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CIC branch buttons for army CIC officers ... what do you think?

Do you think that army CIC officers should have their own branch brass buttons for their uniforms in

  • Yes - Oui

    Votes: 28 59.6%
  • No - Non

    Votes: 19 40.4%

  • Total voters
I wish i got to do the fit test that all Reg and Pres get to do at CFRC.  I'd be interested to see how well i do.

PViddy said:
The reason the Army branch wear the CIC accoutrements is because it is tradition (maybe where you got confused) that they wear the same cap insignia as there affiliated units.   The CIC badges help distinguish them from the that unit.   Air and Sea wear CIC cap insignia (rather than an affiliated units), therefore it is not necessary for Air and Sea to wear CIC on epaulettes, collar brass etc. as Reg. and Pres will be able to identify us by that cap insignia.   I am not Army so you Army CIC ladies and gents pound on me if i am wrong :salute:


Army CIC Officer ARE NOT authorized to wear the cap badge of their affiliated units.  Some do it but it's wrong.  A CIC Officer should only wer the insignias of his Branch.

Navy and Air CIC Officer don't wear any other CIC Branch insignias because collar badges and shoulder titles are traditionally not worn on the Navy and Air Force DEU.
No CIC officer is authorized to wear any thing from their affiliated unit. the only thing the same is the uniform.I even got flack wearing a EME shirt at PT once but that was just an DS being an idiot.
Thank you gentleman.  I am an absorbant Ocdt. knowledge sponge!  :salute:

HollywoodHitman said:
How would buttons or insignia do anything but signify membership in an organisation or Regiment that they are not a part of?

But they ARE a part of the Regiment, just like the ladies' auxiliary and the Honourary Colonel.  The latter wears a uniform - wanna tell him he doesn't have a right to it because he's not an infantry officer?

Tell the Quartermaster and the Transport Officer that they shouldn't be in regimental kit as well, while you're at it...

Let's not confuse "battalion" with "regiment"
Sorry but I wear the cap badge the shoulder titles now please explain how wearing the buttons are going to make any difference how good of a CIC officer I am. now I break a button I go to supply and get a new one if we go to the CIC buttons thats a private purchase and will cost x$$$$ at the kit shop. sorry I don't make any money doing the cadet thing so will some one stop spending it for me.

I can understand you obvious pride in your previous service and you Regiment and you desire to continue to wear the insignias of that unit during your « second CIC career ».

Bt the majority of CIC officer's don't have this kind of career and will for the most part only be members of the CIC Branch. Maybe it's because I'm teaching at the RCIS but I tend to see our Branch in a more « purplish » hue, but if I put side by side a Navy, Army and air CIC officer, why should the Army guy be wearing a R22R, Engineer or Medical cap badge ?  He has the same role, the same training has the two other guys.  Except for the colour of the uniform, they do exactly the same thing.  

Some people might feel (I'm not saying that your opinion) that they will lessen the stigma of being a CIC officer if they wear the badge of their affiliated unit.  I think the message it send is that our Branch is so worthless we should hide....  I am proud of my Branch and I accept all the gods an bad thing that go with it.  Being part of (and proud of) a Regimental family doest exclude also being proud on one's particular Branch and displaying that pride.
Squadron CO said:

I can understand you obvious pride in your previous service and you Regiment and you desire to continue to wear the insignias of that unit during your « second CIC career ».

Bt the majority of CIC officer's don't have this kind of career and will for the most part only be members of the CIC Branch. Maybe it's because I'm teaching at the RCIS but I tend to see our Branch in a more « purplish » hue, but if I put side by side a Navy, Army and air CIC officer, why should the Army guy be wearing a R22R, Engineer or Medical cap badge ?  He has the same role, the same training has the two other guys.  Except for the colour of the uniform, they do exactly the same thing.  

Some people might feel (I'm not saying that your opinion) that they will lessen the stigma of being a CIC officer if they wear the badge of their affiliated unit.  I think the message it send is that our Branch is so worthless we should hide....  I am proud of my Branch and I accept all the gods an bad thing that go with it.  Being part of (and proud of) a Regimental family doest exclude also being proud on one's particular Branch and displaying that pride.

I just wanted to say that these are inspiring words sir. CIC officers should be proud of what we do because I believe that our job is probably one of the most important in the CF because : a) we are able to shape the lives and help teenagers for the better, b) in smaller areas the CIC officers has to represent the good manners of the CF as a whole, and c) even though it is not our primary duty, we can help the beginnings of a CF career for many young women and men.

Good day! 
Pviddy  if you read my last post i stated that the collar dogs and shoulder titles are not worn by sea and air because it is an army tradition.  that is what i said.  and all CIC will have to go through the express test.  Yes the express test, they have to meet the PT requirments for the CF.  that is a new rule being implimented this year.  CIC will also have a MOC change right now it is 92A 92B 92C.  they will now have an acctuall MOC so when ppl come to write the CF apptitude test, CIC will come up on the list of jobs available.
PViddy, are you saying your officers wear your affliated units cap badge?  or head dress
H.A.S. just a couple minor corrections, the curent MOC's are 91A, 92A, 93A, but as I understand it you are correct that a new single MOC/MOS for CIC officers is the plan.  As for the Express test and CFAT being a new rule, I think its an old rule re-visitied.  I know when I went from PRes to CIC they had me re-do the CFAT and the full medical like any other officer and that was a good number of years ago.  I'm not sure if that's an issue from one CFRC to another but I think its the right way to go.  I've seen far too many of our fellow officers who can't carry their ruck from a support vehicle to their hooch, let a lone run somewhere, and I think its a bit of a disgrace quite frankly. 

