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Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

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Thank you to kincanucks  and all who posted.

The DS staff on her PLQ have been as helpful as possible without jepordizing her course. This has been the largest concern since this item has started.

Your comments have been appreciated and open up some feedback for others who may have had simular questions.
I will be doing my QL5(SECT 2IC) course this summer and I am going to put my papers in fro a transfer to regular force engineers in the fall...and my primary concern is what courses I will have to retake. Some of the people I've talked to insist that I would have to do everything over again, including BMQ, others say I would just do the engineer QL5(which makes sense because Res QL3 and QL5 is what is mostly what makes up Reg force's QL3(or so I've been told))

1)Anyone know what is likely to happen?

2)Also, could anyone give me an ETA on the time the transfer will take?(plus any tips to help speed up the process)

Thanks, and CHIMO ;D
My advice is.

1.  Ask your CFRC is there is a CT checklist to follow (i.e. what documents you need, etc).
2.  Follow the checklist.
3.  Hand in your application complete, all at once.

I did it that way, and was less than 2 weeks getting my CFAT/medical (I am going to a different MOC), and 'targetted' interview.

As for what courses you will do, that should come with the job offer, but the MCC can probably give you a good idea.  Not sure how the Engr world works, if there is no huge delta in PO's between the PRes QL3 and QL5, and Reg Frce QL3 (DP1, whatever it is called now), they may give you the qual for Reg Frce 3's.  I can't see you doing BMQ/Sq again, but hey, you never know.

If there is a checklist, follow it, hand in complete application all at once.  My 2 cents.

I am looking at doing a Component Transfer from the reserves to the Reg. force and was wondering two things.

Is it better to do a CT before or after your threes? I have yet to obtain my full threes course and was wondering if it would be easier just to go reg. force and get it in there. I have been told that the more trained you are, the longer it takes for a CT to go through. However, from reading some of the threads on here, it seems like it's based on how well you keep on top of the ball and a little bit of luck.

I have also heard that it's better to wait until April (posting season, start of the new fiscal year) to put in for a CT because that's when most of the trades will open up again. Can anyone confirm this (or tell me I'm crazy)?

Thanks for your help,

lizbobiz79 said:

I am looking at doing a Component Transfer from the reserves to the Reg. force and was wondering two things.

Is it better to do a CT before or after your threes? I have yet to obtain my full threes course and was wondering if it would be easier just to go reg. force and get it in there. I have been told that the more trained you are, the longer it takes for a CT to go through. However, from reading some of the threads on here, it seems like it's based on how well you keep on top of the ball and a little bit of luck.

I have also heard that it's better to wait until April (posting season, start of the new fiscal year) to put in for a CT because that's when most of the trades will open up again. Can anyone confirm this (or tell me I'm crazy)?

Thanks for your help,


You're crazy.  Does that help?  ;D

First of all, are you doing just a component transfer (from reserve to reg) or also an OT (changing occupation)?  You didn't state what you are going from and to.

My personal opinion, put your CT in now.  Why waste time if this is what you want to do.  IF you happen to get your 3's before your transfer, all the better for you, if not, well you'll get it when you transfer.

The length of time that a CT takes has nothing to do with your current qualifications.  The time has to do with all of the regular recruiting process.  If your aptitude test, PT test, medical, are out of date, you will have to redo them.  You will have to go through an interview, etc.

As for the comment on waiting until April, refer to what I said above.  Put your application in now!  The only reason why you wouldn't apply now is if the trade you want is closed.  In that case, ask CFRC if they know when it will be open again, and what you can do in the meantime.

Good luck.
My CT has taken me almost 2 years, but I went to a different trade in the reg. force.    And about waiting for your 3's, if you're going into the same trade your unit might send you on it and might not.  I was offered my 5's course till they figured out I was going to a different trade.  I don't think it matters if you wait till April, might even be better to get the ball rolling as soon as possible.  Also, as a courtesy to your unit you might want to let them know your plans.
I am looking to stay in the same trade (RMS Clerk), so hopefully that will keep the time down...What is holding me back from going in on Monday and telling my unit I want to CT is that there's a three's course that is supposed to be running at the end of the month and I'm on it. My concern is that they will pull me off the course.It has been a VERY frustrating process to get my threes and I want to be qualified (and not to mention, be able to wear the log cap badge and not the cornflake).

