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Bigger army

BeadWindow said:
You guys are just being petty now Recceguy. So his 11-12 years of service dont mean anything? You could quote his service in a more respectful manner than that. Adding the term "what" shows that you cant even be bothered to check his profile.

Before you start double tasking your air breather, YOU better check YOUR facts. His profile shows service from 65-77 or 11-12 years. That was not enough to be vested for pension, you got a return of contributions. He's implying that the Gov't is denying him a pension. So unless he served in another org covered by C-78 he's not entitled to it anyway.

Your the one that's being petty, if in any way you construe a statement of fact to "disrespect of his service", and if your post is indicitive of your thoughts on this thread, your wasting bandwith.
recceguy said:
Before you start double tasking your air breather, YOU better check YOUR facts. His profile shows service from 65-77 or 11-12 years. That was not enough to be vested for pension, you got a return of contributions. He's implying that the Gov't is denying him a pension. So unless he served in another org covered by C-78 he's not entitled to it anyway.

Your the one that's being petty, if in any way you construe a statement of fact to "disrespect of his service", and if your post is indicitive of your thoughts on this thread, your wasting bandwith.

Sorry to bust your bubble, but I have been on pension sense 1977.
Umm there are plenty of opinions on this site, have you even bothered looking through the other topics here? This site is extrememly active all you have to do is look at the number of new members joining and the number of new topics every month. The site has a life of its own; it does not need you or anyone of us really to continue as its been well established, so spare us the false sense that you saved this site.  ::)
Young KH said:
I don't pretend to have all the answers but I do have opinions, wrong or right...I was proven wrong in most cases and completely out of time (not current info) but I did try...
Ken, you have opinions, and you are, of course entitled to them, and to voice them. I hope now, though, that armed with some facts, you will revise some of those opinions. If not, hey, that's your prerogative.
Thanks for your service.
I was proven wrong in most cases and completely out of time (not current info) but I did try, as for most of you, if you spent as much time thinking of how to improve the Armed Forces as you did on damming others, the site might even make a difference.

That's about all I will take.  Listen Pal, I come to this site to enjoy some good chat, read some info, bump into old and new friend.

I don't appreciate someone logging on here, trolling for old topics and spouting out quotes from the enquirer, then proclaiming himself as being the saviour of all down trodden posters.

If you're here to stir shite, then please just go.  Don't go away mad, just go away.  If you are a member of this site to experience what Mike has done for us, and offer more to build the site, then do it.

Now stop trying to find ways to goad us into an argument, please.


Ex-Dragoon said:
Umm there are plenty of opinions on this site, have you even bothered looking through the other topics here? This site is extrememly active all you have to do is look at the number of new members joining and the number of new topics every month. The site has a life of its own; it does not need you or anyone of us really to continue as its been well established, so spare us the false sense that you saved this site.  ::)
hehehehehehehe Again I stand corrected I meant this Topic. Fly poop out of pepper, hehehehehehehe
Young KH said:
The Army by its very nature is very secretive and so anyone with real knowledge would not be found posting here,

I wouldn't say the Governor General is unknowledgable on the subject. She certainly knows more about the current state of the military than you do, and she has posted here in the past. There are also some very high up people in key positions that post here, if you bothered to look around.

Young KH said:
I was proven wrong in most cases and completely out of time (not current info) but I did try, as for most of you, if you spent as much time thinking of how to improve the Armed Forces as you did on damming others, the site might even make a difference.

You still haven't verified or quantified the info you gave out.

Young KH said:
Sorry to bust your bubble, but I have been on pension sense 1977.

Sorry, I should have realized you may have gone out on a medical pension. When I joined, back in around the same era, IIRC you had to have 20 years to collect a normal pension.
She posted a few years ago, and the thread is buried in the archives. It's been mentioned before and we had a couple of threads on it. It'll take a lot of use of that elusive  ;)  "Search Button"  but it's there somewhere.
Hmm, my hasty searches seem to indicate that the moderator known as "Slim" is, in fact, the Governor General. I may have to refine that a little bit though....
No doubt you did. As I say, it was a very obscure thread. We were pleasantly suprised to find her lurking here, as many others above the glass ceiling do.

