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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

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Devonm123 said:
Does anybody know a way to get their CFAT score after you are enrolled, just curious.

If you ask a recruiter nicely enough, he *may* give you your CFAT percentile.
reboog said:
If you ask a recruiter nicely enough, he *may* give you your CFAT percentile.
If that doesn't work and you have some spare time try this-
In Canada, the Access to Information Act allows citizens to demand records from federal bodies. The act came into force in 1983, under the Pierre Trudeau government, permitting Canadians to retrieve information from government files, establishing what information could be accessed, mandating timelines for response.[5] Any exceptions to that right of access (i.e. information that is not disclosed) is limited and specific. That means that government departments cannot simply refuse to disclose whole documents or series of documents. This is enforced by the Information Commissioner of Canada.

In general, the types of information that can be exempted from disclosure include: information that could affect federal - provincial relations; information provided to the federal government in confidence by other governments; information affecting the safety and security of individuals; information that belongs to third party private sector companies; solicitor - client privilege and information that, if disclosed, could undermine the operations of government. This is not an exhaustive list.

i'm curious what the process is regarding rewriting the cfat.  i can read from threads here that some have rewritten it.  but the forces.ca website said that they do not have to let us rewrite.  so what is the determining factor(s) to re write?

has this been covered in other threads?  i searched but did not find this particular perspective.  Your opinions are welcome.
SheRa011 said:
i'm curious what the process is regarding rewriting the cfat.  i can read from threads here that some have rewritten it.  but the forces.ca website said that they do not have to let us rewrite.  so what is the determining factor(s) to re write?

Here's a for instance:  You write the CFAT and score low on math.  You go out and take a math course, return to the CFRC with the certificate from said course and they may let you rewrite.
Fotoshark said:
Well I did manage a successful trip from Chapters today.  They only had 1 GED book in stock at the location closest to me (a MASSIVE bible thickness size one at that lol) given it was cheaper than the book I did end up with (kind of funny... lol) none of the ged for dummies etc were in stock.  HOWEVER ...  I did find a gem of a book that some others may actually find helpful!

It is called ... The Comprehensive Guide to Canadian Military, Border Services, Corrections and Security Exams

Looks like this ...

It might be of some great help to some nervous test takers including myself.  Made by these guys www.publicserviceprep.com  I spent about $50 on it sadly to find it was about $30ish on chapters website but then again I like having what I paid for in my hands at the time of purchase so it's not that bad especially if it does end up bein of great help.

Hope this helps some others!

- T.

I've been trying to order this book, but it's no longer available through Chapters. I've tried finding it elsewhere but am having no luck. Any idea where I could get a copy? Want to sell yours :)
TiredofSitting said:
I've been trying to order this book, but it's no longer available through Chapters. I've tried finding it elsewhere but am having no luck. Any idea where I could get a copy? Want to sell yours :)

Good luck finding the book and don't forget to try out websites online as well such as math.com and googling spatial tests usually can get you some practice ones you can try that might help out.
TiredofSitting said:
I've been trying to order this book, but it's no longer available through Chapters. I've tried finding it elsewhere but am having no luck. Any idea where I could get a copy? Want to sell yours :)

I can check to see if the chapters I found it in has another copy but I think I grabbed the last one.  Send me a pm with ur email address as I dont think I can PM u it states "guest"

- T.
Fotoshark said:
I can check to see if the chapters I found it in has another copy but I think I grabbed the last one.  Send me a pm with ur email address as I dont think I can PM u it states "guest"

- T.

I just sent you an email through the site, hopefully I did it right. Thanks for getting back to me, I appreciate it!
Animatronic Fireman said:
Check Amazon.ca

I was considering buying it at one point but didn't.  I think I saw it there.

