apart from politics, another aspect of the Chinese infiltration is in the entire green movement. The efforts of the Trudeau govt. to go green has resulted in increased fuel costs, increased electrical costs, and increased manufacturing costs plus, plus, plus. The main beneficiary of all of this is not the environment but China. Corporations have moved their facilities off-shore with many locating in China. China produces most of the exotic metals required for green. China has purchased both minority holdings and outright control of the mining companies here in Canada that are involved in same. Meantime, they have done little to clean up their own act and, in fact, are doubling down on coal-fired facilities. Off-shore cash has gone to numerous NGOs that are involved in blocking pipelines, and opening up our own natural resources. Bets at least some of that cash emanates from China oriented companies. And we aren't the only ones. BMW announced that their electric mini production is leaving England for China; citing electric costs. Useful idiots all.