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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

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I'm wondering if the cfat gives part marks, you show the work do you get some marks?

For example
If Private Bloggins is running at 10.5 km/h, and has a 150m head start on the Sergeant Major who is chasing him at 12 km/h, how far will he travel before the Sergeant Major catches Private Bloggins, unhinges his jaw like a snake, and eats Private Bloggins' head in rage?

10.5km/h = 2.92m/s

so we set the same time for both let say 2 seconds, with the equation v=d/t so d=vt but we know v=2.92 and we set t= 2 so d=2.92*2 + 150 m head start

for sergeant major 12km/h = 3.33m/s so his t is unknown but we can find T to solve for D because v*t= d    so v=d/t    3.33=2.92*2+150/t solve for t then use t* v to get d of sergeant major

Note i'm not sure if that works it just a far fetched try that gives me the best example of my question, if I have work like that and I get the awnser wrong do I get part marks.
ngmike92 said:
For example
If Private Bloggins is running at 10.5 km/h, and has a 150m head start on the Sergeant Major who is chasing him at 12 km/h, how far will he travel before the Sergeant Major catches Private Bloggins, unhinges his jaw like a snake, and eats Private Bloggins' head in rage?

You wouldn't get part marks for two reasons:
[list type=decimal]
[*]CFAT is multiple choice and does not allow for part marks.
[*]Your math is wrong.
You can't input a time to find time. Rather, you know the total distances (including the extra 150m) will be equal, so:

10.5*t+.15=12*t (150 m=.15 km) (make the two objects motions equal)
12t-10.5t=.15 (switched the t to one side, isolating the variable)
t=.1 hours

Then solve for the actual distance of Pte Bloggins (which is what was asked for):

Private Bloggins will actually get to run for 6 minutes. At least he can make peace with his maker before his Sergeant Major makes pieces of him  >:D  :P
Straying a bit off topic here, but Rugivet- you weren't doing it in Toronto were you?

Also, I should have asked this today, but say my trade closes for this year and I apply again next year- do I take the CFAT again?
LOL well thank you for solving it correctly, i knew i was wrong some where hence the note. physics and calculus isn't my forte  :salute:
Trick said:
Also, I should have asked this today, but say my trade closes for this year and I apply again next year- do I take the CFAT again?

No, once you qualify for your chosen trade(s), that's good enough.
Romanmaz said:
If you're even asking this question I suggest you brush up on your math before you take the test. The math/problem solving section is arguably the easiest part of the test.
I'm assuming you have to meet the minimum requirements on every section of the test to qualify for your chosen trade(s) so failing one aspect means not qualifying/failing.

Thanks for the reply. I'm starting Gr.10 math next year.

Grats on your result, good to see you qualified for all your choices.

Trick said:
...the jump was the biggest in difficulty from the practice test to the actual CFAT for me.

Yup, it's not so much a jump...  More like Evil Knievel over the Snake River  :D
(Okay, maybe not that much, but still a big jump.)

Congratulations on your results, now the fun really begins...  Waiting!
The frantic run to the phone anytime it rings before 9:00am...
The regular calls to the RC... 
And my favorite... The constant questions from friends/family "So hows that army thing going?"
(Okay I'm being sarcastic, but in all honesty, I'm finding the wait even more stressful than the Test or Interview.)

Cheers, :cheers:
Chrispi said:
And my favorite... The constant questions from friends/family "So hows that army thing going?"

Oh how wonderful it is. My girlfriend's mother keeps telling me that the army doesn't want me due to lack of phone call. My grandmother calls me every time a random question pops into her head (Last time it was "Do you get to carry a pistol with you?").
Ha, oh yes, I have quite  a bit of waiting ahead of me. My father lives in the States, and I've spent about 8 months in Germany, so I have to go through the whole backcheck process. You don't even schedule an Interview or Medical until that's done, and it can take quite a while. The only trade I'm applying for is Infantry Officer, which is open, but it's not like they're dying for recruits. So I half-expect to not make it in this year before I get all the steps done. But that's fine, I'm in the middle of a graduate degree that I'd like to finish anyways- I just made sure to apply now so that when I really, really want to get in next spring, I'll already have most of the things out of the way.

