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Camelbak Hydration Systems

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The civillian ones (atleast the ones at my local sportchek) were smaller tehn the military ones.  They only held 2l while the most common military size holds 3l.
Go here to get your Camelback http://www.sealsactiongear.com/  John has great service.

These are a God send on ruck and webbing marches.

  Don't worry about the bladder bursting, it won't happen. The only thing with all of them is if there is pressure on the bladder and the mouthpiece is pinched in any way it will leak big time.  To cure this get one with a shut off.

I use the Thermobak 3l and love it.  You can easily attack it to your webbing by putting the straps of your webbing down through the sleeve on the back of the Camelback.

When using a ruck you can just put it inside your ruck. However I have found with mine that there is no problem wearing the webbing, Camelback and the ruck at the same time.

What about the "modular hydration pack" from Wheelers?  Is it as good as Camelbak?
scm77 said:
What about the "modular hydration pack" from Wheelers?   Is it as good as Camelbak?
Yes, IMO.. I have a CPK and a Camelbak Classic and an OD i bought at the Connaught Kit shop.

Frankly, the CPK CADPAT held up just as well... and... with modifications you can add a whole array of other accs... you can add some modular pouch systems to the rear like MOLLE(with mods) and ALICE and others...

It's worth it. and... The CPK CADPAT hydration system looks great.

My only quam with the CPK is the simplistic look, it's rugged, nonetheless.
Forgive me my momentary impertinence, but would it be so much to ask for you to ammend your signature back the way it was? Or if not, in some way acknowledge the fact that you were a warrant as a *cadet*, not a real warrant?
Who cares?  I think it's pretty obvious what he means.  Enough crying about stupid things!
The CamelBak has a special locking nozzel that prevents leakage from a heavy ruck pressing against it during a march.

I myslef am looking into getting a hydration kit and the 3L CamelBak is looking very nice.  I wish they made a CADPAT version though.
Canadian Peacekeeper makes a CADPAT one, its pretty tough, I got the O.D. one as a birthday present and it has held up through some rough trips, I've had it for just over 2 years now.  The only thing I didn't like about it is it has a strap that goes across your chest, I found it was too high up and it rubbed against my neck, so I just lowered it and now its great.
I was thinking maybe getting that Platypus thing from Canadianpeacekeeper.com, skip the actual pack and then i can just fill up the pouch with water and stick it in that pouch in the top of the ruck or in the ruck itself and run the straw out, that might work alright, because i think mainly i'd like one for rucking just because its such an unbelievable pain to grab your canteen, like if you're just wearing webgear its not such an issue.
I got a Camelbak 3L Thermobak, in OD. Great piece of kit, an its durable.

For using it with a rucksack, I just attach it to my ruck by using a bungee cord.
Just a Sig Op said:
Forgive me my momentary impertinence, but would it be so much to ask for you to ammend your signature back the way it was? Or if not, in some way acknowledge the fact that you were a warrant as a *cadet*, not a real warrant?
I'm sorry Sig Op... I thought that the fact that is was WO '1st' class would already give it away.

but I shall change it for clarity puposes.

BTW.. I didn't trust my plat. hydration valve so I just swapped it out for my extra camelbak bladder.
CI Phlipster said:
Just a Sig Op said:
Forgive me my momentary impertinence, but would it be so much to ask for you to ammend your signature back the way it was? Or if not, in some way acknowledge the fact that you were a warrant as a *cadet*, not a real warrant?
I'm sorry Sig Op... I thought that the fact that is was WO '1st' class would already give it away.

but I shall change it for clarity puposes.

BTW.. I didn't trust my plat. hydration valve so I just swapped it out for my extra camelbak bladder.

Changing it to "Warrant Officer 2nd Class" doesn't do the trick, make sure that "Cadet" is in there prominently.

As for Camelbaks, I have an older 2L Classic that I bought at Radical Edge in Fredericton which has served me well, it has the good bite valve with the little switch/stopcock kind of thing that prevents leaks.  At the time at CTC we had to wear them under our cbt shirt anyhow, so I wasn't worried about the design of the pack at all.

