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Discussion of Canada's Role in AFG (merged)

Minister Graham visited Kandahar during the team Canada visit in (IIRC) fall of 05.  We also had MPs from all three parties embedded with sections during ROTO 0 - and they earned the right by attending the valex in Pet.
I' m inclined to think those who listen to, and email, Cross Country Checkup, arguably one of CBC's better efforts,  are a pretty homogenous group.  Consider the number who explain it all by saying we're only there because the U.S. wants us there.  Do they realize that various of our NATO allies are also there; hopefully they're not all lackeys of the U.S.!   Judging by the emails sent in there's very little thought given to the plight of the Afghans if the Taliban do prevail; that'd probably cloud the issue far too much.
Does he not realize that if NATO pulls out, there will be no chance for humanitarian aid to be delivered?????? What a pump!
Not to worry - if NATO pulled out, and the aid didn't get through, it would STILL be the fault of the West - "If you didn't invade, they wouldn't be so pissed off" sorta argument.... :mad:

Some people make sense and argue their point with with logic or reason, wether for or against the war. But most of them sound like the mindless yuppies I hate oh so much. When I read the words"Jack Layton is right" I had to rest my head and breathe deeply..count to ten... and bang my head against my monitor in frustration.
josh - people who vote listen to the CBC, like it or not  The problem lies in those whose world view is ONLY shaped by the media.

Josh- I only do when theres nothing else... and I mean when there are physically no other stations...occasionally they have something good.

milnewstbay- You hit the nail on the head.
As a serving member who is posted to a school who has no chance in hell of getting to Afganistan soon, I am pleading and begging for us to stay the course. We need to!!!!!! Once you commit, you need to remain committed. We have a dangerous job and loss of life is part of the price. I think the general public needs to know that everyone who is in Afganistan wants to be there. And if there are people who don't want to go there, they don't go. As for myself, my wife is deploying in Feb and while I know the risks and am concerned, I understand that it is a dangerous job and that anything can happen. Stay the course, keep up the fight, and get some!!!!!!!!! Don't listen to some scum sucking politician who is just trying to get the peacenik votes!!!!!!!!
People who vote?  You do mean NDP-types and pointy-heads that watch PBS?  Their votes don’t count anyways. The only reason to listen to CBC radio is if it’s the only station you can get up north at 0300 in the morning to prevent you and your car from slamming into rock cuts.  CBC isn’t exactly the biggest fan of the Canadian military and at best it pays lip service to it through its left-wing programming.  How many reporters do they have in Kandahar today?  One, and she’s a bit of a heavy.  Lots of reporting from the wrong side of the HESCO.  Your tax dollars at work.
josh said:
People who vote?  You do mean NDP-types and pointy-heads that watch PBS?  Their votes don’t count anyways. The only reason to listen to CBC radio is if it’s the only station you can get up north at 0300 in the morning to prevent you and your car from slamming into rock cuts.  CBC isn’t exactly the biggest fan of the Canadian military and at best it pays lip service to it through its left-wing programming.   How many reporters do they have in Kandahar today?  One, and she’s a bit of a heavy.  Lots of reporting from the wrong side of the HESCO.   Your tax dollars at work.

You know, I listen to CBC every once in a while and my wife says that politically I am slightly to the right of Genghis Khan.
josh said:
People who vote?  You do mean NDP-types and pointy-heads that watch PBS?  Their votes don’t count anyways.

Like it or not, Josh, every vote is counted and every vote counts. (even pointy heads have the democratic right to vote)  It's what party that vote supports that counts even more.
Don't want to sound alarmist, Josh, but the alternative is a government-controlled press, which is fine IF you agree with the government in power.  I hear you, though, about the approach CBC sometimes seems to take when covering certain stories.  I guess what I'm saying is that, in this situation, as much as one can, we should get our messages out there, too - open line shows like "Cross Country Checkup" are the best chance of getting the unfiltered msg across (yeah, no guarantees of getting past the call screeners, but if we don't try, we don't get).
Well, the jig is almost up - get your tour in quick, or you won't get one.  The CPC will lose all of the 'wobbly' bubblehead votes because of CBC turning into 'The Military Funeral Network', and they will lose the far right votes because of their unwillingness to throw the gun owners a bone and change the SAP regulations back to where they were two years ago.

"My center is pressed, my flanks give way..."  etc.

PM Martha Hall Findlay, here we come...
Aside from Rex Murphy, CBC is a useless sinkhole of tax dollars that should be privatised immediately!

Or at least turned into a PBS, where they get their funding from donors.
…… or PM that doofus Rex Murphy.  In the end your opinions will still mean nothing, but you’ll feel more "Canadian" for actually stating them.  A round of Timmies for all! ;D
Working the midnight shift, just saw the report about 4 Canadians in A-Stan, followed immed after by "cut & run" Jack Layton of the No Dam clue Party.  He was "hoisting the white flag", and saying we should negotiate with the Taliban.  He might have something here, perhaps Jack & Alexa would be interested in going to A-Stan and meeting with the Taliban as our negotiator (fat chance they'd volunteer) ;D.  I am sure the radical mulahs would just love to hear what those fools has to say before they cut of their heads. 

Why do these left wing A$%# Holes always scream & yell about human rights, rule of law etc, and run like hell the other way when it comes time to actually do anything about it.

Because that's their true policy. To barrage everyone with Jack in the box's mindless ramble:

Whine whine American agenda whine...blah blah Utopian blah...unjust war blah blah...taliban victims here blah blah... doog PDN dab repraH whine whine blah..etc etc and etc.

But enough criticizing the NDP and Jack in the box, think of all the great things they have done for the country.....like uhm....

Scratch that
Give them a full broadside. ;)
In defence of CBC, I just listened to the show and Rex Murphy did go after Layton to explain how we can rebuild Afghanistan as long as people like the Taliban and Al Qieda are running around.  Layton, on the other hand, was dancing faster than Fred Astaire with his answers (and I use that term very lightly as he never actually did answer)