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Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR)

2023 said:
Rumour out here is that only 50 of 150 pers from 3RCR passed the PT test............any truth to that? Hard to believe!

From my "rumour net," apparently when the reality of the initial selection and training hit quite a few backed out. Most thought it was simply changing berets until the briefing at the Base Theatre.... :eek:
Journeyman said:
From my "rumour net," apparently when the reality of the initial selection and training hit quite a few backed out. Most thought it was simply changing berets until the briefing at the Base Theatre.... :eek:

That is what is happening out here in Gagetown too
2023 said:
Rumour out here is that only 50 of 150 pers from 3RCR passed the PT test............any truth to that? Hard to believe!

What I find hard to believe, is that 150 guys wanted to bail from 3RCR. My, my.....wonder why? ::)
Rumour has it that everyone in CANSOFCOM will do the Cooper's Test twice annually, min score of 75 and an exemption on EXPRES. Whether that will happen or not remains to be seen, I don't know how many of the staff at the HQ would get 75...

I've witnessed people here in Ottawa showing up for the CSOR applicant testing that maybe should have been stopped by their c of c... Guys that did the 20 MSR and only hit 6.5... Maybe its a 'Walter Mitty' thing, I'm not sure. If I didn't think I would EXCEED the standards, I wouldn't try out...
Wow!  I heard that this Rumour Mill is being built in the East-end of Ottawa, off of Innes Road, in Orleans.  Close to the new Walmart.  It will also generate power for half of Eastern Ontario.
George Wallace said:
Wow!  I heard that this Rumour Mill is being built in the East-end of Ottawa, off of Innes Road, in Orleans.  Close to the new Walmart.  It will also generate power for half of Eastern Ontario.

Are there any Class B openings at this new Rumour Mill? ;D
George Wallace said:
Wow!  I heard that this Rumour Mill is being built in the East-end of Ottawa, off of Innes Road, in Orleans.  Close to the new Walmart.  It will also generate power for half of Eastern Ontario.

Now how does this even remotely contribute to the CSOR discussion?

The postings indicated the source of the material (yes, several rumours), led to discussion and confirmation that the same activity is occuring on other bases, in addition to discussing potential fitness aspects that have not yet been confirmed. All the comment contributed was setting up a follow-on flippant remark.

Mods! Oh....he is a Mod. Nevermind.
Journeyman....if you really want to know.....It is a 'comment' on a whole page of "Rumours". 

(In another forum though, I'd like to hear the story of the "Attack of the Squirrel"  ;D)
2023 said:
Word on the street is that it doesn't matter if you pass the PT test or not right now. If you pass the Pysch eval, they will accept you and get you into shape. First 14 days of the course will be testing, shooting, etc.

Rumour out here is that only 50 of 150 pers from 3RCR passed the PT test............any truth to that? Hard to believe!

Wrong on both counts.

You must meet all entrance standards prior to the "course" date, which I believe is somewhere after mid Apr.

And you'd be more accurate if you said 50 of 150 failed one portion or more of the pt test. I am not sure of numbers, but PSP standards of pushups is a point of contention. Its not the numbers you can do but doing it within thier "technique".

There is much concern about troops (good troops, in shape, including key Sr NCOs and Officers) failing nothing but the swim test. They are discussing putting in 2-4 weeks of swim training to ensure that all applicants pass. As opposed to the express test and BFT components, which test just fitness, the swim test is considered a safety standard, and not usually something we test in regards to fitness. What I take from that is that candidates will get the assistance they need to meet the standard.

If you have heard if you fail one portion, you only need to retest that portion. As far as I understand, that is correct and the case for only this selection period due to the compressed time frames and busy schedule of all the troops in supporting Roto 03-06 TSMT etc. Basically they are running out of time to get everyone who needs to be tested the first time complete. In the future, applicants will have to pass everything (possibly less the swim, jury is still out) on two successive days. But like JTF2 testing, your application will have a deadline for selection which you as an applicant can allow retest time in for.
Interesting point on the swim test.  When we first looked at the swim test out here we tried a number of different ways to do it (side stroke worked best).  We actually thought that it was just a water phobia test and that the test for CAT 1 should look more like the entrance requirements for US Ranger training which is:

Combat Water Survival Test:

o Part 1: Wearing BDUs (combat uniform), boots, and load carrying equipment
(LCE, rifle, pistol belt, suspenders, two ammo pouches, and 2 full canteens) jump
in the water and swim 15 metres.

o Part 2: Walk blindfolded off a 3 metre diving board with rifle and load carrying
equipment. After entering water, remove blindfold and swim to side of pool.

o Part 3: Enter water, submerge, discard rifle, remove load carrying equipment
and swim to side of pool.

It is a busy morning to do Part 1 (day 1) so on reflection a persons comfort level in the water has a lot to do with it.
From reading the message I understood that any trade could apply for a Cat 1 position, however they also specifically needed a number of specific trades and ranks for the initial start up of the unit.  Can anyone confirm this info for me?  I can't find anything out at my base....

Specifically what I am asking is - can a member in a non-cbt arms trade apply for a Cat 1 position in one of the Direct Action Companies? 
QV said:
Specifically what I am asking is - can a member in a non-cbt arms trade apply for a Cat 1 position in one of the Direct Action Companies? 
Hey QV,
I am NAVY, just about as not combat arms as you can get. I have applied although I am still waiting for my Chain of command to get back to me, I just had my medical on Friday past. The only problem I seem to be having is that I put in the application two weeks ago and they just came back to me on Thursday to tell me to do all my medical stuff on my own. I did it thanks to a couple of contacts at the hospital. There seems to be a problem with units/regiments letting people go for this new unit. Mostly it is scuttlebutt, however I wonder how much is true. Sorry if this post seemed to wander all over the place. Sometimes you shouldn't drink and type. Anyway if you apply I hope you make it. Good luck.
Ciao, Marc.  :cdn:
Sweet !!!!!!  Thanx Jungle.

Good luck Marc!!

I am trying out for something else right now, but I may put in for this down the road.  (after they get all the initial bugs worked out) 
M Feetham said:
There seems to be a problem with units/regiments letting people go for this new unit. Mostly it is scuttlebutt, however I wonder how much is true.
When a unit has a specific task to accomplish and members of same said unit are interested in trying out for this "special ops" thing.... what do you think you'd do if you were the CO......

Of course the unit leadership wants to slow down the bleeding and hang onto it's key people.
geo said:
When a unit has a specific task to accomplish and members of same said unit are interested

Of course the unit leadership wants to slow down the bleeding and hang onto it's key people.

Particularly when those troops are usually your most fit and capable Ptes - Sgts interested in leaving....things that make a CO's hair turn greyer then it may already be.
( after having pulled em out... don't think that would be an issue)
Gentlemen, I agree 100%. No CO anywhere is going to willingly let his personnel go. I was just told that with less than a year at the recruit school, there was very little chance of beign let go now. However, after the one year mark, I stand a good chance of being allowed. So right now my application is in and I wait.
I wonder what will happen if the regiment thinks that it is not getting the influx of people that they think they need. Interesting to see what happens in the future. Does anyone have any other information about screening or stories to pass on about making it thru. A buddy of mine at the school just did his BPSO interview, he said there was like 400 questions covering just about any topic you can think of. He said his interview was almost three hours all told.
Thanks for listening
Marc. :cdn:
Commanding Officers are only allowed to defer your application one time. If they don't let you apply one year, try again the next.