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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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Katee Sackoff guest starred on Law and Order last night...she played a chick that had severe anger issues and killed a guy...
::) I wonder where she learned how to play that part  ::)
Grace, I'm sure, looks good playing whatever part she tries... ::)
Katee Sackoff playing a character with anger issues...I s'pose she's plenty of practice by now. 

I saw a BSG episode the other day that featured Starbuck's Mom, an ex-Colonial marine who slams her daughter's hand in a doorjam on purpose to impose a punishment for something or other.

To my mind, anyone with that sort of upbringing would be lucky to ONLY have anger issues!  :threat:


I still want that Viper ride!
Now that its the New Year I am getting worried about not being able to see the new season stuck here in the Sandbox.  Any thoughts about how we can get it over here (particularly CNS?)
Space ran a "catch-up" show tonight for a 1/2 hour, with some spoilers into friday's show and the other last 9 episodes... :'(
According to my niner...she doesn't have to watch the other seasons for see what's going on.  :(
ME....bring on friday night!!!!!!! ;D    :D
FRIDAY?!  :o
Deployed fellow geeks, help a brother out!!  Surely someone knows how to get the series over here?  :crybaby:
What are your chances of 9erD taping it for you and sending it???
Or just wait for the DVD set and enjoy??    8)
Sorry i'm not much help... ::)
Webisodes are great! I love watching these. I still haven't gotten out to buy Season 4.0 yet... I really have to get on that.
Weeellll....tonight's the night.
I feel like a teenage virgin waiting for the big moment.  :D  I'm watching The Circuit right now, they're focusing on the cast and highlights.  Then it's a quickie up to dater with the producers...then the big movie...looks like a two hour special or two episodes back to back...yippee!!

Oh, my money's on Starbuck as the final One.
I disliked Starbuck as an angsty back from the dead zombie; the only thing that could be worse is Starbuck as a Cylonized born again back from the dead zombie. 
Wow. I have to admit that I did not see all that coming.

Bye Bye Dee.

And as for that Starbuck plot line- they are really frakking with our heads.
Well we can get rid of the poll in this thread about who is the final Cylon....or can we?
What if Tyrol isn't the kid's father?  Personally, I was leaning towards Ellen (Tigh's wife) being a cylon.  First, she and Tigh don't have any kids, which could mean she is a cylon; there was that episode where Ellen shows up baltar says to head-six that he would never tell what her test results were; finally, cylons generally seem to be attracted to one another (Tyrol/Boomer, Anders/Tori, looks like we might see some Tigh/Six action) Ellen was with Tigh, and spent a good deal of time with Cavril.

Damn I'm good.  My reasons might be wrong, but still...
please someone PM me with what all happened on BSG last night - I stupidly forgot it was on and missed it. 
LOL oh it's one of those... great.

CD - thanks for reminding me about the reruns.  Can't wait to catch it tomorrow.
Okay, NOW I'm pissed!  That little turd Gaeta needs a 7.62 mm suppository, like, RIGHT NOW!  >:(