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Close Quarter Combat (CQC) [Merged]

infanteer; I‘m not sure if it is or isn‘t a qualification. I know my hand to hand is though. I‘ll make sure to ask him wether that one is just a civilian or a military qualification. now that I think about it, I‘m more leaning towards that the knife thing isn‘t. but I know my hand to hand is.
RHF; that‘s the course I went through, it‘s good, but it‘s not effective. you learn two moves a night, but you don‘t touch those moves again till the very end of the course, and by then, most people already forget how to do it.
Any form of a grappling art would be the most effective as most real life fighting is decided either by the first punch, or it winds up on the ground. Wongskc mentioned "ninjitsu", the correct term would be "ninjutsu" or "ninpo". It is a very effective art form, no sporting competitions involved, you are taught to end a fight as quickly as possible involving techniques that are quite brutal, and at least were I trained for a year (I need to start going again) you praticed at full speed-full contact. As well it is non-linear in nature (meaning not everything is done in straight line).

Another effective form is Systema (alternatly called "The System" or Russian Martial Arts) it is NOT Sambo. The leading head instructor or I guess "Grand Master" outside of Russia teaches just outside of Toronto in Thornhill. From what I have seen and read about it is a truly brutal and effective Martial Art.

As for the CF you can actually read the Unarmed Combat Manual online if you wish, it is located at

How bout a little "Biatch my man ain‘t your baby‘s daddy!" as taught by the Jerry Springer Producers :D
its all about defendo - also known as british jujitsu =D, we got 1 of the 2 instructors in the world that are allowed to teach it to teach it at St. Andrews College a few weeks ago ----- verry effective look it up +D
Never Fight Fair would be the best.

Like what was said, agression an adrenaline is the main thing you need to win.
Infanteer: You‘re right on that one. There is no longer an official "Basic Unarmed Combat" course, but the instructor course is still around. The Basic qualification still exists, but it‘s no longer a formal course. Our Ops WO has the instructor course, and is running an informal Basic qualification. The idea is that once we‘ve completed and can be tested on all the moves and techniques, we‘ll get a UER entry saying that we have the qualification, if not the formal course. Then, it will allow us to take the instuctor‘s course, if the unthinkable happens and they offer the course to a reservist.

142Highlander: Yes, the general martial art is refered to as Defendo, but you‘re insane if you think there are only 2 people in the world qualified to instruct it. I know personally of a half dozen defendo instructors, and of at least one club in the Vancouver area alone where it‘s taught.
just remember these two things

Its not who wins...its who walks away


If its worth fighting for...its worth fighting dirty for
There is a basic course that precedes the unarmed combat instructor. It is new and was suppose to be taught on Reg Inf BIQs but they found it took to much time. It is now up to units to run it and qualify personnel. Right now as it stands there are very few qualified instructors across the board in the CF(although lots have the old unarmed combat instructor course).

As for what it consists of I have no real clue as I‘ve never read the CTP. However one of the qualified personnel is in my Pl so I will ask him and post the basics here.
there is no such thing as fighting dirty or fair if you square off with an opponent or one squares off with you, you fight to win as does he and what has to be done to emerge victorious is done. Wether it be a bar fight or trench fight you fight to win and do what is necessary with the utmost aggression and hostility commit yourself to the fight. :soldier:
Wether it be a bar fight or trench fight you fight to win and do what is necessary with the utmost aggression and hostility commit yourself to the fight.
Try explaining that in court....
I may be a bit in the dark on this one(I‘m not in the army yet), but...Is hand to hand combat what you use when your gun disappears, your bayonet breaks, you forget to bring you trusty knife, your pinned in and there is no one around you except your enemy who‘s gun also disappears, who‘s bayonet also breaks, who‘s trusty knife has gone missing, and who decides to attack you?
Yes Man, I was trying as hard as I could to ignore this awful thread but I have to say you summed it up better than I ever could. Thank you, CHEERS
IMO one of the point of h2h combat training is not just to teach a fight skill, but also to build up ability to focus aggression during combat.
Kinda like bayonet drill, where the command is ‘kill‘, which really serves no purpose, other than training troops to be aggressive when the time to beat the crap out of the opposition comes.

