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ARMY_101 said:
As I've posted: December 2012: applied for 100%
15 April: Received payment

Thanks for the update. Hopefully the 'one to two years' prognostication turns out to have been worst-case CYA. This will be a low income/high deduction tax year for me, so hopefully it hits my account by December... I'll need it for my damned pension buyback in the fall.
vandoos283 said:
This is what I received from the PIL Team:
Good day.
We have conducted initial verification, and have calculated that you have xx.xx yrs of qualifying service for a total gross amount of $xxxxx.xx
Your file will now be sent to DMCA 4 - PIL TEAM for final verification prior to payment. We will notify you when your file is returned from DMCA 4 - PIL TEAM to inform you we will be processing payment.''
Following this email, I asked them how long the process could take from now on, I was told up to a year. Here's my question and hopefully someone can answer it. Can someone indicate how long it took them to receive their $$$, after their file was sent to DMCA $ for final verification (I'm a 100%), thank you.

Why would they have to re-verify the verification that was sent out last year? Seems a bit redundant. If people had issues with the number of years that the initial verification there was instructions on how to get that corrected. Then again what do I know? I just hope they don't have to do a final verification of the final verification and then verify that the final final verification is correct. >:D
Probably the same reason why I had to have a couple of my subordinates' PiL amounts redone as they were wrong after being "verified". In all fairness, when dealing with that amount of paperwork moving around, it should be expected that a couple of issues may pop up. In my case, after a quick phone call, everything was corrected and the new numbers emailed right off (with a bcc to me for my own guys' records).
I am wondering how, if Ottawa (PIL Team) states they have just finished processing all files that they had in January, and are now starting on files that they received in Feb. How is it possible that someone that put in for 100% in december, and their OR sent the file in Feb that it was paid out already. Either we are being given wrong information from the PIL team in Ottawa or this person is not being truthfull. 
halifax sailor said:
I am wondering how, if Ottawa (PIL Team) states they have just finished processing all files that they had in January, and are now starting on files that they received in Feb. How is it possible that someone that put in for 100% in december, and their OR sent the file in Feb that it was paid out already. Either we are being given wrong information from the PIL team in Ottawa or this person is not being truthfull.

Who said files were being processed in the order they're received in Ottawa? Clearly they're going to process easy files first, which means one guy (with complex periods of engagements and service) who submitted his request in December could be waiting longer than the guy (with simple service) who applied in March.
ARMY_101 said:
Who said files were being processed in the order they're received in Ottawa? Clearly they're going to process easy files first, which means one guy (with complex periods of engagements and service) who submitted his request in December could be waiting longer than the guy (with simple service) who applied in March.

I really hope that is the way they are processing them. Is that the way they are being processed? Or are is it just take a file off the top of the pile and process as they come?
I think the easy files should be done first as the more complex files may take a lot of time to sort out.
Well, I just got a good surprise in the mail, a letter regarding my severance pay info and another envelope containing my cheque.  I opted for the full cash pay out, and I believe I signed off on the severance pay form with my company clerk in early/mid March.

Taxes deducted was 20%
A real, paper cheque???  :o  I  thought that was considered witchcraft in the CF in the age of DFTs.  :)
That one is hard to believe! Everything is direct deposit now, unless you are retired and have been out for awhile, I can maybe see that, but not if your still in. That would mean your pay is sent by cheque as well. The brief on the DMCA page shows what the clerks do when they get the go ahead to proceed to pay. So I honesty have to say BS to getting it in the mail.
ARMY_101 said:
Who said files were being processed in the order they're received in Ottawa? Clearly they're going to process easy files first, which means one guy (with complex periods of engagements and service) who submitted his request in December could be waiting longer than the guy (with simple service) who applied in March.

According to the email sent from Ottawa. They state they have finished processing files received in JAN. Now they have begun files they have received in FEB. So if my OR sent my file in FEB, that means the PIL team in Ottawa received it in FEB and just started working on that group. No where did they say that they processed easy ones first. This is why I am questioning that if someone said their file was sent in FEB and the team in Ottawa just finished files they received in JAN. How is one sent in FEB paid out 100% already.  Is the PIL Team with their emails full of BS then? Just asking!
You can call BS all you want halifax sailor, but I did get a cheque in the mail.

Some extra detail, I released from the Regular Force(transferred to Sup Res, if you checked my profile you would see this) in April.  On retirement leave I got a pay deposit, and a couple weeks later I got another deposit from the CF; my banking info never changed, the Gov't knows what is is as I get direct deposit from Canada Revenue as well, etc. 

Today, I received the letter and cheque from the Released Personnel Pay Office Regular Force.

Correction to last, I submitted the severance pay election form mid February.
Are you one of those persons that writes to fan club and thinks that the person responding is that actual star?

Dude, there are a lot of things that can make each case unique and to think that anyone has a special eye on your one specific case is not only naïve, but also arrogant, even if your case is indeed simple. 

You will see as you move up in rank that things that use to be the most important things will turn out to be of so little importance that you won't even think it was you that thought it.

-Skeletor- said:
You can call BS all you want halifax sailor, but I did get a cheque in the mail.  Want a photo/scan of everything they sent me as proof?

Some extra detail, I released from the Regular Force(transferred to Sup Res, if you checked my profile you would see this) in April.  On retirement leave I got a pay deposit, and a couple weeks later I got another deposit from the CF; my banking info never changed, the Gov't knows what is is as I get direct deposit from Canada Revenue as well, etc. 

Today, I received the letter and cheque from the Released Personnel Pay Office Regular Force.

See, now that makes sense now, no where in youroriginal post did you mention you were not a serving member anymore. You are released now. Your process was different obviously.  Appologize if I offended you.
Well...you could have just said politely "Why a cheque?" instead of jumping to a claim of BS...
Are the payouts only being attached to the pay cycles? Or any day of the month as they are processed?

I like a few others here fear that my Unit held onto early submissions to submit bulk. Unfortunate if that is the case.
Greenman said:
Are the payouts only being attached to the pay cycles? Or any day of the month as they are processed?

I like a few others here fear that my Unit held onto early submissions to submit bulk. Unfortunate if that is the case.
It appears that it's your local pay office that releases the payment. This, I assume makes it easier to manage the taxes (if you got CRA permission to direct all of it to your RRSP)

Be careful posting that opinion here about the bulk submissions. The OLD guard may call you a troll and award you -300 MP points. While it's fact this did happen in many cases they will put the company spin on it and assign blame where none is due.

However, I'll state the PiL team in Ottawa has been awesome. If you email them they'll tell you when your file arrived and even which month they're currently working on. They were very polite with a couple of my guys when they asked. They won't tell you anything other than that about your file but that's often enough to keep the guys happy.

Keep up the good work, PiL Team.
PIL team told me they couldn't tell me anything.  I know my base sent things in bulk.  They had appoints starting in Jan going to Mar for people taking the severance.
Sheep Dog AT said:
PIL team told me they couldn't tell me anything.  I know my base sent things in bulk.  They had appoints starting in Jan going to Mar for people taking the severance.

That's pretty odd. They've been excellent with all my guys. They told them when their files arrived and which month they're currently working on. Of course if they were to give great detail on every inquiry they'd never get to processing any files.

What "appoints" are you talking about? I wasn't aware they actually met with clients. Are you talking about your Base OR?
Sorry, Orderly room held appointments to ensure all info was correct before sending it off to Ottawa. 