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Edmonton Thread- Merged

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Hello, I've been posted to CFB Edmonton and I'm currently at home getting my apartment ready to be moved. I have a PMQ and my wife will be coming with me for the first time so I'm not really sure what kind of things are available to her. Could someone let me know if military wives have free access to the gym and classes taught by the PSP?

You need to become a member of the CRA and pay a monthly fee for your family to have access.  I believe you (svc member) needs it as well for after hours use of the facility.  It is very cheap and affordable.
Price for family in Edmonton is (was, as of last year) about thirteen bucks a month. The new gym there is quite good, but the cardio/weight room can get busy. There are lots of different classes and clubs on base that spouses can get into (again for a membership/user fee very cheap).

The city is close, and they were doing a trial for city buses when we left (don't know the status of that). Loved Edmonton, was there almost a decade till we came to Kingston last year. Have fun.

Just one note here, reg force (and reserve class b or c) mbrs are not required to purchase gym passes, the facilities are thiers to use at any time.
We are please to invite you to the 2007 Canada Day Care Package event on April 28, 2007 at the Edmonton Military Family Resource Centre beginning at 2 p.m.

This event will give families of deployed Edmonton soldier an opportunity to package up a Canadiana care pack for their loved one serving in Afghanistan. Local businesses, politicians and citizens have all donated Canadiana and Tim Horton's gift certificates to this campaign. Volunteers will be on hand to package items for soldier who do not have family in the region.

Refreshements will be served and there will be a craft sation set up so that your children can colour a Canada Day colouring to include in these packages.

Please note: Due to privacy policies we will not be addressing these envelopes. The military has assigned personnel to help us with this. That being said, you will not be able to include personal items to your loved one in these packages because we will have no way of knowing which package will go to which soldier.

In addition to the event, we will have a large yellow ribbon banner on hand for family and loved ones to sign.  This banner will later be sent to Afghanistan and put on display in Canada House.  If you can not make it but would like to include a message to the troops, please PM it to me and I will see to it that it is added.

For further event details or to R.S.V.P please PM or email me.
Edmonton military base booming with 'tour babies'
Last Updated: Tuesday, September 4, 2007 | 11:26 AM MT  CBC News
Article Link

The military garrison in Edmonton is experiencing a baby boom, and many are looking at the five-year-old mission in Afghanistan as the cause.

The garrison's Military Family Resource Centre is reporting a doubling of the number of pre-school age children, from 75 five years ago to 150 today.

The base's school is also starting to feel the effect of the baby boom – a quarter of the students starting school today are under the age of six. The school has 116 students in three classes of kindergarten and three Grade 1 classes.

The trend has even given rise to a new term for toddlers on the base – "tour babies."

Capt. Mark Peebles has a two-year-old son named Thomas and an 11-month-old called Luke. Peebles found out his wife Kim was pregnant with Luke only 48 hours before shipping out to Afghanistan, a circumstance he said is not unique.

"I do know a couple of comrades of mine who were in the same boat. They came back off a tour and a couple of months later they were in the delivery room with their wives."
More on link
Hello all.  I need some help from fellow Edmontonians.
My school on Griesbach is just starting to plan our Remembrance Day celebrations which will occur on November 9th this year.  We would like to have a piper present to play O Canada and Last Post, etc.  I contacted LFWA Public Affairs and I was told that the word of mouth method is probably the best way to have this happen.
So this is my call out for a piper. 
Thanks in advance.
Try contacting the 2551 Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps, they parade on Tues evenings at 1830 hrs call 780-458-0631 or 780-973-4011 ext 5630

or another option

Vimy Ridge Academy - 780-465-5461 Principal is Darryl Sutherland, they have a pipe band and many of the kids are very good
Anyone on here live in griesbach? I have a few questions
scas said:
Anyone on here live in griesbach? I have a few questions
What exactly did you want to know ? .. Although I work in Greisbach, I don't live there. But I do own two homes in North Edmonton and know the areas fairly well.

So we are moving to Edmonton in the new posting year, I am so nervous and so extremely excited! We were expecting...well I was expecting to go East, DH is happy to go where he is told. In the end this is the perfect posting for us as far as DH's career, my desperate need for change and I'm really glad to have the opportunity.

I was told that there is an insane wait list for MQ's on base and that I might be stuck behind with our 2 kids and newborn for a few months (baby due in June and the elders are 4 and 2). I started to research housing/rentals off base and that's just not going to work out (lol). I also phoned CFHA in Edmonton, they told me of the 2 different waitlists and the priority listings. So that eased my mind a bit. I guess what I'm asking is if anyone can offer any advice at all as far as MQ layouts or waitlists, food costs anything about the west, then I would be forever grateful. I am used to Quebec and Ontario and I heard its a HUGE difference.

Thank you kindly and happy holidays!

Ei  :)
Well, here's how my wife are going to help: we just bought a house in Edmonton  That will free up a PMQ in Lancaster Park, as soon as we move out of it and housing catches up on the upgrades..

Have a good move!

My wife and I are moving to Lancaster Park on Feb 1st 2008. Anyone have any pictures of a "CC3 duplex" model???

I don't have a fax machine so they couldn't send me the floor plan...  :(

We're really dying to get an idea of what it looks like. They told us it's pretty small (surprise! lol) so I'm not expecting much, but it would be nice to see what we're walking into since we couldn't do the HHT or DIT...

If anyone could help that would be fantastic!!!

So, hubby is posted to Edmonton.  We have never been there before.  Hubby is already there on IR, we are still waiting on our Q. 

My question is what company has the best coverage for cell phone service?  And, I guess through out AB, being posted to 1 CER he will be going out in the field a lot  :'(  Back to playing with the big boys!

So, let me know what you think.
Thanks, Robin ;D
I've never been to Edmonton (though I did lay-over there on a flight once), but I would wager Telus probably has good coverage.
Welcome you and yours to Edmonton. We have found out the hard way ( which sometimes is best) that Bell has about the best service here. The phones have great coverage whether they are out in the field near home or Wainwright Dundurn etc. all the lovely places your DH may be sent.
Lesser of the evils is Telus, at least you get to talk to a human being (eventually) when you call customer service.  Bell's customer (non) service is a infuriating maze of automated, nauseatingly cheerful helperbots.  Unless they've changed radically.  I left Telus for Bell on a two year contract just for variety's sake.  When the two years was up, I went groveling back to Telus.
Haven't dealt with Telus, but got good coverage from Bell in the Wainwright training area a few years ago.  A pleasant surprise, since coverage in Shilo training area (at the time) was extremely poor.  But yeah, their customer service sucks.
Telus and Bell use the same towers, the coverage is the same.

I'll gladly second the raves regarding Telus' customer service. Thier IVR is pretty straight-forward, and the CSR's know what they are doing. Plus, if you've been a good customer to them, you can negotiate freebies on your plan with Loyalty and Retention.
Was posted to edmonton for 4 years and had Telus phones for most of that time. never had a problem with them service or coverage-wise.