are they allowed and what type must they be?

If anyone has anything else they can think of please feel free to PM or post here.  I will be meeting with various base authorities prior to the Town Hall Meeting and they would like to be informed as to what information residents are looking for.
Just wanted to let everyone know that childcare will be provided during the meeting. You may call to register for care begining on Nov.10th at 8am by calling 780-973-4011 ext 6300. Care will be provided at the MFRC in the Casual Care Room starting at 1830 hours until 2030 hours. Space is limited.
Did a search, couldn't find anything helpful.

I don't have a posting message cut yet, however, I have it on very good authority that I'll be headed out to the Army of the West when I finish school In April. So, I'm doing some pre planning on the assumption that I'll get a house hunting trip at the last minute, if at all. I'm also trying to plan a budget.

Where are good places to live in Edmonton for a young lad such as myself. I won't be living in quarters or PMQ's (for various reasons, including...they suck, I have a pet cat...did I mention they suck?). I've been advised that I should look downtown between 97th and 120th streets as thats where alot of young officers live (that was from someone living out there now). I'm looking for something small (bachelor or 1 bedroom) and cheap (my spending habits are terrible). Any suggestions? Or possibly someone is looking at being posted out around that time and wants to hand off an apartment. Or someone has a basement apartment to rent out?

Thanks in advance.
Can anyone recommend a good insurance broker in the Edmonton area (for auto insurance)? Preferably one near downtown and who doesn't turn away under-25 drivers (as some brokers are known to do).
Millennium insurance


They are out in Sherwood park but I have done all my stuff via fax with them so that isn't a problem.  The other plus is they aren't a broker but direct writer.  I have had nothing but good dealings with them.

Stay away from the brokers on 97th St.  I have had a few soldiers get fleeced from almost everyone of them along the stretch.
Thanks for that, I'll give 'em a call. However, I should have clarified a little more, I also need a place that accepts a driver who may have had a (big) whoopsie of a traffic ticket.
lol Then they may not be for you, but it never hurts to try.  Way to get posted to a private insurance province. :)
When I moved from BC to Alberta I had heard horror stories of VI's so I sold all my vehicles in BC and right away bought a truck in Edmonton... and learned the hard way real fast how frustrating insurance and registration is here in Alberta. Man for all I complained about ICBC, it was at least streamlined and simple.
updatelee said:
When I moved from BC to Alberta I had heard horror stories of VI's so I sold all my vehicles in BC and right away bought a truck in Edmonton... and learned the hard way real fast how frustrating insurance and registration is here in Alberta. Man for all I complained about ICBC, it was at least streamlined and simple.

Care to explain?
When we got here, didn't have a problem with getting insurance or registration after we got the DL, but getting a DL was not fun at all.  It took 4 times.  The computer would be not working somewhere in Canada, so, no DL  Grrrr.... 
Piper said:
Can anyone recommend a good insurance broker in the Edmonton area (for auto insurance)?

I've always found The Personal to have the best rates by far. As DND-military, you are entitled to the group rate. For me, this was between $800-$1500 cheaper than the regular brokers. Not sure about the <25 rates though.