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Canadian "Support Our Troops" Ribbons, Bracelets, Pins, etc

Try here for the Canadian pin:  http://www.mfrcedmonton.com/yellowribbon.html
Here's a site that will create any type of Reminder Band your interested in. http://www.reminderband.com/.
I'm  surprised to find a yellow band with anything but live strong on it as I had heard that Lance Armstrong has the rights to that color band.  (I might be wrong on this)
Ghost778 said:
Lance Armstrong owns the colour yellow?   ;D

Good.  He can keep it!  Does anyone remember the REAL history behind "tying a yellow ribbon"?

Perrry Como (a real old crooner) recorded "Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree" in the 60's.  The song lamented a convict who was being released back into society and wanted some type of assurance that his love would take him back after his three year sentence.

The opening lines are:

"I'm comin' home, i've done my time,
Now i've got to know what is and isn't mine,
If you received my letter,
Tellin' you i'd soon be free,
Then you'll know just what to do,
If you still want me . . ."

If we (the military community) contnue to use the Yellow Ribbon symbol, a cynic could then compare time served in honourable military service to time served in a penitentiary.... >:D

What the hell is the point of all this? How will buying Chinese trinkets(if they're not made in China, they should be!  :)) benefit the CF?  ???

Then again, I've never figured out what the hell any of those thing meant.
Britney Spears said:
What the hell is the point of all this? How will buying Chinese trinkets(if they're not made in China, they should be!   :)) benefit the CF?   ???

Then again, I've never figured out what the hell any of those thing meant.

I agree....i see these stupid yellow bracelets on people here on base.  When i asked what they were for, i was told " to show my support for the troops overseas"........WTF, you mean to tell me that wearing a uniform isnt a show of support that you need a yellow rubber band ?  And if you are in the CF and dont support ther guys overseas.....maybe you need to find a new job !!
I haven't seen bracelets but at Canex in Borden they had a "support our troops' magnet in the shape of a ribbon that could be placed on your car, fridge, etc. I think they were $2.
aesop081 said:
I agree....i see these stupid yellow bracelets on people here on base.   When i asked what they were for, i was told " to show my support for the troops overseas"........WTF, you mean to tell me that wearing a uniform isnt a show of support that you need a yellow rubber band ?   And if you are in the CF and dont support ther guys overseas.....maybe you need to find a new job !!

For your referrence, I don't live on a military base, I'm a civilian...  I just want to support my country in any little way I can! 

The yellow ones are an awful representation tho, because they can easily be confused for another cause...
For your referrence, I don't live on a military base, I'm a civilian...  I just want to support my country in any little way I can!

The yellow ones are an awful representation tho, because they can easily be confused for another cause...

Little vain, aren't we? Do you want to support your country, or do you just want to SHOW that you do? I bet you drive an SUV, too.

With all due repsect, you can do much more to support the CF by petitioning your MP for more military funding, and criticising the kind of pork barrel spending we currently engage in. I'm sure we would appreiciate more and higher quality equipement, training, and dancing girls (or boys) than yellow bracelets. 
Britney Spears said:
Little vain, aren't we? Do you want to support your country, or do you just want to SHOW that you do? I bet you drive an SUV, too.

With all due repsect, you can do much more to support the CF by petitioning your MP for more military funding, and criticising the kind of pork barrel spending we currently engage in. I'm sure we would appreiciate more and higher quality equipement, training, and dancing girls (or boys) than yellow bracelets.  

A little judgemental and ignorant aren't we?

In actuallity, I don't even own a vehicle... I ride public transit.  No offense to the respectful members of the CF, but Last time I checked supporting the Canadian Military was not part of pop culture, so I wouldn't be gaining anything from showing off to other people. 

combat helmet....check...flack jacket....check....

Cup o tea anyone? :D
If you were going to wear a bracelet, I suggest you go for the yellow.  Then, if someone asks, or remarks that you are wearing a "LiveStrong" bracelet you can tell them what it is actually for.

As nice as it was to "first" see these bracelets, unfortunately it is really starting to become a fad.
Canadian Persuasion said:
For your referrence,I don't live on a military base, I'm a civilian...

I wasn't refering to you. You could be the prime misister and i wouldn't care

  I just want to support my country in any little way I can!  

As mentioned, tell your MP we should get more funding, more people, etc...  maybe even join up yourself ?

The yellow ones are an awful representation tho, because they can easily be confused for another cause...

They are even more awful when you see them on CF members dressed in CADPAT.  Which is why i made my  previous comments.
aesop081 said:
IThey are even more awful when you see them on CF members dressed in CADPAT.   Which is why i made my   previous comments.

Say WHAT?!?!? :o

I trust they've been properly JACKED!

Don't make me take out the dress manual again.....
Sorry, posers just annoy me for some reason.

It's a free country, where whatever you want.  ::)
I just recently bought mine for $2.00 at my kitshop and it is pretty sweet, however it is decieving as it comes off as being the Lance Armstrong LIVESTRONG bracelet from far since, it too is a yellow band...but not a bad way to show your support for our troops
Does any of that money go to the troops or some organization supporting the troops?

maybe even join up yourself ?

Why bother? I think the OP has made it quote plain that we are nothing more than a charity case, deserving of a few sighs and clicks of the tongue at dinner parties and perhaps a $2 trinket to soothe the conscience and make the wearer feel better about themselves.  After all , you wouldn't ask the guys with the yellow bracelets to go and get testicular cancer themselves, right?

Sorry if I think my uniform still holds enough dignity not to need a fsucking bracelet for support.