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Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR)

I did my PT yesterday and everyting went well until I got to the pool. Don't know what happened exactly, I was about 2-3 metres from the end and all of a sudden my head was underwater and I swallowed about three cups of water, next thing I know I am puking and gagging and had to grab the side of the pool. So I failed that portion of the test. Everything else was excellent, did Level 9 on the shuttle run and did 50/50/11 for the rest. The PSP guy told me that I keep going with the testing and everything else, but I don't know what will happen with the BPSO and selection board. I may have to redo the PT portion. I will have to wait and see. It sucks cause I've done the swim before. Any advice from anyone would be appreciated.Thanks.
Marc :cdn:
PT Test done, 13k done, just waiting for BPSO. Can't wait to do it all again on selection. Have a good weekend everyone.
I'm going for a beer now.
Cheers Marc :cdn:
Well, not quite everyone... ;) But it is effective as it keeps you face out of the water. The other effective techniques is the side stroke, with the rifle held down the body, butt into the arm pit.

Here in Pet, a couple of the PSP tried the swim portion out of curiosity. The common statement was that the boots suck. Regardless of your method, strong steady leg technique is the key.
There have been 3 troops here in Pet who failed at thier first attempts, got instruction from the PSP over March break, and have all passed thier swim test.

So you can work at it and pass with good practice.
What really sucks is that when I did the practice with PSP, I passed the test. The problem i think was more a bad couple of strokes and not paying attention. I agree that a strong leg technique is good but a steady rythm and solid swimming basis don't hurt either. I'm not sure what will happen to my application now though, so I carry on and see.
Cheers Marc :cdn:
sky_diver_69 said:
.....that according to the Joining Instructions the standard for CAT 1 has changed.  Again, correct me if I am wrong.

They might just be getting you to do a different swim test, you know like the one everyone has to do before they use things like assault boats....

(PS - I would have to say you are wrong - std for CAT 1 PT test has not changed.)

Does anyone know if the Cansofcom website is up and running, I would like to get more information on what the unit will be doing and anything that might be available.
M Feetham said:
Does anyone know if the Cansofcom website is up and running, I would like to get more information on what the unit will be doing and anything that might be available.

if you go here http://www.cansofcom.forces.gc.ca/  it says the site is under construction

although the Canada Command site is up and running http://www.canadacom.forces.gc.ca/
sky_diver_69 said:
I hope you are right, although, I was only posting what my Joining Instructions said.  I am curious though, where are you getting the information that the CAT 1 PT (swim) test hasn't changed from? 

Ref your question – the document that you keep posting on the internet (you might want to think about that one) mentions the CF swim test “in addition” to the PT test you had to do....
For all wondering about messages...

They are being cut this week. The first from 3 RCR for got thiers for thier course.

Course starts 18 Apr.
Hey Killer,
All my paperwork is filled out and turned in to the BOR for myinterview with the BPSO, hopefully they will get me in fast. Although it is too late for this selection, who really wants to do all that training when it is warm and sunny out. A nice winter course is where it is at. MMMMMMM, subzero weather, patrols in the snow. Yayyyyyyy.
Take care brother hopefully we will see each other there.
Marc :cdn:
Marc, Im glad you are making progress. My branch still has the brakes locked tight, so I wait with bated breath.  On an unrelated note, and speaking of breath, Ive been getting lots of dives in. Im proficient, in fact!!! 
See you soon.
Feel free to kiss my A$$.
I havn't even had my wetsuit on in 8 months.

Thats ok man I havent had a wetsuit on in umm ohhh say 10 years?

I did have a dry suit on last winter does that count?
yeah in a way,
What were you wearing it for, do you dive civie, or was it something for work?
Work, we did a big EX up North with the rnagers and I was the dumb SOB that volunteered to get in the water for the rescue portion...
Super cool brother,
When I went to the gulf in 2001, we did diver deployments from the seaking, just before we transitted the Suez Canal, man it was so blue you could see the sharks coming for a mile. It was awesome.
Cheers Marc :cdn:
Got a call from the BPSO's office yesterday afternoon, they want me to come in and do my phsyche evals next week. They are going to call me Tuesday with the times. Wish me luck, everyone have a good easter weekend.
Cheers Feet :cdn: :pushup: