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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

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JoeMoe said:
After completing the CFAT I can really say it wasn't hard whatsoever. I scored the highest out of the 4 there. You do need to study, but it wont be the toughest thing you will have done.

If you have any questions/concerns about the CFAT don't hesitate to PM me. I cannot tell you what is on the test however I can tell you what you should brush up on and even give a practice test of the internet I used. Someone allowed me to PM them about it and it helped greatly, so if you are concerned for whatever reason, I would love to help.

Couple of notes about this - How are you to know how you did in comparison with everyone else, seeing as how they don't reveal results and the four of you likely were applying for different things (and  would need different scores accordingly). So unless all 4 of you were applying for the same trade, and the other 3 failed, I think your comment speaks for itself. Subjectively - you may not have found it challenging - but (also subjectively) I would be surprised if more then a few high school graduates could ace it.

How can you "Give a practice test of the internet [you] used"?
Ayrsayle said:
Couple of notes about this - How are you to know how you did in comparison with everyone else, seeing as how they don't reveal results and the four of you likely were applying for different things (and  would need different scores accordingly). So unless all 4 of you were applying for the same trade, and the other 3 failed, I think your comment speaks for itself. Subjectively - you may not have found it challenging - but (also subjectively) I would be surprised if more then a few high school graduates could ace it.

How can you "Give a practice test of the internet [you] used"?

I wasn't directly told, but it is the impression I got by what she told me afterwards. I am currently in high school (one year left to go), and found very little difficulty with it - that is why I said it was not complex. How can I give the practice test I used? It is on a website so I can simply link it to anyone interested.

It's not complex math whatsoever, but it does require the applicant to brush up on some skills like long division, if they are rusty.

The link if anyones interested which I used:
I was more referring to your grammar  - I had no idea how you could give a practice test of the internet. Anyway, perhaps less constructive.

Some find the test simple, some find it hard - it is impossible to "fail", but I would argue it is equally difficult to "ace". Your commentary would seem to imply that with a little brushing up, everyone can find it easy. I wish it was that simple for everyone and I'm glad it worked out well for you. Others will not be so lucky - I wouldn't want to be the person to told them it was "easy" in that scenario however.

JoeMoe said:
I am currently in high school (one year left to go), and found very little difficulty with it

More than likely, you found little difficulty because you are still in high school.  People who have been away from school for some time may have more difficulty with it.
By the way, if you ask nicely enough, they might tell you exactly how you did on your CFAT. When I went into the RC a couple of months ago to submit my university diploma, I spoke with a recruiter there and asked him how I did on the tests. He told me my CFAT percentile score and mentioned that I had a "good" military potential score from my interview.
Sorry, I didn't mean to downgrade the test at all. Don't take it lightly! Brush up on percents, fractions and long division, which is relatively simple and you'll do fine. Make sure you get a good sleep because a lot of the questions are just common sense and just require a couple seconds to think about it.

Good luck to anyone writing it. Don't hesitate to PM me.
This may also help.
Topic: "Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) FAQ";

18 pages.
So, I had my reserve CFAT, Fitness Test and Interview (in that order  - to answer my own question) last Thursday in a building with no A/C and it was 45 degeres outside.

After I was done my interview I got several different answers as to the next steps. Some of the regiment staff said they would call either Thursday or Friday if you got accepted and if you didn't get a call then you didn't get in. Some said it would be this week.

I called the recruiting office today and spoke to two people. The first said she thought everyone was called already. She then transferred me to the guy who was running it on Thursday and he said " we will call everyone once the medicals are set up."

So, my question is does this mean they have already chosen the group and are working on the medicals for them only OR do they setup medicals for everyone they are thinking of taking on and then whittle it down from there based on the medical results?

I really want to get in and I worked hard to get ready for last Thursday. My score on the CFAT qualifies me for everything including officer. During my Step Test I did levels 3, 4, and 5 (started at Level 3 since I just turned 40), did 2x the number of pushups and situps required, my handgrip was 30 over the required number and I had the fitness tester tell me that I was in really good shape. I know for certain some people only qualified for their trade after writing the CFAT and some really struggled with the fitness test. If I didn't get in I am not sure what more I could have done to impress them.

Any thoughts on my situation is appreciated.
Gooner said:
So, I had my reserve CFAT, Fitness Test and Interview (in that order  - to answer my own question) last Thursday in a building with no A/C and it was 45 degeres outside.

After I was done my interview I got several different answers as to the next steps. Some of the regiment staff said they would call either Thursday or Friday if you got accepted and if you didn't get a call then you didn't get in. Some said it would be this week.

I called the recruiting office today and spoke to two people. The first said she thought everyone was called already. She then transferred me to the guy who was running it on Thursday and he said " we will call everyone once the medicals are set up."

So, my question is does this mean they have already chosen the group and are working on the medicals for them only OR do they setup medicals for everyone they are thinking of taking on and then whittle it down from there based on the medical results?

I really want to get in and I worked hard to get ready for last Thursday. My score on the CFAT qualifies me for everything including officer. During my Step Test I did levels 3, 4, and 5 (started at Level 3 since I just turned 40), did 2x the number of pushups and situps required, my handgrip was 30 over the required number and I had the fitness tester tell me that I was in really good shape. I know for certain some people only qualified for their trade after writing the CFAT and some really struggled with the fitness test. If I didn't get in I am not sure what more I could have done to impress them.