I tried there as well with no luck....I'll keep looking. Thanks for the help!
I wrote my CFAT today. I was happy to find out that I qualified to be an Officer in the CF!!! However, I was under the assumption that I would receive a list of officer trades that I qualify for.  When I asked the recruiter if I scored high enough for my requested trade she said that as of this summer the CF no longer uses the CFAT for different trades. It is now a pass/fail? Has anyone else heard the same? 
I don't think they were ever giving out lists of trades you are eligible for after completing your CFAT. We were told as a group that everyone passed the test. I just assumed that meant that everyone scored high enough for their chosen occupation. In my interview though, I was told that my CFAT scores qualified me for all positions within the forces. Don't know if that helps but that's what I was told. I'm sure there are more knowledgeable members of these forums who would know though.
I was also pulled aside after my CFAT, scores where high enough to "qualify" for all occupations of the CF, although he didn't list any specific trades that would better suite me, he mentioned I was eligible for RMC. I opted to go as NCM since I'm more of a hands on guy and the trades of choice were a pation of mine. One of the candidates with me during the test on the other hand was told from which trades he could choose from, as his scores where below what he needed for his trade choices, maybe they only give you the choices if you score lower then needed?
To anyone who can help - is the aptitude test used strictly as a threshold to determine whether a person can do a trade or is it also used to rank people as they apply for a trade? I ask this because I went in to hand in all of my final documents today and book my aptitude test but was told I don't need to. I wrote the test when I joined at 17 as an infantry reservist and they said it meets the score needed to be an officer so I don't need to redo it. If it's a threshold deal, that's fine with me. On the other hand, I'm applying to a very competitive trade and I would like to be as competitive as possible. If these tests are ranked and used to select from potential applicants, I know I could now achieve a much higher score after spending 5 years in university and therefore would like to rewrite it. So is it just a threshold or is there some degree of ranking here?
shogun506 said:
To anyone who can help - is the aptitude test used strictly as a threshold to determine whether a person can do a trade or is it also used to rank people as they apply for a trade? I ask this because I went in to hand in all of my final documents today and book my aptitude test but was told I don't need to. I wrote the test when I joined at 17 as an infantry reservist and they said it meets the score needed to be an officer so I don't need to redo it. If it's a threshold deal, that's fine with me. On the other hand, I'm applying to a very competitive trade and I would like to be as competitive as possible. If these tests are ranked and used to select from potential applicants, I know I could now achieve a much higher score after spending 5 years in university and therefore would like to rewrite it. So is it just a threshold or is there some degree of ranking here?

They told you that your scores meet the trade requirement and there is no need to rewrite it.

Your answer: There's no need to rewrite it.
JorgSlice said:
They told you that your scores meet the trade requirement and there is no need to rewrite it.

Your answer: There's no need to rewrite it.

That doesn't answer the question - do you know more than just hearsay as to whether the tests are ranked or not?
I believe the aptitude is used as a component in comparing applicants. There is a threshold/minimum that must be passed, then the score is used as one of several tools to evaluate and compare applicants for service in the Canadian Forces.

Please note that your aptitude score will likely not be directly compared to another competitor's aptitude score, but will be part of an overall score from all testing components. Some components include: Interview, Education, Extra curricular activities (volunteering). This overall score is what I believe is compared between applicants.

I think if you already have met the aptitude minimum score, the recruiters may be hesitant to let you write the aptitude again, as you have essentially already passed that component of testing. Usually applicants rewrite an aptitude test when their score is below the threshold for the trade they are applying to, or transferring to a new trade.

My recommendation for you is to focus on the other testing components to ensure you have the highest overall score possible. If you really would like to rewrite the aptitude test you would have to ask your recruiter, and explain that your education has been upgraded and you assume your aptitude score will improve. The recruiter will either say yes or no. Understand if you do not get the answer you like, tough luck, but you already have a passing score for your trade. Therefore what ever happens work to improve your overall score.

Of course ask a recruiter any questions you may have, as there is a reason I used phrases such: I believe, I think... A payed recruiter has a job to answer these inquires. Make them earn their money, which I think is from taxpayers. So make them earn our money.

My  :2c:         
Keep in mind that if you score lower on the second attempt it overwrites your original test. They don't take the better of the two but the most recent.
The part of the aptitude test you passed at the officer level would have been the "Holy crap there's only 20 minutes to answer 80 questions" test - it's a threshold pass fail.  The other aptitude is for NCM trades, unless things have changed recently, and not for officer classifications.  Different kettle of fish.  Don't overthink it.

medicineman said:
The part of the aptitude test you passed at the officer level would have been the "Holy crap there's only 20 minutes to answer 80 questions" test - it's a threshold pass fail.  The other aptitude is for NCM trades, unless things have changed recently, and not for officer classifications.  Different kettle of fish.  Don't overthink it.


I dunno what you mean by this because when I was a reservist I was an NCM and now I'm applying as a reg.force officer in a different trade, so it's all the same CFAT. Either way I have to swing by the building Monday anyway so I'm going to ask the recruiter then. Just wanted to post on here beforehand in case they were just saying it's strictly a threshold so they could avoid the extra hassle. It just seems illogical to me that they would not use something like a readily available aptitude test score as a factor to rank a candidate when grad schools, corporations, hell even the RCMP use them (I'm not taking any chances with this application).