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Divining the right role, capabilities, structure, and Regimental System for Canada's Army Reserves

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MilEME09 said:
dont forget of those 5, how many actually make it, and stay? When I got in I was 1 of 6 that entered my unit, within a year only two of us out of that 6 were still in.  with that kind of retainment, we need five times the number of people coming in to meet demand.

I would agree.  Of my intake I was one of 18.  3 stuck around.  I lasted 5 years.
Of the platoon I recruited (30) we managed to get 12 through BMT (conducted at the unit).
....how is it a Reserve CSS FSG/company/what ever you want to call it only has two C9's? no C6's to protect the in and out route of a harbour....

Sign the weapons out from an Inf unit for trg, TOETS, FTX. As long as it is coord it can work out.

We had range shoots in Shilo during the month of March and fired all the ammo we could get our hands on that was not use by the Cbt Arms. You would be surprised at the amount of ammo including linked available. You do have to have all the trg/range work/simfire etc annotated in your trg plan and pester Bde for the six months prior to fiscal year end. 

Additionally, everyone in the unit qual on the 9mm pistol which we shot twice a year as nobody wanted 9mm ammo but us.

It can be done.
NinerSix said:
Our recruiting allotment his year: 5 pers. This does not even keep up with attrition. I've warned of this since late 2010, when we were full (54 pers on paper) to now where we are ~24 on paper and paraded 9 all rank for a week end ex. All I want for Christmas are a bunch of new troops. 5 doesn't cut it. Twice that would be OK. I want 15-20 for the next 3 years before we lose the core group we built.

Hopefully this reserve change is good news.

It seems to be a problem with the SIP for the Reserves being managed as if it was Regular Force.  We have covered this here in the past year, presenting similar events and statistics.  The Reserves, as your example and Kirkhill have pointed out can not survive recruiting one for one.  The Reserves need to recruit at least five for each vacancy.  Then they may be able to fill those vacancies and stay ahead of unplanned attrition as well.  I remember my unit recruiting fifteen people, two years in a row.  In both those intakes, we lost 50% through Training Failures or CT to Regular Force.  The SIP when I left was only allowing the unit to recruit three people, at a time that the Unit's authorized strength had increased from 29 to 120.  Totally out of touch with reality.
George Wallace said:
It seems to be a problem with the SIP for the Reserves being managed as if it was Regular Force.  We have covered this here in the past year, presenting similar events and statistics.

To the contrary, there has to be central management of the Reserve SIP to ensure priorities are observed.  Otherwise, the Buckshot Fusiliers will recruit 75 more basketweavers, despite there being no requirement.  With limited resources available to train new soldiers, there must be priorities set.

The SIP when I left was only allowing the unit to recruit three people, at a time that the Unit's authorized strength had increased from 29 to 120.  Totally out of touch with reality.

That unit is in a somewhat unique situation. That said, establishments are not fully funded; that a unit grew in size from Platoon to Company does not imply that there was any overall growth in the strength of the Reserves - so to grow one unit, others would have to be reduced in strength.

Once again, the oversized footprint of the Army Reserve does it no favours.  A ruthless culling of unit HQs to provide fewer HQs commanding larger sub-units would be the logical way to go; does Montreal (& area) truly need Bn HQs for the CGG, RHC, RMR, FMR, RdeM, and two Bns of R22eR - that's seven LCols & associated staffs to command around 1000 infantrymen?  Sounds more like two Bn HQs and seven or eight companies of trained soldiers, plus a Bde level depot to train the soldiers up to DP1.
dapaterson said:
To the contrary, there has to be central management of the Reserve SIP to ensure priorities are observed.  Otherwise, the Buckshot Fusiliers will recruit 75 more basketweavers, despite there being no requirement.  With limited resources available to train new soldiers, there must be priorities set.

That unit is in a somewhat unique situation. That said, establishments are not fully funded; that a unit grew in size from Platoon to Company does not imply that there was any overall growth in the strength of the Reserves - so to grow one unit, others would have to be reduced in strength.