Airmich, thanks for confirming I'm crazy  ;)
Although it is not required to tell your unit about your CT, it is a good idea to keep them in the loop.  Especially seeing as how they would find out when they are asked to write a letter of recommendation for you.

My suggestion then is to go into CFRC on Monday and ask about a CT.  You will most likely be RSBP, and there could be a chance that they can get you on the same 3's course, or one soon afterwards, if not before.  And explain your situation to them, that's what they are there for.
Thanks Airmich, I will definitely let my unit what is going on and try to get down to the CFRC as soon as I can. I have over the 56 days of Class B required to bypass Recruit School and have been working at a reg. force unit for the past two months (on class B until July), so I am pretty sure I'd be RSBP.

Thanks Quiet Riot, you must be very patient to wait two years. I'm glad it happened for you.
Two years same trade, a lot of smokes and puched holes in the wall...

But sure worth the wait...

Look that the pay check... holy ****!    ;D
TN2IC said:
Look that the pay check... holy ****!    ;D


I'll see your paycheck and raise you mine !!!!

Spec 1 pay group is great
lizbobiz79 said:

I am looking at doing a Component Transfer from the reserves to the Reg. force and was wondering two things.

Is it better to do a CT before or after your threes? I have yet to obtain my full threes course and was wondering if it would be easier just to go reg. force and get it in there. I have been told that the more trained you are, the longer it takes for a CT to go through. However, from reading some of the threads on here, it seems like it's based on how well you keep on top of the ball and a little bit of luck.

I have also heard that it's better to wait until April (posting season, start of the new fiscal year) to put in for a CT because that's when most of the trades will open up again. Can anyone confirm this (or tell me I'm crazy)?

Thanks for your help,


I put in my ct (res to reg) close to 2 months ago and am still waiting. I'v done an interview and a medical update and currently waiting to be merit listed.  I'v done basic in the reserves and was considering doing my 1s before transfering but decided not to because the course wont start till April and I don't want to sit around till then. While the choice is upto you I agree with Mich that you should go to the recruiting centre and run your problem by them, perhaps they can work something out for you. Whatever you decision is good luck to you :)
Good decision on your part SoF, not to wait.  The reserve Comm 1's is not equal to the reg 3's at all.  There are people that have just CT'd to reg comm who were P2's and only because of their position and time in were they granted their 3's course.  And they had to fight for that.  Good luck for your transfer!
cdnaviator said:

I'll see your paycheck and raise you mine !!!!

Spec 1 pay group is great

I think may be... just may be my PLD may match you.  ;D
SoF - did you have to do a PT test? I know that they have changed things for the new recruits, but I'm unsure on the CT side of things (I have  done an express test in the past couple of months).

You need a current PT test for your CT.  The new policy that is in place is for new recruits only.  As a serving member, you are required to have it annually and therefore you need a current.  Just remember that it goes by fiscal year, so if your CT goes over into April, they will most likely make you do a new one!
lizbobiz79 said:
SoF - did you have to do a PT test? I know that they have changed things for the new recruits, but I'm unsure on the CT side of things (I have  done an express test in the past couple of months).

Nope I didn't have to do a pt test for my ct; my last pt test was this summer.
i put in my component transfer from reserve infantry to reg force combat engineer at the end of march and had a offer by late june, it may have gone by so fast because the engineers are so hurting for people, i was also told component transfers were going faster now then they were in the past, another bit of info the recruiters told me was that depends on how much TI you have would depend on how long your transfer would takesince it wold take longer to decide on what courses would still be granted, for example a friend handed in his component transfer and was told it would be a quick process for transfering from res infantry to reg infantry but since he had 6 years TI and 2 tours it ended up taking close to a year
I have now been waiting since feb 2006 for my transfer from VTECH 411 as a PRES to PHTECH as reg force.

Just curious as to how long it has taken others.

I know that this is not a high in demand trade but??
I took me about a year or so you should get some new soon. Give them a call see what going on with your file.