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CF Hair Regulations - superthread [MERGED]

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copecowboy said:
Get your head compleatly shaved before you go if you wish, since I first asked this question Ive completed basic in april, they shave everyones head the first week, afterwards you can have it longer on the top as long as you meet the standards. :salute:
You completed basic in April, and your profile has Cpl for your rank...... ::)
Jesus H !! It's a frikkin' haircut! Why all the crap and indecision? If you have this much trouble with personal grooming, how do you ever expect to make any kind of life altering choice on the spur of the moment! Get a fucking grip lads. Wait til you get there, go to the barber and get the same as everyone else. You'll have the rest of basic to dream up your Dee Snider hair style for after. Sheesh!! >:(

And I've just about had enough of all your schoolyard, one uppmanship crap. From all of you (except Tom and Gramps ;) )

At least the short hair or bald option makes it easier to pull your head out of your asses.
BeadWindow said:
how do you guys get bad sunburns on your heads? We werent allowed to be outside without a headress....My burn was face and nack....

pt....that and the beret doesn't cover all shaved areas.

casus belli said:
you can't bic your head unless you have a medical reason to do so.

If our hair is alreay bic when we arrive at course, can we bic our hair all the course long ?
Caesar said:
WRONG! If you shave your head, and you get sunburned, you can be charged. If you are not used to shaving your head, you will most likely burn quite badly. You will likely blister, and it will hurt like the dickens. Once this happens, expect a charge (self-inflicted wound), especially if it restricts your training. Nice little welcome to the Army, huh?

The simple advice on hair has already been given, and I still abide by it:

#2 on the top, #1 on the sides.

copecowboy - I don't know where you get your info, or what your experience is (empty profile..hint, hint), but your right the f' out of 'er.

They will shave your head at st jean first week, You wont get charged for sunburn unless it keeps you from doing your job(as you pointed out) I probably shouldnt be arguing with you but through my 3 month experience there every platoon has been getting thier heads shaved first week, and before farnham, maybe once summer dress started things change I don't know.
in basic training, do they actually shave your head totally, and no facial hair allowed?

For reg force basic, your have your head shaved on a 1, an you have to be clean shaven(unless you have a medical chit, an I think you can have a moustache during basic). For reserve depends on the course staff if they want to have everyone have a shaved head or high an tight, or just let people have whatever they want, aslong as its short.
as long as they leave enough hair on the top of my head to prevent sunburn, I'll be happy
There is no need to worry about getting a sunburn. Your beret will do a nice job of keeping the top half of your head nice and pasty white while the rest of your head slowly turns bright red. It's a look all the ladies love! ;D
koss I can't tell by your profile if you are male or female. You call this a 'hairdo' which leads me to believe you might be female. The answer for femalies is: they don't shave your head. There are regs to do with how a woman's hair can be worn.

While at basic training, a female LS showed us how to wear our hair if it was passed the collar.
During my reserve BMQ, we had to cut our hair and we were allowed the choice between 1 and 2. and we had to be clean shaven at all times.
The number refers to the closeness of the razor. 0 being almost totally bald, #1 being like a half cm more, and so on and so forth.
I get a #2 done on a regular basis, I think the military(for guys) will go closer than this... I hope so in my case, because my hair grows super fast and I'll spend most of my time getting it cut!
I would suggest to anyone here that will be attending BMQ in the future, wait until you get there. While your instructors expect you to be properly groomed, they don't expect you to show up, on your first day, conforming to a standard that they have yet to set. They will explain and teach you what they need you to know and how they want it.

I suggest that people who have done their BMQ to be judicious with your advice. Not all courses or instructors are the same. Try and remember your first day, don't ruin the suprise. ;)

I will finally suggest, for the umpteenth time, to people who have yet to personally experience BMQ or it's equivalents, please refrain from dispensing advice, on this site, that you are not qualified to give.
I remember being told not to shave your own head... but our MCpl said you can do it just don't tell anyone.
Mike L,

They don't want you to cut each others hair because most people don't know how and they end up making a mess of it. If the guy doing is competent and knows what he's doing, there's not a problem. It's done on deployment, etc. all the time. A 1 or 2 all over is not normally a problem, that's easy to do, it's the taper at the back of the neck where guys go wrong and end up looking like they had a fight with a weed eater.

Same thing for shaving your head, do it yourself, we all do. Just make sure you get it all.
(Supersedes A-AD-265-000/AG-001 dated 1995-09-26)

OPI: DHH 3-2
BPR : DHP 3-2 2001-06-15

Page 2-2-4

b. Women (see Figure 2-2-3). Hair shall not extend below the lower edge of the shirt collar (see below.) Exaggerated styles, including those with excessive fullness or extreme height, are not authorized. Braids, if worn, shall be styled conservatively and tied tightly: secured at the end by a knot or a small unadorned fastener. A single braid shall be worn in the centre of the back. Double braids shall be worn behind the shoulders. Hair shall be a maximum length when gathered behind the head and braided which does not extend below the top of the armpit. With the permission of a Commanding Officer, a 60-day transition period may be granted a member to grow her hair longer for re-styling, during which time hair may extend below the lower edge of the shirt collar; all the while maintaining a positive military appearance, and subject to the member's safety.
NavComm said:
basic is not the same as the rest of the CF. Basic training is basic training. Things are not always as they are everywhere else.

That is correct. On my basic, we females were not permitted to wear our hair in anything other then a tight bun except for the field or on the obstacle course. Guys also had to keep their hair shorter then what the regulations would allow for, it seems to be that way for courses in general.

When in doubt, follow what the instructors tell ya. You can't go wrong with that!

For more on hair: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/22553.0.html