Where to start.
Ain't your place to ask that.
Besides, he's right.
Well, i would say you "A'int" correct either.
Here we have "some dude" at an internet java joint for all we know (cause his profile isn't filled out...get it?) coming onto the cadet board making an incorrect statements. If i was Mandel and i justread some idiotic statement that wasn't really correct, i might ask for a little history as well.
Second what makes a forum important or not and who are you to judge? maybe you should stick tot the forum you deem to be important instead of acting like an ass-hat in this forum?
With that out of the way, as i believe we were on topic of Air Cadet dress regs as it refers to CADETPAT before, i refer you to
You will find that:
A) No, the cadet dress regs are all not the same as you stated.
B) Cadet slip ons ARE NOT to be worn with any camo clothing, unless it is official CF issue.
C) Pers. wearing Civi Camo clothing are to wear reflective safety vests as required.
D) Cadets are not
suppose to wear civi's they have the
option of purchasing CF bush clothing or wear civi's. Where a cadet is never forced to buy CF "combats" they will usually see the advantage of the durability aspect vs. their CK jeans. The key element is that they are dressed suitably for the particular event (weather).
Now, as i have stated. i think the CADETPAT is a great idea, it does give distinction and pride in a cadet uniform but until they change the dress regs for
Air, it sits as a civi pattern, which is fine just no cadet slip ons or head dress is to be worn. And at my unit the vest would probably be "required".
hope that clears things up....... Laughing at somone because they asked another "guest" for further details about profile info :
? grow up.