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CF moving to Multicam?

George Wallace said:
Well....If having Work Dress pants and boots bloused doesn't look military, I don't know what would.  I guess you will win the argument though, as there seems to be a shortage of boots.  >:D

Work dress looked like a bus driver or possibly a gas station attendant.  With addition of the ascot, I'm at a loss for words for a description...
dapaterson said:
Work dress looked like a bus driver or possibly a gas station attendant.  With addition of the ascot, I'm at a loss for words for a description...

I was living on a Radar Base in Saskatchewan when Work Dress came out.  Airmen never had Cbt Boots, so ankle boots were the order of the day.  With the initial issue, there was also a ball cap.  In those days, they didn't look much like bus drivers to me, although that is what they later became known as; but more like the local farmers out in the wheat fields.  They fit right in at the local Seed Mills and Grain Elevators. 

Perhaps we should bring back the pants, bloused of course, and Red T-shirts with unit crests on the Left Breast.  Commanders would wear orange T-shirts, Engineers wear yellow, Medical wear green......etc.  With the trend to go "retro" lately, this would take us back to the '60's and fit right in.....and should last us until Star Date 2050.
I was posted to my first regiment in 1980.  We had a routine on Fridays of parade, maintenance morning, sports afternoon, refreshments at the Jolly Miller.  Only one parade a month was in "greens", the other three were in varying orders of dress, combat and work dress. These were very much formal parades, 0700 weapons draw, fall in in front of the barracks, markers called, march on your markers, the lot. Daily dress was combat with regimental tee shirt underneath.  This was 37 years ago, but then us 1 CBG guys were always non conformists.
dapaterson said:
Work dress looked like a bus driver or possibly a gas station attendant.  With addition of the ascot, I'm at a loss for words for a description...
Google can help you with that:
I dunno.. the first google image when I type "CF work dress ascot" is below; given the odd headdress I'm thinking it must be some Reserve highland regiment...

Hmmmm?  dapaterson's version of "CF work dress ascot" does look like a promising proposal, for non-male members who identify with this gender (Being non-gender specific in this discussion.).    :warstory:
daftandbarmy said:
I must admit that I think it's stupid (and somewhat disrespectful) to parade the colours in combat/Cadpat gear. Unless you're in a theatre of operations I guess.

I assume that it's a bad habit we've acquired from Uncle Sam. Good thing we don't have helmet liners anymore or I assume we'd be polishing those too, instead of our boots and the rocks :)

Agreed.  But if you compare the two above photos, you will notice (if you look closely) that, in the Brit parade, the colour party is in No. 1 dress (i.e. blues) so they make more than an effort to "respect the colours".  The Canadian colour party, on the other hand . . . I suppose we should be grateful that the boots are, at least, blackened.
Eye In The Sky said:
It might be out officially now;  RCAF pers will be allowed to wear sqn patches, skill/qual badges, etc on their CADPAT now.

Looks like it must be official...https://www.facebook.com/ALCOMANR/posts/1456958294324788
Looks absolutely ridiculous.

This whole fascination with velcro (whoops, I mean hook and loop) is mind boggling. Buttons are much more quiet and they rarely open up when you brush against something, velcro on the other hand...
Flavus101 said:
Looks absolutely ridiculous.

Hoping you include all the C Army patches and stuff that are getting thrown on CADPAT too.  Its not just the RCAF...but, I wish we weren't following suit.

I will hold onto my non Velcro sleeve CADPAT for as long as I can.  Maybe even longer!
Flavus101 said:
Looks absolutely ridiculous.

This whole fascination with velcro (whoops, I mean hook and loop) is mind boggling. Buttons are much more quiet and they rarely open up when you brush against something, velcro on the other hand...

Tsk.. you should know that all it takes is some Special Forces training:

daftandbarmy said:
Tsk.. you should know that all it takes is some Special Forces training:

Don't knock it it actually does work. I mean did you hear the Velcro  , I  didn't .
Eye In The Sky said:
Looks like it must be official...https://www.facebook.com/ALCOMANR/posts/1456958294324788

So one can have full-colour (no "at least 50% green" or similar restrictions) patches on CADPAT, but not on flight suits. 

Also, CWO Scarcella (on the right) must be making some sort of quiet revolt statement by continuing to wear the old-style faded CADPAT  >:D
Dimsum said:
So one can have full-colour (no "at least 50% green" or similar restrictions) patches on CADPAT, but not on flight suits. 

Also, CWO Scarcella (on the right) must be making some sort of quiet revolt statement by continuing to wear the old-style faded CADPAT  >:D

Isn't the 1 CAD motto *"Fac, ut ego dico, non ut faciam tibi"?

Maybe "they didn't have any of his size"...that's what I get told when I need to exchange my operational dress the last few months.  >:D

*according to Google translate, that is Latin for "do as I say, not as I do"  ^-^
Eye In The Sky said:
Hoping you include all the C Army patches and stuff that are getting thrown on CADPAT too.  Its not just the RCAF...but, I wish we weren't following suit.

I will hold onto my non Velcro sleeve CADPAT for as long as I can.  Maybe even longer!

Absolutely I include those as well.

Same here, I like the old style pants better too...
FSTO said:
So its an army and RCAF thing. I think it's wrong and I hate seeing the Navy being sucked down into this slovenly attitude, but if people are making it up as they go along, I guess our next parade we'll do white gaiters for the sailors and black leather gaiters and brown gloves for the officers.

To quote my parents, "Would you jump off a bridge because everyone else is doing it?"

They've jumped off of the bridge in North Korea, too - even adding helmets with flipped-up NVGs to massed goose-steppers in Kim Fat-Boy's parade yesterday.
Loachman said:
They've jumped off of the bridge in North Korea, too - even adding helmets with flipped-up NVGs to massed goose-steppers in Kim Fat-Boy's parade yesterday.

So you want to emulate North Korea? Have at er. I guess.
Where, dear boy, did I profess any emulative desire?

I was merely providing an indicator of a possible global military fashion tsunami.

But it would amuse me greatly to see fighter pilots parade like those* at 3:17 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKgf6_Mn7V4. Ours could add oxygen masks and G-suits as proof of their superiority.

* And no, I've not fallen for the propaganda. None of those guys have ever touched an aeroplane.
Loachman said:
Where, dear boy, did I profess any emulative desire?

I was merely providing an indicator of a possible global military fashion tsunami.

But it would amuse me greatly to see fighter pilots parade like those* at 3:17 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKgf6_Mn7V4. Ours could add oxygen masks and G-suits as proof of their superiority.

* And no, I've not fallen for the propaganda. None of those guys have ever touched an aeroplane.

Or a ship, or a tank that has seen a dirt road!
Well one thing I have to give the Chinese is that their NCO's will never to have worry about sizing their platoons!
