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Bringing 'Em Back or Not? (I.D.'ed Cdn ISIS fighters, families, kids?)

I agree with the last sentence, our courts need to better move cases rather than taking forever.
But the reason you are Remanded is due to risk to reoffend, severity of the charges, flight risk, history to fail attend and the list goes on. If your Remanded it is for a good reason, conditions should be better then they are, but many like to be off the streets with three meals a day and a dry roof.
It should be day for day, unless there is something extraordinary. Then it should be case by case only. To many taking advantage of the 1.5/2 for one rule, Lawyers real the rewards.

I don’t fully agree. Pre-trial remand custody is much tougher than sentenced custody. I understand why some credit is given. I’d rather see the system better resources to move matters through court more promptly.
But the reason you are Remanded is due to risk to reoffend, severity of the charges, flight risk, history to fail attend and the list goes on. If your Remanded it is for a good reason, conditions should be better then they are, but many like to be off the streets with three meals a day and a dry roof.
It should be day for day, unless there is something extraordinary. Then it should be case by case only. To many taking advantage of the 1.5/2 for one rule, Lawyers real the rewards.

I’ve written the briefs to crown that have gotten plenty of people sent to remand on primary, secondary, or tertiary grounds, but thanks for stopping by to explain all that to me.
I’ve written the briefs to crown that have gotten plenty of people sent to remand on primary, secondary, or tertiary grounds, but thanks for stopping by to explain all that to me.
Thanks, others may not be as wise as you
I am curious. How is pre custody much tougher than sentenced custody? My understanding is the pre is done in a provincial facility with the same rules in place for everyone.
I am curious. How is pre custody much tougher than sentenced custody? My understanding is the pre is done in a provincial facility with the same rules in place for everyone.
Off the top of my head, no programs like education, addiction, counselling, etc.
I am curious. How is pre custody much tougher than sentenced custody? My understanding is the pre is done in a provincial facility with the same rules in place for everyone.
I stand to be corrected, but time served before sentencing is bonused, in part, because it's served before guilt is proven.
I am curious. How is pre custody much tougher than sentenced custody? My understanding is the pre is done in a provincial facility with the same rules in place for everyone.
Generally, more crowded, more violence, fewer supports and resources etc. It’s basically warehousing accused.
ah, thanks for the answers. Another reason the courts have to be fixed so cases get through quicker.

Still not a fan of giving more credit for it when they are found guilty based on that but I did read an interesting article by a lawyer that showed in math terms that the additional credit for time served does not actually mean they serve less time than the person that goes direct to court and is given the same sentence. Can't find it now but the basics was the person that delay and stalled their court case to get the time credit doesn't end up serving less time than the one that goes direct. The example was if sentenced to 90 days you will usually do 2/3 of the time so 60 days. The person with credit does 30 days holding gets credit 45 days and has 45 days to serve (90 days) . 2/3 of 45 is 30 days to total 75 days served. To walk directly out free at sentencing due to credit you would have to do 60 days in holding for the 90 credit, the same amount you would serve anyway.

Could be wrong but that lawyer makes it seem to make sense.
Till you are the one in the cell, and the world as you know has changed, and then you find out just how many rights and benefits you have coming.

You have more rights once you are charged or convicted of a crime then you did before you were charged or convicted.

rob a bank spend time in jail waiting for the trial, found guilty, and get a reduced sentence time because you had to wait behind bars for your trial.

murder some one and spend time awaiting trial and you are rewarded for your time in jail before being convicted.

Show up at last call when sentenced to weekends and if they have no room for you, they send you home with full credit for time you would of served.

I think the Canadian Justice system needs a rewrite, till it is you on the on the other side of the cell door, then the system is great, because it seems to benefit the accused more than the victims.

If your case takes too long to get in front of the judge, toss the charges, so you know there will be delay tactics planned, along with the normal delays. Enough delays and you are free

What a system
She's no ordinary kid, apparently:

I know Shamima Begum better than most - we need to stop saying she was some kind of victim: 'Danger tourist' who befriended ISIS bride in prison camp says she 'isn't a dumb kid' - and wonders if she was trying to groom him during time together ....​

Latest on this one ....
But the reason you are Remanded is due to risk to reoffend, severity of the charges, flight risk, history to fail attend and the list goes on. If your Remanded it is for a good reason, conditions should be better then they are, but many like to be off the streets with three meals a day and a dry roof.
It should be day for day, unless there is something extraordinary. Then it should be case by case only. To many taking advantage of the 1.5/2 for one rule, Lawyers real the rewards.
As a former CO here, let me just clarify a few things...

- Being remanded sucks, especially if it's for something stupid & destined to be thrown out in court. It also makes defending yourself substantially more difficult

Not everybody who is remanded is remanded for good reason. I've seen more than a few folks remanded into custody that shouldn't have been...
As a former CO here, let me just clarify a few things...

- Being remanded sucks, especially if it's for something stupid & destined to be thrown out in court. It also makes defending yourself substantially more difficult
for many it does not. For a first time person I agree. Many use the system to their advantage to gain time towards their sentence, be safe(er) then on the streets etc.
Not everybody who is remanded is remanded for good reason. I've seen more than a few folks remanded into custody that shouldn't have been...
Lots of charges laid that should not have been either. But the people who choose for them to be remanded have good reasons. They may not be the right reason. That is why the court does their job.
for many it does not. For a first time person I agree. Many use the system to their advantage to gain time towards their sentence, be safe(er) then on the streets etc.

Lots of charges laid that should not have been either. But the people who choose for them to be remanded have good reasons. They may not be the right reason. That is why the court does their job.
Both fair points

An update up to her story.
Wow, I’ll be super interested to see if we get more of the story on what they’ve got to make those charges stick. Finding offences they could stick to the returning women seems to have been hard so far.
Just moved these last two posts here where they & other returnees have been discussed.

Milnet.ca Staff

An update up to her story.
This from the RCMP info-machine ...
... and a bit of back story (Nov 2023) ...
... and what Wikipedia has to say about that ISIS female unit
Usual reminder: According to Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms, "Any person charged with an offence has the right .... to be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law in a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal."
Sounds like she worked for their secret police. She'd rat put anyone who was critical of Islam or wanted to leave, the accused would then be tortured and killed.

She's not even behind bars.