Hmmm... I think I may have just stepped across the PC zone. Oops. :D
I have an army hand to hand combat guide in pdf format... if anyone can find a server i will upload it. its 613 kb.
Bruce tell me, whats awful about this thread, and if its so awful DONT post in it!!!
CDN Blackhawk, when talking to a member of the community with previous military experience, I recommend you watch your tone.

So far you have 50 posts and all you‘ve done is make alot of noise, despite my repeated requests that you put the radio on recieve for a bit. I suggest you lay off the send button lest you find your self removed from the net.
Infanteer, please tell me how i have made alot of noise by asking a legitmant question about a hand to hand course.

2ndly I dont recall any requests by you.
Is this not a public forum, or is their certain rules i have missed about posting about certain topics, I dont think i have crossed any lines here have i, I simply said, If you think its an awful thread dont post in it. I dont see whats wrong with that.

So i dont see where you are comming from here by saying all have made was alot of Noise, I think i have contributed to a good number of threads thus far in a positive way.

Not here looking for an argument, so send me a PM please and tell me what you mean!
2ndly I dont recall any requests by you.
Your right, I confused you with our last IED on this board. So, I‘ll give you the same advice as I gave the last guy:
You can‘t receive a message on the radio if your constantly hitting the transmit button....

Is this not a public forum, or is their certain rules i have missed about posting about certain topics, I dont think i have crossed any lines here have i, I simply said, If you think its an awful thread dont post in it. I dont see whats wrong with that.

So i dont see where you are comming from here by saying all have made was alot of Noise, I think i have contributed to a good number of threads thus far in a positive way.
This forum has developed a bit of a community of military professionals that like to come here to swap shop with each other. For some reason, every couple of weeks someone new signs up here and proceeds to hammer every available forum with either dumb questions that have been answered a million times or inane posts that in no way contribute to the conversation, forcing the regulars to sift through it all once again. It is like some strange drunk showing up and crashing your family dinner.

Sure, the board is open to the public, but notice it is called "CDNarmy.ca" and not "LeftBasicTrainingACoupleYearsAgoAndNowGoingBack.ca". We encourage civilians and potential recruits to come here. However, we also like it when they lurk for a bit, put the weapons on safe, and get a lay of the land before charging into every forum of the board.
Getting back to the subject at hand.....

I am currently taking Jiu Jitsu and let me tell all you types out there that think Tae Kwon do is the be all end all martial art.

After 4 months of taking classes 3 times a week lasting 2 hours on average I had a chance of taking on a guy who was a supposed black belt outside of a bar....

I was on him so fast and inside his space he didn‘t have a chance. After slaming him to the ground and snapping a joint he gave up in a hurry...especially when I went for the strangle, eyes rolling in his sockets.

Fighting usually gets to the ground REAL fast. All the swinging limbs in Tae Kwon Do do is give up a lever to break, thustly taking it to the ground where the real damage happens.

It can also be done in FFO, albeit to a greater restraint on your range of motion. See a limb, break it. Find the eyes, gouge them. Throats open, hit it. Got a free hand, claw, hit, gouge, pressure points etc...

I took Shitu Ryu for a number of years when I was younger...not really good in a bar fight. When the fight went to the ground, it took much longer for me to actually get the job done and sort him out. Now it‘s a different story...

As for the latest guy, after his arm was flopping...I called an ambulance and the cops, expecting jail for sure. Because I did the right thing and only defended myself with restraint did I avoid time behind bars so the cops let me go.

Saw the guy a week later with his arm in a sling, he appologised for being drunk and stupid...while his wife smacked him upside the head. I later found out he is a VIOLENT alcoholic, and has carried a knife most times when he goes out to the bars...so I‘m kinda glad I made it go as far as I did, or I could‘ve been in a world of hurt. ;)

It can also be done in FFO, albeit to a greater restraint on your range of motion. See a limb, break it. Find the eyes, gouge them. Throats open, hit it. Got a free hand, claw, hit, gouge, pressure points etc...
Hooah, thats the stuff I like to hear....