Once again, the oversized footprint of the Army Reserve does it no favours.  A ruthless culling of unit HQs to provide fewer HQs commanding larger sub-units would be the logical way to go; does Montreal (& area) truly need Bn HQs for the CGG, RHC, RMR, FMR, RdeM, and two Bns of R22eR - that's seven LCols & associated staffs to command around 1000 infantrymen?  Sounds more like two Bn HQs and seven or eight companies of trained soldiers, plus a Bde level depot to train the soldiers up to DP1.
Not to mention the spare LCols haunting Bde HQ after completing a tour of command of their company-sized regiments.
cavalryman said:
Not to mention the spare LCols haunting Bde HQ after completing a tour of command of their understrength company-sized regiments.

HR planning, states you need a minimum ratio of 6:1, just to meet recruitment needs, not including how many wash out.
After 13 graduated from my BMQ and after 20+ years, I'm aware of 1 or 2 who continue to serve.
dapaterson said:

So the Companies don't have enough "basket weavers"?

As for training budgets ..... send more of the training back to the units.  IIRC part of my training was Methods of Instruction and teaching standardized lessons on dental hygiene, ranks, orbats, military justice and a whole bunch of other stuff where I learned as I studied to present my lessons to my recruits (under the watchful eyes of my OC, CSM, RSM and Adjutant).
kratz said:
HR planning, states you need a minimum ratio of 6:1, just to meet recruitment needs, not including how many wash out.
After 13 graduated from my BMQ and after 20+ years, I'm aware of 1 or 2 who continue to serve.

SIP = target enrolments, not target for pers attracted and expressing interest.

dapaterson said:
To the contrary, there has to be central management of the Reserve SIP to ensure priorities are observed.  Otherwise, the Buckshot Fusiliers will recruit 75 more basketweavers, despite there being no requirement.  With limited resources available to train new soldiers, there must be priorities set.

That unit is in a somewhat unique situation. That said, establishments are not fully funded; that a unit grew in size from Platoon to Company does not imply that there was any overall growth in the strength of the Reserves - so to grow one unit, others would have to be reduced in strength.

Once again, the oversized footprint of the Army Reserve does it no favours.  A ruthless culling of unit HQs to provide fewer HQs commanding larger sub-units would be the logical way to go; does Montreal (& area) truly need Bn HQs for the CGG, RHC, RMR, FMR, RdeM, and two Bns of R22eR - that's seven LCols & associated staffs to command around 1000 infantrymen?  Sounds more like two Bn HQs and seven or eight companies of trained soldiers, plus a Bde level depot to train the soldiers up to DP1.

Agreed and your solution seems the best method.  We are limited, as is all the CAF, to the amount of people that can be recruited, but as pointed out, all positions at the sharp end are eaten up when redundancy is built in at the other end.
dapaterson said:
Once again, the oversized footprint of the Army Reserve does it no favours.  A ruthless culling of unit HQs to provide fewer HQs commanding larger sub-units would be the logical way to go; does Montreal (& area) truly need Bn HQs for the CGG, RHC, RMR, FMR, RdeM, and two Bns of R22eR - that's seven LCols & associated staffs to command around 1000 infantrymen?  Sounds more like two Bn HQs and seven or eight companies of trained soldiers, plus a Bde level depot to train the soldiers up to DP1.
Would require someone to decide whether the militia is supposed to be, right now, at full strength in more or less formed units, or if it's supposed to be a core for a much larger force/a jumping-off point for future Regulars/etc.

I think I've posited earlier that all of the above might make sense depending on the nature of the unit and its location, and am in full agreement with the need to cull that swarm of HQ staff.

Only way such a plethora of HQs for so few pers would make sense is if the PRes was considered primarily a force generator for a much, much greater number of personnel than are currently being trained, which various people who know about this sort of thing have suggested is likely to be too slow a process for modern needs.
Kirkhill said:
So the Companies don't have enough "basket weavers"?

As for training budgets ..... send more of the training back to the units.  IIRC part of my training was Methods of Instruction and teaching standardized lessons on dental hygiene, ranks, orbats, military justice and a whole bunch of other stuff where I learned as I studied to present my lessons to my recruits (under the watchful eyes of my OC, CSM, RSM and Adjutant).

That's just the issue we fight constantly: leadership. A lack of consistent, good leadership causes attendance to wax and wane in lock step.

