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Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

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It also depends on your course and location I guess, I just spoke to my Sarg. at the CFRC. I'm doing my BMQ/SQ Through my Co-Op program..Which is the Reserves. However The Lorne Scots dont have a weapons tech..and thats what im going for..so he has assured me that it will take no more then a few weeks.. a month max because of the openings for Wep Tech. And seeing as everything has gone faily quick for me, a month from my application to call for basic training..hel-l even my medical came back in 3 days..so again it might depend on the location. :)
Is a stupid question but, can i get back into the CF after dropping out of the reserve for a couple years then going back into the regs?Would it be a big hassle ?
If you simply quit on good terms, all it should mean is a little more time on the Recruiting process, as they will have to dig up prior service records and the like.
Ok - time to answer the question and to support Shortbus' statement.

If you wish to re-enroll in the CF after leaving, it may take a little longer in the recruiting process due to the time required to dig out your VFS (Verification of Former Service).  This document has been known to delay a person's file - in the case of a civilian, this delay would not be imposed.

Is that clear enough for you Mr. 1qaz1qaz? (original name BTW, try QWERTY next time) :)

When I was 16 I joined the Reserves. Thinking it to be incredibly easy I went to BMQ having done very little preperation and after about a week was physically and mentally exhausted and requested to drop off the course. When I got back to the unit I was told I'd be removed from the Forces and I could try again in a few years. I don't believe the process to remove me was ever followed through with because I never had to turn in my military ID, and I've been receiving tax forms and such from the CF ever since.

Anyway, it's two years on, I'm in what I believe is great shape, I'm a lot more mature and I believe myself ready for the challenge and would like to join the reg force for the next few years so I can serve my country and get some world experience prior to heading to university. Would this be possible after a rough first go around? If I am still technically in what would I do, would I request a transfer or would I need to go through the process again? If I'm not still in how much more challenging would the process be to prove my being worth the effort?

Thanks all
I reccommend that you go back to the reserve unit and speak to the unit clerk. He/She will tell you what your status is and let you know everything you can do to apply for the regs. Im pretty sure that after two years you would have been released from the unit but start your inquiries with the unit.
Hi everyone,

I'm relevantly new to posting on this forum, so take it easy on me. I hope I can get some accurate information on a timeline for a component transfer. I'm trying to get into the MP's (NCM MP) I have an accredited diploma in the Criminal Justice field (and I'm working towards a Degree.)

Talked to a friendly recruiter from CFB Calgary today and said I would be looking at anywheres from 3 - 6 months. Is this accurate? I'd like to start to plan ahead as I have other applicants with municipal forces on the go as well.

Thanks in advance

mondo said:
Hi everyone,

I'm relevantly new to posting on this forum, so take it easy on me. I hope I can get some accurate information on a timeline for a component transfer. I'm trying to get into the MP's (NCM MP) I have an accredited diploma in the Criminal Justice field (and I'm working towards a Degree.)

Talked to a friendly recruiter from CFB Calgary today and said I would be looking at anywheres from 3 - 6 months. Is this accurate? I'd like to start to plan ahead as I have other applicants with municipal forces on the go as well.

Thanks in advance


Right now there are no positions for MPs for FY 06/07 and there is an unconfirmed MPAC in Sept 06.  With a possible pre-MPAC selection in Aug/beginning Sept you do the math.
Ok heres my situation...  I am 16 years of age, I turn 17 in May.  I currently enrolled Reserve forces, but I was wondering if I could transfer to Rag as soon as I turn 17?  My highschool is almost done, but no exactly...  I haven't been sworn in but I was wondering, is it possible to transfer over?  I know there is ups and downs, I also know finish highschool...  See I want to join, then maybe in a few years finish my last year of highschool.  Now your asking why not just stay and finish?  Well its complicated...  See I live a good life and all its just, why have the age requirment 17 if you don't graduate until your 18/19?  Let's just say, I could get in without finishing grade 12, what should I do and how long would it take to begin BMQ? 

Thank you, Joshua Allen
After you have your BMQ completed you can start a componet transfer. But they are not a quick an easy thing, mine took 16-17 months to go through.

