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Domestic Terrorism in Northern B.C. against Coastal GasLink installation

You are leaving out, because "I wanted to be just like Dad..."
or "dad" for those who feel Fidel may have made a mark.
Now I'm not saying one way or the other, I just don't know how the unbelievable physical resemblance to one, and absolutely no resemblance to the other can be ignored. I demand a DNA test...
Why do you always have to be such a party pooper?
Well I couldn’t really get a DNA test. Not without probably getting into trouble or some sort of wily adventure.

Would make for an awesome comedy TV movie though.
Well, since folks like talkin' 'bout who's funding media, the guy (who's done a bit of cool digging on how eco-advocates finagle BC politics) calling it terrorism works for a group set up by the Business Council of B.C.

Well, seems like a pretty significant attack on pretty critical infrastructure to a lay non-expert like me, too.

It will be interesting to see how the narrative and response unfolds.
''The guy calling it terrorism''

Hardly a hot take. We're talking about a targeted, premeditated, organized, and violent attack against strategic Canadian infrastructure and instilling terror in the workers present.

I'm having a hard time finding a better word than terrorism.
''The guy calling it terrorism''

Hardly a hot take. We're talking about a targeted, premeditated, organized, and violent attack against strategic Canadian infrastructure and instilling terror in the workers present.

I'm having a hard time finding a better word than terrorism.
They deserve a visit from a few people clad in black.
it would certainly be in Russia's interests to prevent Canada's gas getting to market, the lat thing they want is Europe having more access to a reliable gas supply.

Well, if their goal was to corner the Euro Energy market I'm pretty sure they've just done the opposite.
''The guy calling it terrorism''

Hardly a hot take. We're talking about a targeted, premeditated, organized, and violent attack against strategic Canadian infrastructure and instilling terror in the workers present.

I'm having a hard time finding a better word than terrorism.
Don't forget it's highly likely foreign funded and encouraged. Millions are dumped into Canadian ecoterrorist funds every year.
A few weeks ago this would have been dealt with using customary practices. It probably still will (criminal investigations, etc). I hope it is. Better to highlight the absurdity of the uses of the EA right now than to increase uses of the EA.

And so do I. However, I'm not sure that the Emergency Measures Regulations (EMR) as proclaimed apply to this event in BC.

The EMR primarily deals with limiting actions (protests, disruption, occupation, violence, travelling to, entry into country, taking kids to, financing, etc, etc) affecting critical infrastructure or other designated places and persons. The definition of "critical infrastructure" and designation of protected places in the EMR is

critical infrastructure
means the following places, including any land on which they are located:
(a) airports, aerodromes, heliports, harbours, ports, piers, lighthouses, canals, railway stations, railways, tramway lines, bus stations, bus depots and truck depots;
(b) infrastructure for the supply of utilities such as water, gas, sanitation and telecommunications;
(c) international and interprovincial bridges and crossings;
(d) power generation and transmission facilities;
(e) hospitals and locations where COVID-19 vaccines are administered;
(f) trade corridors and international border crossings, including ports of entry, ferry terminals, customs offices, bonded warehouses, and sufferance warehouses. (infrastructures essentielles)

The following places are designated as protected and may be secured:
(a) critical infrastructures;
(b) Parliament Hill and the parliamentary precinct as they are defined in section 79.51 of the Parliament of Canada Act;
(c) official residences;
(d) government buildings and defence buildings
(e) any property that is a building, structure or part thereof that primarily serves as a monument to honour persons who were killed or died as a consequence of a war, including a war memorial or cenotaph, or an object associated with honouring or remembering those persons that is located in or on the grounds of such a building or structure, or a cemetery;
(f) any other place as designated by the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness.

It might be my pedantic streak picking flys*** out of pepper but I would question whether a "construction site" meets the definition of "critical infrastructure" even though it may eventually be part of a LNG pipeline. At the moment it does not supply any gas. Is it criminal activity that deserves to be investigated and prosecuted using any available LE tools in accordance with existing laws? Definitely yes. But trying to apply regulations made under the Emergencies Act to it? That may be more of a stretch than the examples of municipal overreach which used the much wider (and legal) powers that came with the War Measures Act in October 1970 to move social undesirables (hippies in the most) from certain areas in a couple of major Canadian cities (not in Quebec).
However, I'm not sure that the Emergency Measures Regulations (EMR) as proclaimed apply to this event in BC.

I doubt that they do. My point is to highlight the differences between customary responses to disturbances including violence (including what many would straightforwardly call "terrorism"), and the response to the "convoys". It's a bad time for anything to pop up which invites comparison with how the feds are handling things, and something just popped up.

[Add: I'd count a cell tower or water plant under construction as critical infrastructure. Doesn't matter (to me) whether actual or planned capacity is attacked.]
I think you will find - if anyone wanted to pull on a thread - that the "gas roots" eco-terrorists have a lot more external backers than the Truckers.
What about the Saudis?

Remember they actually murdered a journalist in their embassy.