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So how are they calculating the back pay?  Is it based on the basic amount for all members regardless of TI or will they be calculating your rate as per what would you be getting with the break down.
Common Sense says they back up the TI to the start date of calculations and go from there...
Dolphin_Hunter said:
1 point for every month.  10 Casual days in a month = 1 point.
That's my guess as well, however after reading the CBI it does not state this. It refers you to CBI 205.015 para's 3 and 4, of which neither detail how you "earn" a point.

I fear that the point "crossover" and retro-activeness is going be a headache on clerks for years to come. Even more so that HA points will also count, which in turn will affect anyone who had deployed overseas since 1 Apr 07/ We can only hope that once they release clarification on these issues it is just that and does not create more confusion as seen in the past.
Does RSS time count towards LDA?  What about Reserve (Infantry) time when you transfer?  After 19 years in a battalion and another 5 RSS I'll be right in there like a dirty shirt.... hee hee!  How did the Air Force and Navy actually let the Army get away with this?
Otto Fest said:
How did the Air Force and Navy actually let the Army get away with this?
They didn't, points will be interchangeable between all listed environmental allowances.

As for you other questions, I haven't seen anything mentioned directly pertaining to RSS. Everybody will want answers right away but until further clarification is provided it is a presumption game. But the message listing all applicable units is still forthcoming as mentioned within the CANFORGEN.
By my reckoning, I'm at 143 points!
One more "point" to the next level!  I rock!
RSS time will likely not count - I don't think Res units are on the LDA list.  You will get a point for any month in which 10+days of FOA was paid when you were not in an LDA-entitled unit, though.

- The 'Law of Unintended Consequences' is going to rule on this.  How do you post a soldier from a high LDA unit into Wainwright?  "I can't go - financial distress!"  What about the pers who cannot/will not do field time yet cannot now be posted from their units because the loss of LDA will elevate their current stress levels?  Where is the incentive to go to the field when the Sick Parade Sqn gets the same allowance?

- We should be rewarding attendance on field exercises, not rewarding attrendance in a unit that occaisionally deploys to the field.

- I bet the deep, deep roots to this started when pregnant members who could not ruck-up and deploy complained that it was "Not FAIR!" that soldiers who actually went to the field got more money than those who stayed in garrison.

- Watch the fun start, now.
TCBF said:
- The 'Law of Unintended Consequences' is going to rule on this.  How do you post a soldier from a high LDA unit into Wainwright?  "I can't go - financial distress!"  What about the pers who cannot/will not do field time yet cannot now be posted from their units because the loss of LDA will elevate their current stress levels?  Where is the incentive to go to the field when the Sick Parade Sqn gets the same allowance?

- We should be rewarding attendance on field exercises, not rewarding attrendance in a unit that occaisionally deploys to the field.

- I bet the deep, deep roots to this started when pregnant members who could not ruck-up and deploy complained that it was "Not FAIR!" that soldiers who actually went to the field got more money than those who stayed in garrison.
- Watch the fun start, now.

You cannot seriously be blaming this on women??? Give me a break.
TCBF, I do not see your concerns surrounding LDA to be any different then the Navy with SDA. You want the allowance you must be posted to a unit which goes to sea, or that goes to the field.

BTW: there is no such thing as a "High LDA Unit", either a unit is designated to receive or its not. The level is based on every individuals service and not the location, thus this is not comparable to PLD.
TCBF said:
- I bet the deep, deep roots to this started when pregnant unfit members who could not ruck-up and deploy complained that it was "Not FAIR!" that soldiers who actually went to the field got more money than those who stayed in garrison.

Maybe you shouldn't be so "gender specific" with your speculations.

I'm pretty sure LDA came about for a lot more reasons then the above one given ::)

Like oh say the fact the the old FOA was not close to scale in terms of what was given to the work field operations require. Or that many ARMY members complained about the SDA and Air crew pay vice our FOA and the way in which it was administrated.
scoutfinch said:
You cannot seriously be blaming this on women??? Give me a break.

- You are right - here is a break: I should have written "unfit field" instead of pregnant.  Which includes the men on parental leave as well.
SDA and Air Crew Pay should only be paid out when sailing or flying just like the old FOA was handed out  >:D!  Why does someone who is on course for 5 months get Sea Pay?  Wasted cash! 
I've seen pilots fly a desk for 4 years and get air crew.  When the Huron was in for refit the senior 5 members continued to receive SDA for 2 full years while in dry dock.

If infanteers do not get LDA when posted RSS why go?  That's a pretty obvious conundrum.

The disconnects are so serious that a bad problem is just being made worse.  I guess I'll find out, posted back to a field unit after 4 years air force HQ (that'll teach me).
TCBF said:
- You are right - here is a break: I should have written "unfit field" instead of pregnant.  Which includes the men on parental leave as well.

Add these next two groups on too ---

"Unfit field women" and "unfit field men" who are on neither maternity leave nor parental leave.

This allowance had SFA to do with pregnant women or men on parental leave, and the Army's been complaining about their "old" field pay when compared with air crew allowance, sea pay etc, since long before men could take parental leave and women got a full year maternity leave.

As a matter of fact, the Army was bitching about it way back when women were released from the Forces when they became pregnant and field pay for them was irrelevant as women didn't serve there.

I'm really hoping that your first post wasn't meant in the serious way that those of us who'd obviously have issues with your statement are taking it.
Otto Fest said:
I've seen pilots fly a desk for 4 years and get air crew.  When the Huron was in for refit the senior 5 members continued to receive SDA for 2 full years while in dry dock.

If infanteers do not get LDA when posted RSS why go?  That's a pretty obvious conundrum.

The disconnects are so serious that a bad problem is just being made worse.  I guess I'll find out, posted back to a field unit after 4 years air force HQ (that'll teach me).

I guess the old saying "Two Wrongs don't make a Right" should suffice, unless you want to condone embezzlement?  I am sure somewhere down the line, someone is going to look at these cases and recoup the monies.

A Reservist I work with just got dinged with having to pay back $2000+ in overpayments from his Tour two years ago.  Other Reservists all seem to face the same fate on return from Afghanistan.  Another case I know of, a Reservist was overpaid $8000 and had that recouped from his Class A pay. 

Some advice for all Reservists on Tour:  The Pay System is Fuched and will screw you out of a min of one months pay in the end due to them not being able to properly program it to cut off your pay at the proper time.  While you are Disembarkation Lve, control your urges to spend your pay, as without fail the system has overpaid you.  It may take them some time, but some number cruncher will find that you owe them money back, and then Murphy's Law will come into effect, and you'll be dinged with paying back a large sum of money at the most inopportune time.

Make sure the member documents what happened and reports it via their chain of command - who then need to push it higher for resolution for future members.  Right now certain folks in high levels state openly that "there are no problems".  Actual cases, with supporting documentation, need to be pushed up to oblige certain folks (no names) to do their jobs.