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We are doing very well. Canada is down to only 261 new cases today with 577 hospitalizations (249 in ICUs) and .2 deaths / 100,000 in the last seven days (I think that's roughly 80 people) and everything is still dropping.... I'm super excited we're on week 80 of 2 weeks to flatten the curve, especially since the curve has been flattened, Ottawa hospitals have no COVID patients, COVID units are being shut down in the GTA but we're still clinging to mask wearing and restrictions despite booming vaccination rates at levels proven in other societies (UK, Israel) to be safe for return to full normal. You only need to look at the UK's example where vaccination delinked hospitalization/mortality from rising case numbers, but Canadian media still is pounding on the case count drum every day. We're never going to stop COVID from killing someone, it's endemic and here to stay. Time to start acting like it.
I read the Daily Mail ... well daily ... and while I take most things it reports with more than a grain of salt, it indicates that the UK on the other hand, who bottomed out in May and then got hit by Delta, today recoded 48,000 infections per day; has hospitalizations of 740 rising by 31% and daily deaths steady at around 25 per day but showing a slight rise since April. There is great debate about the upcoming Freedom Day. The infection rate rise started to accelerate heavily in June.
That can be interpreted, and is being interpreted, in many ways. If hospitalizations and deaths are significantly lagging infections then there could be a sharp increase coming in both. On the other hand, you might very well be right and the massive increase of infections, with most of the elderly already protected by immunization, and the low hospitalization and death rise may indicate that there truly has been a delinking. Personally I think its a bit early to tell. Once the hospitalization and death increase rate peaks or at least levels off, we should be able to tell. For Canada, the good news is that the UK curves are ahead of us by around a month or more in this case and therefore ought to be an indicator of how the next wave will play out for us.
Pressure mounts on PM Boris Johnson to end self-isolation crisis