Now on the topic of the buttons, I can't see them making a big enough difference to making a CIC officer feel more part of thier branch than they already do.  I think the general service button is more appropriate to represent our connection the larger CF.  There is always the financial aspect as many have pointed out, but generally, it doesn't seem practicle.  You have to get pretty close to see what the button has on it, and if its a CIC branch button or the gernal service button probably won't be noticed by the majority of those around you if the two are the same colour.  I don't think I've ever looked at an officers buttons other than on an inspection at RCIS.
PViddy, are you saying your officers wear your affliated units cap badge?  or head dress

Negative.  I am an Air type.  My only unit is the CIC, wearing authorized acoutrements accordingly.  Our affiliated unit (if we had one) would be a highland infantry regiment that owns the armoury etc. that we parade out of.

I've seen far too many of our fellow officers who can't carry their ruck from a support vehicle to their hooch, let a lone run somewhere, and I think its a bit of a disgrace quite frankly. 

here here!


I think that CIC branch buttons for us army CIC officers is a great idea.  Every army unit in the CF, both RegF and PRes, that I have seen have their own regimental buttons, so why not us?  Are we not as proud to be members of the CIC, as others are proud to members of their units?  Are we not good enough, or important enough to have accoutrements the same as our counterparts in the RegF and PRes?

I think by not having our own branch buttons, and displaying the same pride in our chosen branch, that we are purpetuating the myth that we are a sub-standard unit, and therefore sub-standard officers as compared to everyone else.  I say that we should have our branch buttons approved and wear them with pride.
Thank you Captain for your support.

In about two months, the Eastern Region's CIC Officer Circle will have a meeting of its members, and I will try to see if I can not make the proposition. However, I will propose that these buttons will be an opinional item for Army CIC officers that really want them. I could be wrong, however from some comments that I've heard, it would seem that regimental buttons are usually bought by the regiment's members, and therefore I would think that that would be the same for the CIC. Therefore, to keep harmony with people that are not too interested in having CIC "plastered" all over their uniform, or for those who could not afford them at the moment (seeing that many CIC officers are in school), I think that having this as an opinional item will be the best proposition.

However, if anyone out there could confirm that regimental buttons have to be bought at a kit shop, I would appreciate that (or I will just have to go to ASU Longue-Pointe's tailor to find out)!

Have a nice day!   :)
All non issue regimental accoutrement's are to be payed for out of non public funds( IE out of your pocket or the mess canteen funds, not government money) and if buttons are brought in it will be all wear or none the military does not go for if you want to wear them go ahead if you don't thats ok to.
my72jeep said:
All non issue regimental accoutrement's are to be payed for out of non public funds( IE out of your pocket or the mess canteen funds, not government money) and if buttons are brought in it will be all wear or none the military does not go for if you want to wear them go ahead if you don't thats ok to.

I don't know if that's the way of the world with the CIC, but in the Reserves, troops are encouraged to buy their branch buttons (Log/EME) but they don't have to.  It is common to see the issue LFC buttons and the Branch button on different people.
I've heard some braches (specifically Log) are hard to acquire buttons for.  A friend of mine is a cadet Log RSM (with CF DEUs) she just got her log buttons for it recently (and has had the DEUs for sometime now).
Zedic_1913 said:
I've heard some braches (specifically Log) are hard to acquire buttons for.   A friend of mine is a cadet Log RSM (with CF DEUs) she just got her log buttons for it recently (and has had the DEUs for sometime now).

Log buttons aren't that hard to get.  If you're not close to a base, try the Log Branch kitshop.  http://www.forces.gc.ca/admmat/logbranch/Kitshop/kitsh_e.asp
I had to go by Longue-Pointe today, and I did ask the question to a Corporal at the supply store. He did tell me that regimental buttons have to be bought with non-public funds. Therefore, when I will make my proposition, I will ask that it is not an obligation to get them. It would not be fair for Army CIC officers to have to buy kit that Navy or Air Force CIC officer do not need. And seeing that we are only paid 23 days a years for 150 days of work, well it could not be obligied on people too.

Good day!
Eowyn said:
I don't know if that's the way of the world with the CIC, but in the Reserves, troops are encouraged to buy their branch buttons (Log/EME) but they don't have to.   It is common to see the issue LFC buttons and the Branch button on different people.

Read the CF dress regs it states what I just said I've had this argument when we went to the cloth and brass shoulder titles and they told me to wear them and tyred to make me pay for them. same thing as with the cannex wind breakers its a cash item and no one can order you to buy and wear them.