So we'll see how it all goes. Ha, in my case, I have lots of people kind of rooting against it, namely, all my co-workers. Doctors and scientists don't seem to have much respect for the Army... But those who knew me before the white coat all pretty much know this is what I've always wanted, and why.

Oh, one more word of advice on the verbal section. If you can, try to get a handle on the meanings behind root words and prefixes and such. There were two words that I had never heard in my life, but was able to guess based on what seemed to be (in both cases) the Greek origins of the word. So if you see a word like that, before you freak out, try to think of it that way.
Probably the smartest way to do things Trick. I was debating going in for grad school but figured this was ultimately where I wanted to end up regardless. That being said, I am kicking myself for not applying in my final semester - would have made the wait times a little more bearable. Hopefully your background check isn't one of the horror stories we've heard about.

Keep at it - my favorite professor was very supportive of my career path - turns out he was ex-military himself (taught War History, so it shouldn't have been that surprising)
Hello all,

I have been reading the boards for several months in anticipation of my upcoming tests with my local reserve unit. However, I have been unable to find an answer to my questions.

In a few weeks I have my CFAT and PT test along with my interview. When I spoke to them they said that I should come dressed in PT gear and that even my interview will be conducted in my PT clothes. Now, my question is has anyone had this experience before where all three things were done in one day and do you know which order they do them in? I don't want to do the interview or test and be all sweaty.

Also, do you have any tips for what to wear for PT. I was gonna wear soccer shorts and a t-shirt with a Canadian flag on it. And perhaps bring a spare t-shirt in case my interview or test is last and I need to change.

Finally, they didn't mention it but I was wondering if it's also a good idea to bring a cover letter and resume with me for the interview? Also, if I do bring it and they don't ask for it during the interview is it a good idea to offer it?

Any answers or tips for the above questions is greatly appreciated.
Gooner said:
Finally, they didn't mention it but I was wondering if it's also a good idea to bring a cover letter and resume with me for the interview? Also, if I do bring it and they don't ask for it during the interview is it a good idea to offer it?

I'll slightly swerve out of my lane here...  (I didn't apply for reserve).

I'd definitely recommend bringing your resume and cover letter.
After writing my CFAT I was asked to bring my resume down to the CFRC as it was the last piece of documentation missing from my file.

If they don't ask for it, I'd mention you brought it. 
At worst they will tell you they don't want/need it. 
At best, it will save you a trip later. 
"Semper Paratus"

...back to my lane.
I believe I have read at least a few topics in the last few weeks regarding these questions, though not all in a single post. Fairly sure you could find them in both the Recruiting and Recruiting process Threads.

I'll humor you however with brief answers:
Unsure about the exact order, but I would assume the CFAT and PT test first, then interview - as there is little point in interviewing you if you fail either. I think it is in your best interest to bring a set of professional clothes to change into for your interview if given the opportunity, but if you were told what you wore for PT would be fine, I would not be very stressed about being sweaty in an interview (They likely see it all the time)

They are not likely going to care what you wear in terms of icons, just the the results of your PT. Shorts and a T-Shirt would do the job. That being said, it is probably a good idea not to wear anything offensive. Bring a good pair of runners.

ALWAYS bring a resume and cover letter to ANY interview. This holds for a civilian or military job interview. It is better to have it in case, even if your interviewer has no interest in seeing it. Professionalism - would you go to any other job interview without one?