The continual ebb and flow of good people, or any people in some cases, leading from key positions creates this odd sense that you are on some kind of bizarre roller coaster. One year there's no one, the next the Mess is full, the next you are back to square one and rebuilding yet again.
Rifleman62 said:
Sign the weapons out from an Inf unit for trg, TOETS, FTX. As long as it is coord it can work out.

We had range shoots in Shilo during the month of March and fired all the ammo we could get our hands on that was not use by the Cbt Arms. You would be surprised at the amount of ammo including linked available. You do have to have all the trg/range work/simfire etc annotated in your trg plan and pester Bde for the six months prior to fiscal year end. 

Additionally, everyone in the unit qual on the 9mm pistol which we shot twice a year as nobody wanted 9mm ammo but us.

It can be done.

you slightly misunderstand me, I have no issue with borrowing from other units, I'm just saying we don't have enough of these weapons to go around to fulfill ever required role according to doctrine.
MilEME09 said:
you slightly misunderstand me, I have no issue with borrowing from other units, I'm just saying we don't have enough of these weapons to go around to fulfill ever required role according to doctrine.

Unless you are in the usual position of having a CO who thinks his/ her penis is bigger than everyone else's, and therefore an idiot, it's a good idea to try and run exercises (especially ranges) with other units in the area. Even if (sharp intake of breath) they are not from your same arm/service, you can group up and get a lot of useful training done together.

And now I will expect a knock at the front door and the Spanish Inquisition to begin. Luckily, I already have my own comfy pillows picked out.  ;D
daftandbarmy said:
Unless you are in the usual position of having a CO who thinks his/ her penis is bigger than everyone else's, and therefore an idiot, it's a good idea to try and run exercises (especially ranges) with other units in the area. Even if (sharp intake of breath) they are not from your same arm/service, you can group up and get a lot of useful training done together.

And now I will expect a knock at the front door and the Spanish Inquisition to begin. Luckily, I already have my own comfy pillows picked out.  ;D

No body expects the Spanish Inquisition! Fetch the......COMFY CHAIR!
daftandbarmy said:
Unless you are in the usual position of having a CO who thinks his/ her penis is bigger than everyone else's, and therefore an idiot, it's a good idea to try and run exercises (especially ranges) with other units in the area. Even if (sharp intake of breath) they are not from your same arm/service, you can group up and get a lot of useful training done together.

And now I will expect a knock at the front door and the Spanish Inquisition to begin. Luckily, I already have my own comfy pillows picked out.  ;D

There is a great deal of coordination needed to pull off successful combined exercises, to ensure that all units involved benefit from it.  Even shared exercises between units of the same arm need to ensure that everyone is starting from the same place; no point in running a combined platoon live fire if one unit hasn't done their PWT 3 ranges yet.

Of course, that's why units have COs and their support staff - to try to sort those things out before the soldiers are on the ground.
dapaterson said:
Of course, that's why units have COs and their support staff full time staff - to try to sort those things out before the soldiers are on the ground.

isn't that more accurate or are other units different and the Class A's actually do things besides reaping the glory?
CountDC said:
isn't that more accurate or are other units different and the Class A's actually do things besides reaping the glory?

I have seen both extremes and everything in between.  And when I refer to support staff, I include both part-time and full-time personnel.

The biggest challenge in the part-time Reserve is time.  Longer lead times are needed if we want part-time leaders to be able to plan and organize things.  Announcing in March that there's a big exercise in August is far too late; the more senior part-time personnel are likely more senior elsewhere as well, and less able to drop things quickly.  As well, lead-up training won't happen - if it's a month to plan an exercise (best case, including booking ranges etc) then there may be an opportunity for one or two weekends in advance of the large exercise - hardly enough if you want people practiced when they arrive.

We have a few problems. One is the double and triple hatting of captains and majors. Often they are on the Bde Staff and parading with their home regiment/unit on parade nights and weekends.
I often ask the question if a Reg Force Major was posted in to a Reg Force Bde HQ, would he be be told it's expected of him to command A Coy of the Buckshot Fencibles? I think we all know the answer to this.

Why are the officers double and triple hatted? Because it takes too bloody long to recruit and train them to a half decent level, therefore someone must take up the slack.