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Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

apart from politics, another aspect of the Chinese infiltration is in the entire green movement. The efforts of the Trudeau govt. to go green has resulted in increased fuel costs, increased electrical costs, and increased manufacturing costs plus, plus, plus. The main beneficiary of all of this is not the environment but China. Corporations have moved their facilities off-shore with many locating in China. China produces most of the exotic metals required for green. China has purchased both minority holdings and outright control of the mining companies here in Canada that are involved in same. Meantime, they have done little to clean up their own act and, in fact, are doubling down on coal-fired facilities. Off-shore cash has gone to numerous NGOs that are involved in blocking pipelines, and opening up our own natural resources. Bets at least some of that cash emanates from China oriented companies. And we aren't the only ones. BMW announced that their electric mini production is leaving England for China; citing electric costs. Useful idiots all.
Weren't there some accusations a while back that Nortel got ripped off by Chinese agents who were accused of stealing a bunch of technical information and shit (and deported). A couple of years later Huawei pops up out of nowhere as a telecom powerhouse with a lot of material that looked like it came from Nortel?

Weren't there some accusations a while back that Nortel got ripped off by Chinese agents who were accused of stealing a bunch of technical information and shit (and deported). A couple of years later Huawei pops up out of nowhere as a telecom powerhouse with a lot of material that looked like it came from Nortel?
Good memory. Don't know enough tech stuff to confirm the last bit, but the first bit has a fair bit out there ....
Weren't there some accusations a while back that Nortel got ripped off by Chinese agents who were accused of stealing a bunch of technical information and shit (and deported). A couple of years later Huawei pops up out of nowhere as a telecom powerhouse with a lot of material that looked like it came from Nortel?

Long before the warnings about Chinese industrial espionage, Bell Northern Research (BNR as it was then) was the target of spying by several actors, including one NATO ally - the parent of Société Alsacienne de Constructions Atomiques, de Télécommunications et d'Électronique.
Weren't there some accusations a while back that Nortel got ripped off by Chinese agents who were accused of stealing a bunch of technical information and shit (and deported). A couple of years later Huawei pops up out of nowhere as a telecom powerhouse with a lot of material that looked like it came from Nortel?

My recollection is that Nortel was basically destroyed by the Chinese.
My recollection is that Nortel was basically destroyed by the Chinese.
Nortel and JDS also outsourced manufacturing to "partners" in China, which resulted in knowledge transfer, and third parties related to the partners opening lines, producing identical white box products for a fraction of the cost, as they had no R&D costs.

The MBA mentality did much to crush those companies; outsourcing manufacturing of your most important product lines saved money upfront, but was a major contributor to the destruction of the companies.
Weren't there some accusations a while back that Nortel got ripped off by Chinese agents who were accused of stealing a bunch of technical information and shit (and deported). A couple of years later Huawei pops up out of nowhere as a telecom powerhouse with a lot of material that looked like it came from Nortel?

Sam Cooper from August 2020.

The Chinese government is not our friend. The vast majority of Canadians get this. The Liberals, somehow, don’t.

Sam Cooper from August 2020.

The Chinese government is not our friend. The vast majority of Canadians get this. The Liberals, somehow, don’t.

Kind of reminds me of the movie “Independence Day” in which the bad guy aliens go from planet to planet sucking up all the resources and leaving dead planets behind in their wake.
And yet we still let Huawei set up shop? And we're giving companies until June 2024 to stop using their shit? Wild.
apart from politics, another aspect of the Chinese infiltration is in the entire green movement. The efforts of the Trudeau govt. to go green has resulted in increased fuel costs, increased electrical costs, and increased manufacturing costs plus, plus, plus. The main beneficiary of all of this is not the environment but China. Corporations have moved their facilities off-shore with many locating in China. China produces most of the exotic metals required for green. China has purchased both minority holdings and outright control of the mining companies here in Canada that are involved in same. Meantime, they have done little to clean up their own act and, in fact, are doubling down on coal-fired facilities. Off-shore cash has gone to numerous NGOs that are involved in blocking pipelines, and opening up our own natural resources. Bets at least some of that cash emanates from China oriented companies. And we aren't the only ones. BMW announced that their electric mini production is leaving England for China; citing electric costs. Useful idiots all.

The Green Movement reduces the market for coal, oil and gas. Reduce the market and the value drops. If you are the only buyer for coal this is to your advantage. Your input costs for producing Green Technology (and every other form of Goods) decreases. Couple cheap energy with cheap labour and you have a hard to beat supplier.
Long before the warnings about Chinese industrial espionage, Bell Northern Research (BNR as it was then) was the target of spying by several actors, including one NATO ally - the parent of Société Alsacienne de Constructions Atomiques, de Télécommunications et d'Électronique.

Back to that time line issue

After 43 Years, France to Rejoin NATO as Full Member​

By Edward Cody
Washington Post Foreign Service
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Did a Chinese Hack Kill Canada’s Greatest Tech Company?​

Nortel was once a world leader in wireless technology. Then came a hack and the rise of Huawei.
Natalie Obiko Pearson
July 1, 2020 at 2:00 AM MDT

The documents began arriving in China at 8:48 a.m. on a Saturday in April 2004.

Technically, in 2004, "the parent of Société Alsacienne de Constructions Atomiques, de Télécommunications et d'Électronique" was, arguably, not a NATO ally. Or at best a dubious one pursuing an independent foreign, and industrial policy.
Which brings up another point - Research In Motion RIM Blackberry - concurrency with these events.

Edit to add - Example of France's independent policies in action in the non-NATO era.

It is long past time that we realized that China has de facto declared war on the west. At the moment it is primarily economic and social in nature but it is never-the-less war. They have infiltrated our government as is evident from the news, taken control of our resources and stolen our property. (as above) There really isn't much difference in their behaviour and that of the scottish border raiders centuries ago. One stole cattle and burnt farms the other stole intellectual properties and financially burnt businesses. My vote will go to the first party that verbally acknowledges this fact and vows to do something about it.
Weren't there some accusations a while back that Nortel got ripped off by Chinese agents who were accused of stealing a bunch of technical information and shit (and deported). A couple of years later Huawei pops up out of nowhere as a telecom powerhouse with a lot of material that looked like it came from Nortel?

I've heard the Nortel plant/factory in Kingston was full of bugs.
Emperor Palatine? May the Force be against him.

I recall some of the many blunders McCallum made as Minister of Defence 3 decades ago. For example, he had never even heard of the Dieppe Raid. Imagine the head of MND saying that. Or how he confused the Battle of Vimy Ridge in WW1 with the Vichy French regime of WW2. I’ll bet you he knows more about the history of the Long March by the Chinese communists than he does about what our fathers and grandfathers did in the WW2 and Korea.
He visit PRO during Op Toucan. He was a drunken bum that everyone hated by the time he left.