Theres a thread on componet transfers, might want to check that out.
Josh:  FINISH HIGH SCHOOL!!  If you don't it will bite your a$$ for the rest of your career.  Take the time now and it will pay divedends in the future.  Good Luck.
I have searched the board for topics answering the process of PReserve applying/transferring into the Regular force. We could not find an answer near our question.

The question: With changes from CFRG to streamline transfers or applications of Reservists into the Regular Force there had been allot of message traffic stating some intended improvements. Since a reservist was already part of the service and had a current fitness test, the intent of the streamlined process was to not require another EXPRESS test, medical exam, and/or security clearance. This streamlined process was to cut down the "wait time" between a transfer.

I know someone with an application to transfer to the RegF and she is on her PLQ. The CFCR automatically scheduled the whole recruiting process, including interviews and exams DURING her course, without prior consultation. If she turns down the interviews or any part of her application, her transfer is delayed again. If she takes time out of her career course, which is the same standard as RegF, she loses out with her reserve career if she does not get accepted into the RegF.

To boil down the question, why is one CFRC demanding more than the standard stated in the messages that we can all read?
I currently have in a CT from PRes to RegF, and have had no problems with the scheduling of anything.  CFRC has been very accomodating with working everything around my sailing schedule.  As for testing, I have had to redo my PT test and medical, only because they were not current.  Otherwise, I only required the CFAT and interview.

I am assuming here that your friend has already called CFRC to explain why she is unable to make these appointments?  If she hasn't, she needs to get ahold of them and explain the situation.  If she has, and not had any luck, she needs to go higher and talk to someone else.  And/or use her divisional system, either through her normal place of work, or through PLQ school.

As for the delay, that is going to have to be expected if your friend wishes to complete her career course.  If I was in the situation, I would get through the course, and have all recruiting stuff scheduled for as soon after completion as possible.
If she turns down the interviews or any part of her application, her transfer is delayed again.

WTF?  If she isn't available to be processing in the first place how does the scheduling delay her transfer?  CFRC/Ds calls the applicant to book the appointments and if the applicant is not available then they reschedule.  You make it sound like the CFRC/D is saying take this or take nothing.  If she can't make it now then yes her file goes back in the queue and that is just a fact of life in recruiting because no one else is going to get bumped for her.  Of course she has a choice doesn't she?  She can be processed now or she can take her PLQ and be processed later.

Not denying anything you are saying, cause how would I know but...I am in the midst of a CT from PRes to Reg Frce ATIS Tech, via the same CFRC.  I had no issue with them.  They contacted me at work and also sent me a letter home, to make sure I was avail. for the CFAT/medical/interview, all in one morning.  Nothing but kudo's for the Halifax CFRC staff from me.  I can't see why there would be such a big deal for her to finish PLQ and THEN get in for the required steps.

Maybe this is just some crossed wires, the CFRC knew I was Class B (a) at the HQ and were nothing but..helpful and professional throughout (fyi, I just did the CFAT/med/interview yesterday, and put my CT request in less than 3 weeks ago and POOF I am done)

hey guys,

Long time reader, first time poster...

Am in the same boat with my CT in place, waiting to hear on int/cfat... hopefully before the board on the 23rd.

Just a thought on the original posting.  Your friend put in her CT while on crse. If she didn't want to miss time on her PLQ, why not wait until it was over????  Once CFRC is instructed to do something, they're like a fat kid on a smartie....nothing is going to stop them.

Again, just a thought.

Here's to making the Image tech crse.... I hope.. 


Once CFRC is instructed to do something, they're like a fat kid on a smartie....nothing is going to stop them.


I will give him the benefit of doubt.
kincanucks said:
Once CFRC is instructed to do something, they're like a fat kid on a smartie....nothing is going to stop them.

Oh good another Hammerhead we are so blessed.

I think he meant to say "they will do their best"


Thanks for the interpretation...

If I did offend anyone with the backhanded compliment, I apologize.  I think my CFRC det is doing a great job.
