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Got an email reply back they have mine as well, and that they are working on *early Feb* files at this time.
Are they able to confirm when they received specific files, or just that they have them?
They didn't confirm when it was received; I replied back asking.  I do have the email from the POC at my unit from when it was sent in though. 
MasterInstructor said:
Does the payment show up on a pay statement thats on EMMA? Or is it a separate deposit on its own?

I can't speak for all bases, but mine showed up on my pay statement in the email. (I ticked the email statement box in EMMA). On our base, only the 50%s have seen any PiL because our base chose to send all the requests in at once a month after the last election day. I can tell you that's been a very sore point with members and their families on this base.
AirDet said:
I can't speak for all bases, but mine showed up on my pay statement in the email. (I ticked the email statement box in EMMA). On our base, only the 50%s have seen any PiL because our base chose to send all the requests in at once a month after the last election day. I can tell you that's been a very sore point with members and their families on this base.

Yes they could have sent them bi-weekly as they came in. If a MBR elected on the first day it should have been submitted in short order after that. Not three months later.
stokerwes said:
Yes they could have sent them bi-weekly as they came in. If a MBR elected on the first day it should have been submitted in short order after that. Not three months later.

The unit ORs on this base are great but the BOR has no regard for such common sense. Then again it could just be they figured it would allow them to get thru the pile easier.
While sharing information online has become an accepted practice.
Regulations still stand under NDA and QR&Os regarding inciting, or gathering for communal interests.

At CFNOS,  I have witnessed staff and students who have been reminded of what they post online,
within 30min of their posting….even from a private ISP. Some of the reminders have included orders to amend posts.
A number of comments, heartfelt and well meaning, through this thread might be considered to be skirting close to the above.
kratz said:
While sharing information online has become an accepted practice.
Regulations still stand under NDA and QR&Os regarding inciting, or gathering for communal interests.

At CFNOS,  I have witnessed staff and students who have been reminded of what they post online,
within 30min of their posting….even from a private ISP. Some of the reminders have included orders to amend posts.
A number of comments, heartfelt and well meaning, through this thread might be considered to be skirting close to the above.

How ?  Is there a level of secrecy or protection to this PIL situation ?  Or do mean at the criticism that has been levelled at some ORs for their handling of the PIL program ?
kratz said:
While sharing information online has become an accepted practice.
Regulations still stand under NDA and QR&Os regarding inciting, or gathering for communal interests.

At CFNOS,  I have witnessed staff and students who have been reminded of what they post online,
within 30min of their posting….even from a private ISP. Some of the reminders have included orders to amend posts.
A number of comments, heartfelt and well meaning, through this thread might be considered to be skirting close to the above.

First off, I miss tanning stations followed by the usual banyan.  :nod:

Secondly, and more to the point, I hadn't realized that stating an already published fact could be considered insighting anything other than understanding. I remember Admiral Buck's speech when he first noticed his OR making rash calls against members. He stated that it was everyone's responsibility to do their part to help each other. Saying "no" just because it's "always been the answer" doesn't mean it's right.
For a naval officer he was an amazing leader. I like to think enough of his converts are still around and can help bring about positive change for our members and their families.
My comment about the BOR holding on to them held no judgement. It was a mere statement of facts they have already publicly stated. How others view their actions are for the individual to determine.
Is it that perhaps, in retrospect those who made this call regret the choice? Personally I hope they don't as we make decisions with the information available to us at the time. I may have made the very same call had I been in that position. We'll never know. It's always easy to evaluate decisions after the events have transpired. As always, if someone makes a logical call based on the available information it should be supported. This is how we develop leaders.
I can quote CDS General Mackenzie...and for today's defense, his comments do not hold water.

