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CF Hair Regulations - superthread [MERGED]

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Show up for BMQ in my unit, and you will be off for a fresh hair cut pretty quick should you be sporting one of those.

All is not lost though. Small sacrifice on the hair can pay dividends in the long run. 18 years now, and I am still having fun! Yes, it is also brutally hard work at times, especially on deployments... But it is very rewarding!
You've been going on about this hair thing since January of last year.

Maybe it's time for you to grow some stones and stop using "whaa i've been bullied" as an excuse. I'm sure your self-esteem could use some time off.
if you don't want to conform to CF hair policy....don't bother. (OMFG I wish I could lock this one).
CDN Aviator said:
You've been going on about this hair thing since January of last year.

Maybe it's time for you to grow some stones and stop using "whaa i've been bullied" as an excuse. I'm sure your self-esteem could use some time off.

Yeah I wish it was that easy. Unfortunately, it's happened to me, and it don't feel too good.

Anyways, how about this one. Underneath it says that it's 2 inch on top and 1/2 inch on sides. Would this be okay?

It's hair.

A very old, very wise man, whom I respect very much, once told me "The most important thing you can ever do in your life is loose your vanity".

If you're that concerned about having hair that looks like a male model, the military is not for you, consider male modelling.

(Fun side note, somthing about being told to get a hair cut by a man who's got a comb-over a foot long never felt right...)
MrCanada said:
Yeah I wish it was that easy. Unfortunately, it's happened to me, and it don't feel too good.

Anyways, how about this one. Underneath it says that it's 2 inch on top and 1/2 inch on sides. Would this be okay?


The answer is that no one on this board can tell you what your instructors will or won't allow. On my BMQ, we all got shaved (except the 2 females). If you get to BMQ, and try to tell them that some random guy on a message board said you won't get your hair shaved off, and your Pl WO decides you will.. Guess who wins? In the army, you will undergo a lot more stress than what some bullies caused you, so if that is this big of a deal for you, you are not cut out for service.
MrCanada said:
Yeah I wish it was that easy. Unfortunately, it's happened to me, and it don't feel too good.

The Taliban (or whoever) isnt going to give a rat's a$$ about your self-esteem. Better learn to get over it. You're not the only one with acne and/or oddly shaped head. Get over yourself.

Anyways, how about this one. Underneath it says that it's 2 inch on top and 1/2 inch on sides. Would this be okay?


If you actually read the CF Dress Instructions, you would have seen a picture or two showing what the minimum standard is. 

MrCanada said:
Hi guys, I'm thinking about joining the reserves and have a question about hair. My hair right now is down to my shoulders, and I have no problem getting it cut, but I'm just a bit confused about how short it has to be. I have acne (not a bit, but a lot) on my face and all over my head, and I have some scarring too, and longer hair helps to draw attention away from it, whereas shorter hair seems to magnify it. I hate the idea of short hair ruining my self esteem, because I have been bullied for my acne/big ears before, but I still want to join the army. I've seen army haircuts before and the short length just looks scary.

My wife has acne scars on her face. Her hair can't cover them. Get over it.
You're not allowed to have any kind of hairstyle on basic. Like it was said before, you get to choose number 1, or number two. With all your obsession with hair, I'd think being a hairstylist would be a better plan than the military.

This is what you can choose for hair cuts on basic:
MrCanada said:
Yeah I wish it was that easy. Unfortunately, it's happened to me, and it don't feel too good.

Anyways, how about this one. Underneath it says that it's 2 inch on top and 1/2 inch on sides. Would this be okay?


Think more along the lines of a cue-ball with that guy's facial hair on top and sides instead.

So, if you "have no problem getting it cut" why are we wasting band width on this? Just join already and take what you get!  BTW did you ever consider that if your head got more air your acne might not be as bad?
OK ok...now that I have stopped laughing at some of the haircuts you are getting us to look at...

Try this site for an idea of haircuts in the CF.  Even some of those might be alittle outside the book reg's, but you'll get the point.

Also, you could try here for more pictures.

Googling "celebrity guys with bad sic hair" won't produce the results you are looking for.


Knock it off now.
You have wasted enough time and Kb on this issue. You're no more special than anyone else, and nobody really cares at this point. By continuong to post "How about this one" simply shows how much effort you are willing to go through to circumvent the system. If you ever make it to a BMQ this attutude will only serve to single you for mocking and ridicule by your peers and thus crushing whatever is left of your so called self esteem.
In other words...Smarten up FFS.

As someone who had the shit harassed out of her while growing up by other kids, I know where you are coming from regarding the long-lasting impact that can be caused on the psychological front. I was the little red-headed girl with all the freckles and buck teeth. I still have self-esteem issues today because of some of the bullshit that I had to endure as a kid. BUT, I made out OK. Kids are f`n cruel.

No worries on the haircut front, and I realize the apprehension that what others would regard as `such a simple thing`causes for those who have real reasons to fear `putting themselves out there for another round of BS and harassment`from idiots regarding physical looks that we have no control over. That being said, realize that as a CF member, you`d actually have a step up on the f`n idiots whom you fear would make the comments etc again ... they`d be in uniform and we don`t put up with bullshit such as this. If you find that you are subject to such denigration by your peers or supervisors once the hair is cut and they do not cease when you ask them to ... send me a PM and I`ll advise you further.

From someone who understands the tightness you get in your chest and the apprehension that comes with it just having to think about putting yourself in a position for someone to notice your physical issues again. 25 years after I graduated from high-school, I still get that tightness and apprehension - and seek for ways to avoid certain situations -  dependant upon the situation all thanks to a bunch of asshole bully-kids (and those who just sat back and just watched it happen) from my school years. My friends from that time are extremely few - I can count them on three fingers - and there`s good reason for that. But, don`t let these fuckers hold you down another single minute. At the end of the day, you are better than them.
From my own experience with having bad acne is this . You notice it more then others . Dont be ashamed of it , most people in one point in their life had acne problems . Love your self and be confident with who you are.
My advice as someone who has taught on a few courses: shave your head. You only get one chance to make a first impression. A shaved head gives the impression that you understand you have to go by someone else s rules now, you have a positive and eager attitude towards being successful in your course, and you are willing to be part of the team.Imagine showing up on day one with an earing, long hair and an attitude, How do you think that is going to go over in the long run?

You will soon find that in a military unit, everyone has there part to play. Some people can run for a week without stopping, some are very intelligent and know just about everything, some are very funny and keep morale high, some are built like brick ##$houses and can do the physical labour of a small forklift, and some blossom later on in their careers, but the fact remains that they are the sum of all these parts.You will be a part of this.

Now transfer this mentality to the larger part, and you begin to understand how tanks can't run unless they are fixed by mechanics, mechanics won't work if they can't eat, cooks won't work if they don't get paid, tanks don't get anywhere unless there are roads and bridges that are safe to traverse, and nobody can get over land or water without a ship or a plane.

Bottom line, suck it up, we all have our issues that we are subconscious about, but we also all have our strengths, which help the team out and are a necessary part of the whole entity.

Good luck and get a haircut! Skinned! Now!
Got to agree with the majority here.  If you are a guy, the expectation is that you will buzz off the hair.  Although I'm still in the application process, I have my hair short all the time.  Consider the practicality.  Get up in the morning... no comb needed.  Just shower and go.

From my understanding of how basic goes, you'll save yourself time and effort not having to worry about hair.

Just suck it up and do it.
Don't worry, come in with what ever hairstyle you like..... you will end up like this anyways.......