Would you mid telling me what opinion that you want and I quote "You still haven't verified or quantified the info you gave out." As I was told, it is because of not answering this that I was given a Verbal Warning.
I was kind of hoping it would but it needs input from people that are actually on the ground right now not old fogies like me.
Here are some examples Ken:

As for Re con, just try and see how close you are going to get to the US or British coast line before detection.

WARNING to anyone postion anywhere on any site. There are people out there sitting and watching in wait for key words or groops of words, ready to jump all over you and what ever you might say. Not because you are wrong but more because you dare to talk about something that they believe, the only opinion that counts is their own, or because they are working the posts for the specific reason of making sure that their own funding or interests are are not somehow undermined.

I do know something about this. I the Ontario distric that I was three years ago there were over 3000 that applied to join the Armed Forces and only 15 accepted. problem lies not in the want but in the accepting.

Something..........TO SIT DOWN AND THINK ABOUT!
Can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 300 employees and has the following statistics:
a)  30 have been accused of spousal abuse.
b)  9 have been arrested for fraud
c)  14 have been accused of writing bad cheques.
d)  95 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
e)  4 have done time for assault
f)  55 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
g) 12 have been arrested on drug related charges
h) 4 have been arrested for shoplifting
i) 16 are currently defendants in lawsuits
j)  12 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year.
Can you guess which organization this is?
It is our 301 elected MP's in the Canadian Parliament
The same group that cranks out hundreds of new laws designed to keep the rest of us in line.
Which one did you vote for?
Source: THE OTTAWA CITIZEN Newspaper
Pass this on to every Canadian you know.
And think about it, these are the same people who want to rob the Pension kitty and refuse us pensions.
Ex-Dragoon said:
Here are some examples Ken:

As for Re con, just try and see how close you are going to get to the US or British coast line before detection.

Above isn't a statement wrong or right it was a challenge.

WARNING to anyone postion anywhere on any site. There are people out there sitting and watching in wait for key words or groops of words, ready to jump all over you and what ever you might say. Not because you are wrong but more because you dare to talk about something that they believe, the only opinion that counts is their own, or because they are working the posts for the specific reason of making sure that their own funding or interests are are not somehow undermined.

There are people waiting to pounce, that is not a bad thing. In fact I believe that it is needed, to get people like me up to date faster then if no one answered.

I do know something about this. I the Ontario distric that I was three years ago there were over 3000 that applied to join the Armed Forces and only 15 accepted. problem lies not in the want but in the accepting.

I did explain this one but will not give the guys name out because he might be still in the Military. I wrote NNNPD (No Names No Pack Drill) behind it.

Something..........TO SIT DOWN AND THINK ABOUT!
Can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 300 employees and has the following statistics:
a)   30 have been accused of spousal abuse.
b)   9 have been arrested for fraud
c)   14 have been accused of writing bad cheques.
d)   95 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
e)   4 have done time for assault
f)   55 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
g) 12 have been arrested on drug related charges
h) 4 have been arrested for shoplifting
i) 16 are currently defendants in lawsuits
j)   12 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year.
Can you guess which organization this is?
It is our 301 elected MP's in the Canadian Parliament

This I will admit came by email to me but I can but won't name a lot of the ones that actually have these problems.

Source: THE OTTAWA CITIZEN Newspaper
Pass this on to every Canadian you know.
And think about it, these are the same people who want to rob the Pension kitty and refuse us pensions.

The pension part I gave you the web sites to look at.
aesop081 said:
oh yeah...now i'm convinced   ::)

I haven't been trying to convince you or anyone. Just throwing out suggestions, try it, some might even be good ones.