From your posts 10 June through 13 July, 9 of your 12 posts have dealt with how this PILL has been

I'm not a fan of beating people over the heads with references, but if needed:

QR&O 19.10: Combination Forbidden
No officer or non-commissioned member shall without authority:
1. combine with other members for the purpose of bringing about alterations in existing regulations for the Canadian Forces;
2. sign with other members memorials, petitions or applications relating to the Canadian Forces; or
3. obtain or solicit signatures for memorials, petitions or applications relating to the Canadian Forces.

QR&O 19.14: Improper Comments
(1) No officer or non-commissioned member shall make remarks or pass criticism tending to bring a superior into contempt, except as may be necessary for the proper presentation of a grievance under Chapter 7 (Grievances). (15 June 2000)
(2) No officer or non-commissioned member shall do or say anything that:
a. if seen or heard by any member of the public, might reflect discredit on the Canadian Forces or on any of its members; or
b. if seen by, heard by or reported to those under him, might discourage them or render them dissatisfied with their condition or the duties on which they are employed.

While no one person is meant to be mentioned, AirDet asked, so:

[quote author=AirDet]
Ref: http://forums.navy.ca/forums/threads/105269.775.html
Reply # 789: I agree totally with Stoker. Here's the PIL Team info. Heather is the team lead and very easy to deal with.

+DMCA 4 PIL Team@CMP DMCA@Ottawa-Hull

Heather (PIL Team Leader)

If any of you are told what month they are currently working on, I encourage you to post that here for all to see. I'm sure lots of people are interested.

Good luck.

Ref: http://forums.navy.ca/forums/threads/105269.775.html
Reply # 776: It appears that it's your local pay office that releases the payment. This, I assume makes it easier to manage the taxes (if you got CRA permission to direct all of it to your RRSP)

Be careful posting that opinion here about the bulk submissions. The OLD guard may call you a troll and award you -300 MP points. While it's fact this did happen in many cases they will put the company spin on it and assign blame where none is due. + more

Ref: http://forums.navy.ca/forums/threads/105269.775.html
Reply # 789: …”If any of you are told what month they are currently working on, I encourage you to post that here for all to see. I'm sure lots of people are interested.

Good luck.”

Ref: http://forums.navy.ca/forums/threads/105269.775.html
Reply 791: Don't worry. That's thier automatic reply. They'll get back to you. They've been excellent to deal with.

Don't forget to post what month they tell you they're currently processing.

Ref: http://forums.navy.ca/forums/threads/105269.800.html
Reply # 805:
I can't speak for all bases, but mine showed up on my pay statement in the email. (I ticked the email statement box in EMMA). On our base, only the 50%s have seen any PiL because our base chose to send all the requests in at once a month after the last election day. I can tell you that's been a very sore point with members and their families on this base.
Well, Mike had better shut down this site before any more of us fall afoul of the QR&Os.

Maybe Kratz instead of just quoting the regs, you should also provide the intent of the regulation, interpretted for modern day times.
kratz said:
I can quote CDS General Mackenzie...and for today's defense, his comments do not hold water.

Who ?  Are you referring to Mr. Lewis Mackenzie a retired Canadian General ?

@Kratz, it's too bad this site doesn't have a thumbs up. Good post. I would challenge relevance of a coupe of your quotes within the modern CF context. As we're both on the same base, I'd be prepared to buy you a timmies and enjoy a debate in person.

You're right in that the majority of my posts are in this thread. Simply put, it's because very little else on this site interests me.

I honestly believe that RMS clerks like every other member go into work with the intent of doing the best they can.
I'm thinking my observations may be better listed and discussed in a separate thread.

Sheep Dog AT said:
Thumbs up/down are Milpoints here

Understood, but I'm unable to award points or I would've. Perhaps I'm missing something in the switchology.
AirDet said:
Understood, but I'm unable to award points or I would've. Perhaps I'm missing something in the switchology.

This may help.

How do I "assess" another member's conduct?

Simply click on the  logo above that user's post and you will be taken to a screen where you can classify the user's post, choose how many points to award or deduct, and add some notes.

Milpoints FAQ