Any thoughts on my situation is appreciated.

If you passed the CFAT, they should have done your Medical screening PRIOR to your fitness test as if there is a pre existing medical condition or something that you (and/or doctor - if their referral is needed) mention that the Surgeon General and CFRG Medical personnel at NDHQ deem that you are NOT Fit For Service - well, then there's no point in putting you through the Fitness Test and either aggravating something or waste resources for someone who is medically fit for service to do their fitness test and move on.

They're supposed to inform you the DAY OF testing (CFAT/Fitness) if you pass or fail that way they can say "We will call you in x number of weeks to book your interview."

If you passed your CFAT and Fitness already they should have told you that you passed and will be calling you with your medical screening appointment. Good rule of thumb is if nothing is received in 1.5/2 weeks... CALL THE CFRC!! YOU have to stay on top of your file, they have hundreds of other people to deal with to so if you don't make sure they still know you're interested (and exist) they'll put your file at the bottom of the pile in the back room to collect dust and process those that have been keeping tabs on their processing.

NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS: Before coming here and asking "oh this and this happened and I haven't been called to do this or this - does it mean I didn't make it or this and this" ... CALL THE RECRUITING CENTRE FIRST!! Ask them "Sir/Ma'am/Sergeant/etc. I'm calling to check up on the status of my application." By CALLING the CFRC to answer all your questions and worries, it will save you SO much heartache.


Call your Recruiting Office and File Manager and check on application status.

Only YOU and the CFRC know anything and can fix anything about your situation. Be diligent, use your initiative (because trust me, if you start developing those skills now, it'll be easier for you once you begin your CF career) and get it straightened out!
Gooner said:
So, my question is does this mean they have already chosen the group and are working on the medicals for them only OR do they setup medicals for everyone they are thinking of taking on and then whittle it down from there based on the medical results?

As it has been mentioned before, you should have had the medical exam before your fitness test. Well that is at least how they did it at my CFRC, so I am a bit unsure on what is happening. Regardless they do medicals for every application as part of the recruiting process, in the same way everyone needs to do the CFAT.

Gooner said:
I really want to get in and I worked hard to get ready for last Thursday. My score on the CFAT qualifies me for everything including officer. During my Step Test I did levels 3, 4, and 5 (started at Level 3 since I just turned 40), did 2x the number of pushups and situps required, my handgrip was 30 over the required number and I had the fitness tester tell me that I was in really good shape. I know for certain some people only qualified for their trade after writing the CFAT and some really struggled with the fitness test. If I didn't get in I am not sure what more I could have done to impress them.

Any thoughts on my situation is appreciated.

Your enthusiasm is important but from the sounds of it you have done basically everything you can do to impress. Also, just to reinforce what you probably already know, always make sure your resume and cover letter are always top notice. If things don't work out, you can always politely ask for the reasons why, and I am sure they can give you a straight forward no BS answer. But here is hoping.

Oh and of course, as it has been mentioned before, if you have questions or concerns with your file, it is always a good idea to call the CFRC. I found that a friendly and polite call every 10 days or so, checking on my file, was a good idea.
Have been out of school for 31 years.When I decided to join the CF (middle of June),I went to the library and took out a GED book to brush up on my math.Also started on an exercise/strength training (on my own),can walk/run 2.4km in 22 minutes (have to be between 14:56-16:54).I can already do the setups.Took my CFAT on Aug.4,was so nervous didn't sleep well,ate no breakfast,plus you even could see my hands shake.When I went in to see the recruiter,he told me that I did "very good" and also told me my CFAT percentile score.By the way,I'm going in for a Cook.
Forgive me for what may be a stupid question but Id rather know before I head into chapters ... lol  Is the GED book flat out called GED ?

- T.
Fotoshark said:
Forgive me for what may be a stupid question but Id rather know before I head into chapters ... lol  Is the GED book flat out called GED ?

- T.
It will say "GED" on the cover of the book, possibly followed or preluded by other words...... ;D
Fotoshark said:
Forgive me for what may be a stupid question but Id rather know before I head into chapters ... lol  Is the GED book flat out called GED ?

- T.

Thank you for the quick responses.  Looks like Im shoppin tomorrow lol

Greatly appreciated!

- T.
This was my attempt at objectivity, it may save you wading through reams of posts on this subject:

Well I did manage a successful trip from Chapters today.  They only had 1 GED book in stock at the location closest to me (a MASSIVE bible thickness size one at that lol) given it was cheaper than the book I did end up with (kind of funny... lol) none of the ged for dummies etc were in stock.  HOWEVER ...  I did find a gem of a book that some others may actually find helpful!

It is called ... The Comprehensive Guide to Canadian Military, Border Services, Corrections and Security Exams

Looks like this ...

It might be of some great help to some nervous test takers including myself.  Made by these guys www.publicserviceprep.com  I spent about $50 on it sadly to find it was about $30ish on chapters website but then again I like having what I paid for in my hands at the time of purchase so it's not that bad especially if it does end up bein of great help.

Hope this helps some others!

- T.