Again, you can find (except for the question on order, because I believe it depends on each individual, the availability of the staff to administer, etc) all of these details within the aforementioned areas. Some of the questions are also common sense - if they said they will interview you in your PT clothes, how likely do you think it is that they will be judging you negatively for being sweaty? Present yourself as best you can given the situation - common sense.
I had my aptitiude test in May. It sucks that they won't tell you where your marks were low. There is no such thing as failing it. You qualify for a trade one way or another. The problem is for people on the west coast is, you east coasters are three hrs ahead and we lose out on opportunites. I had qualified for a few trades, but, then the afternoon before my interview, I got a call saying that those trades are no longer available.  I know i did well on the spatial. And because the trades were gone, they recommended that I re-take the assessment test and see if I qualify for more trades in September. So, I have been studying. I feel that I am doing better, but, deffinitely need improving. I went to  a web site called http://www.testreadypro.com it was one of the sites recommended. It has helped me hugely, but, some of the stuff makes me wonder why they used that extra information, lol.. http://www.math.com is a good site as well.  it helps you figure out the problem so you can study it, learn it, and use that stragedy on a test. I personally hate fractions, but, my assessment math test had quite a few fractions. SO, I know I didn't do well on that. But, I do beleive now that I can manage them better. Testreadypro.com has the preparation that a person needs. They even help you with preparing for the interview, information on basic training, what to do to prepare yourself for basic training, resume help. Its all there. But, for anyone else that will be re-doing or simply doing the assessment for the first time soon, good luck, and maybe we'll meet up in the forces one day.
west_coaster said:
I had my aptitiude test in May. It sucks that they won't tell you where your marks were low. There is no such thing as failing it. You qualify for a trade one way or another. The problem is for people on the west coast is, you east coasters are three hrs ahead and we lose out on opportunites. I had qualified for a few trades, but, then the afternoon before my interview, I got a call saying that those trades are no longer available.  I know i did well on the spatial. And because the trades were gone, they recommended that I re-take the assessment test and see if I qualify for more trades in September. So, I have been studying. I feel that I am doing better, but, deffinitely need improving. I went to  a web site called http://www.testreadypro.com it was one of the sites recommended. It has helped me hugely, but, some of the stuff makes me wonder why they used that extra information, lol.. http://www.math.com is a good site as well.  it helps you figure out the problem so you can study it, learn it, and use that stragedy on a test. I personally hate fractions, but, my assessment math test had quite a few fractions. SO, I know I didn't do well on that. But, I do beleive now that I can manage them better. Testreadypro.com has the preparation that a person needs. They even help you with preparing for the interview, information on basic training, what to do to prepare yourself for basic training, resume help. Its all there. But, for anyone else that will be re-doing or simply doing the assessment for the first time soon, good luck, and maybe we'll meet up in the forces one day.
Seriously? You think we got job offers because we're in a different time zone?  :rofl:
Thanks for all the insight everyone. I aced it and got many more job opportunities aside from Infantry. Brush up on your long division, fractions, and percents and you'll do fine. Study though, If i didn't study I wouldn't have got as good.
I have to say that this is by far the most useful CFAT thread. There seems to be a level of arrogance and snobbery in some of the others I have read (ie "If you have to study for the CFAT, you're not the sharpest knife"). Do what you need to do.

If you have been out of school for awhile or even struggled a little with math when you were in, you should hit the books and brush up. Math is a huge factor in the CFAT and it could prevent you from doing what you want to do. The example test is just that. It gives you a good idea of what you should be brushing up on.

You can redo the CFAT once you are in the CF if you don't like your score by talking to your BPSO, but keep in mind that if you do worse, that score will stick. Don't take it lightly and be prepared.
After completing the CFAT I can really say it wasn't hard whatsoever. I scored the highest out of the 4 there. You do need to study, but it wont be the toughest thing you will have done.

If you have any questions/concerns about the CFAT don't hesitate to PM me. I cannot tell you what is on the test however I can tell you what you should brush up on and even give a practice test of the internet I used. Someone allowed me to PM them about it and it helped greatly, so if you are concerned for whatever reason, I would love to help.