While passing through NB last week I stopped at Wheeler's retail store and looked at their "modular hydration pack", which is basically just a carrier for a Platypus or Camelbak bladder.  He sells the Platypus bladders too for about the same price as my local retailer.  I've added it to an "eventually" shopping list that includes a lot of things, but for now I'll probably just keep what I have for CAC this summer at least.  I've worn it even under my ruck on the march and never had it leak.  It's actually sort of comfortable to have the somewhat cool water on your back on a hot Lawfield Corridor day.
I have the Thermobak 3L in OD an it has served me well (http://www.camelbak.com/mil/cb_prod.cfm?Product_ID=81&CATID=6) it has a bite valve an utilizes the Hydrolink system so I can also use a gas mask adapter(but for NBC you also need thier chemical resistant bladder). You really need the hydrolink/lock thing, when you are laying down or kit presses against the valve it keeps it from leaking out on you, or when you have to sleep with all your gear on...

The only problem is the tiny sternum strap, I'm not a big body builder or anything like that, an the thing barely gets fastened across my chest when I wear all my gear, for something deisgned for military use it's kinda weak. Other then that it is comfortable, an never leaves my back until it needs refills, I have never had the bladder break an I've done some pretty stupid things like falling outta a tree setting a glowstick for night reference. An it would be nice if it had a cover for the valve so it doesn't get dirt on it, but now I'm just bitchin'

These are great products, an Camelbak does offer good customer support(friend had his bladder break an they replaced no questions). You can get one on Ebay pretty cheap, I picked another one up from
militarygriffin, if you do go the ebay route an want someone reliable...
There was once a video on the camelbak website showing them drive over their "Omega reservoir 3L" 100oz with a Hummer.  I bought the same one, it hasn't failed yet, plus the opening is almost the same size as that of a Jerry can, making it easier and faster to fill.  The only slight down side is that the reservoir itself was about 42 dollars, and the reservoir with carrier was 45, the downside of this is that the carrier is a fantastic ariforce blue.  Plus side is that it is fairly insulated, and there is the shut off valve to control leaks.  My original Platypus had the simple "lips" opening that leaks wih pressure, plus it gets stiff and makes me worry about bursting when it gets really cold out, a problem I have yet to have with the Camelback
I have the 2 L. Platypus,the carrier has adjustable bungee cord on the back for carrying extra water bottles for filling up,also has a belly strap.Work's quite well.
Rememer to wash it out and remove the water tube  befor storing as it will grow nifty looking thing's in side the tube and valve :o
I forgot to take mine apart and clean it and let it air out and dry,so I had to go buy a new drinking tube.
I use a 3 litre camelbak OD Cordura hydration pack in my AUSCAM Cordura South African M83 webbing. The entire 3 litre rig which has a backpack of its own fits just right in the detachabe M83 pack on the back.

I have had it for sometime time now, and it has endured some hardcore Australian conditions from below freezing of the southern Alps to over 50C, in the dusty outback or the humid 35C tropical jungles, where everything seems to get some type of rot. Its been bounced around in UNIMOGs, Land rovers, APCs, C130J's and helos. Its been squashed, stepped on, used as a pillow, and not as much as a drop of leakage.

Personally I would stick to the brand, as I believe that anything else is inferior. When working with the British Royal Marines last year, many haad the same thing in DPM with an NSN, and fresh from Basra, these guys loved the system. It worked well for them.

I carry a canteen cup in my ruck.

My 2c.


I got a hydropack from Eagle Limited and its the shiznit. Its also olive drap so it is pretty tactical. I hear the Hydro Pack from Canadian Peacekeeper is pretty good. Just don't try and wear it on course. They probably won't let you unless its under your shirt.
I've seen alot of CF Guys, particularly on OPs, with Camelbaks. What do you guys think of them, compared to a Standard Canteen, or the 2Qt? I was thinking about getting a system for BMQ...but I'm thinking the Course Staff might have a shitfit.
I'm thinking it might make life easier?
What size would someone recommend? Say a Medium sized 70oz reservoir, or a larger 100oz?


:fifty: - I love that Guy

P.S. If theres already a thread on this, someone let me know. But I couldn't find one.
In my oppinon, Camelbaks are a lot better than a canteen, they hold more water, an easier to get at than a canteen. I own the 3L Thermobak in OD, on my BMQ I wore it on the field ex, an my staff was fine with it.
Cool. I'm thinking of getting a Camelbak Omega 3L. With a insulated tube and cover, and all those bells and whistles. And getting Canadian Peacekeeper's Hydration Pack. Just for the LCF, plus you can add extra modular stuff onto it.
Does anyone know if a 3L pouch will fit into CP's Hydraton Pack?
