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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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AideMemoire said:
I'm working on that show right now.  Actually, the series itself has wrapped, but they shot a pilot for a spinoff series set on Caprica with a "Resistance Movement" theme this summer, and we're now doing a Movie-of-the-Week which revisits Caprica just before the Cylons attacked - during the attack - immediately after the attack - and up to the point Starbuck takes the jump-ship back to retrieve The Arrow.  It's going to be pretty cool.  Edward James Olmos ("Adama") is directing, and he both knows and loves what Galactica has been all about these last five years and it shows every time he gets anyone to do anything.  Cool to see. And rare.

...a bit more info in your profile would help with believing that you work on the show..if you do,,,can we get tickets to fly in a Viper???  How 'bout a hot date with Tricia??  Lucky dog, gets to look at her all day...no fair???!!!    :crybaby:    :crybaby:    :crybaby:
BYT Driver said:
...a bit more info in your profile would help with believing that you work on the show..if you do,,,can we get tickets to fly in a Viper???  How 'bout a hot date with Tricia??  Lucky dog, gets to look at her all day...no fair???!!!    :crybaby:     :crybaby:     :crybaby:

I'll get shot if I put anything in my profile, as...it's a small world.  Or someone will round up a pack of entertainment lawyers and yell "Sick him!" because of the non-disclosure agreement thing.  Those guys chew to kill.  Anyhow, I've only done bits and pieces throughout the series and now on the Movie-of-the-Week.  Once we had Raptors out on location and they look pretty cool even close up.  The Vipers I had a look at once at studio on the "Pegasus" hangar deck set, and damnit - I wanna ride in one too!  Never got into the CIC though.  Best I managed was Colonial One.

Anyway, if you like the 'skinjob' Cylons (Caprica Six, Sharon/Boomer etc.) watch out for this MOW when it gets released - though I have no idea when that might be.  Principal photography ends sometime next week and then it's a couple months at least in post-production where they add all the effects and crap.  When we're shooting and 'toaster' Cylons play (the metal dudes), we actually have plywood or cardboard stand-up cutouts of them to place wherever they're going to be in the finished product, so the cast and camera etc. can actually look at something concrete, and so the FX guys later on can judge what height to make the Cylons on the computer.  If they flog any off at the wrap sale I want to buy one and keep it around for a No. 11 Target. :)  Or I'll stick a Santa hat on it and stuff it on the front lawn around Christmas.

CougarDaddy said:

What "movie of the week" are you talking about?  ???

The Galactica series is done. Over.  :crybaby: They're even getting ready to auction off most of the props and stuff online now that the sets are (mostly) all gone which is a little surprising because many people expected the stuff to go into storage in case they wanted to make a couple of Made-for-TV movies later on (like the two recent 'Stargate' movies for example.)    So what's filming now is a Made-for-TV Movie (also called an MOW or 'Movie of the Week') which takes place mostly on Caprica (plus some fleet stuff) prior, during and after the Cylon attack with a lot of the same main characters (Anders, Caprica Six, Boomer/Sharon, Brother Cavil, Simon, Leoben etc.)  From what I gather it's supposed to stoke interest in the Galactica spinoff series "Caprica" in addition to standing on its own as a movie sort of 'filling in the blanks' as respects the earlier bits of the Galactica series.  I have no idea when it might air. 

AideMemoire said:
The Galactica series is done. Over.  :crybaby: They're even getting ready to auction off most of the props and stuff online now that the sets are (mostly) all gone.  So what we're doing now is a Made-for-TV Movie (also called an MOW or 'Movie of the Week') which takes place mostly on Caprica (some fleet stuff) with a lot of the same main characters (Anders, Caprica Six, Boomer/Sharon, Brother Cavil, Leoben etc.), which might hopefully lead into a spinoff series set on Caprica if there's enough interest.

I have no idea when it might air.

Thanks for the clarification. It's about time they showed some COLONIAL FLEET stuff!!!! Perhaps they will show that ill-fated battle between some battlestars led by the battlestar Atlantia and Admiral Nagala and some Cylon basestars that were only mentioned in passing in the pilot miniseries.
CougarDaddy said:
Thanks for the clarification. It's about time they showed some COLONIAL FLEET stuff!!!! Perhaps they will show that ill-fated battle between some battlestars led by the battlestar Atlantia and Admiral Nagala and some Cylon basestars that were only mentioned in passing in the pilot miniseries.

One or more ships in the civvy tagalong fleet, for sure, but I don't know about the rest of it.  I too would love to see more of that initial battle etc. which is why I figured (not just me, either) that there'd be HUGE opportunities for more TV movies either set at that time, or any other really, by having them take place between two points on the existing timeline.  Eh, could happen.  I got some indication they were thinking ahead a *bit* in that direction when they were getting rid of the sets, but here's where I have to shut up.

I think I forgot to mention, but Edward James Olmos (who everyone calls 'Eddie') is directing the current movie.  I can't say enough about Olmos.  Way back when there was one of David Eick's little behind-the-scene things with all the cast around the boardroom table, and Olmos was telling everyone present how proud he was of the series and how proud he was to be a part of it.  I'm happy to report that all of that shows up on set in spades with Olmos in the director's chair, and hasn't diminished one iota after five seasons or so working on the show. 

It's funny, but watching the show over the years you can't really help but compare Olmos's Commander Adama to people you may've worked under in the military, and realizing you would be one of those people who would go the extra distance for someone like Adama.  The strange thing about working on the show is that you get the idea cast and crew are prepared to do exactly that for 'Commander' Olmos.  That's rare.  I've only ever seen that with one other actor/director in ten years.
I know that this part of the topic has been done to death but I have to say that I vastly prefer the 'new' series to the old one!

However, I do realize that there are dyed in the wool fans of the old one too...

Aide-Memoir, this question is for you sir;

How many of each do you encounter (if at all) and what do they say of each of the different series? :pop:

AideMemoire said:
It's funny, but watching the show over the years you can't really help but compare Olmos's Commander Adama to people you may've worked under in the military, and realizing you would be one of those people who would go the extra distance for someone like Adama...

I'm sorry but I'm not yet in the CF. Still a civvy and time as a cadet doesn't really count. Take care to read people's profiles if they are filled.
CougarDaddy said:
I'm sorry but I'm not yet in the CF. Still a civvy and time as a cadet doesn't really count. Take care to read people's profiles if they are filled.

Uhh...that was thrown out there as a general comment, dawg - not to you specifically.  Sometimes stuff like that's not so clear in forums like this, but...whatever. 
I saw the youtube series ending video, sigh can't hollywood come up with a better end then earth being toasted by nukes? Please the cold war is over and no nuked the other. That and the sets being so dark that I feel like I am stumbling around in a room where the light bulb just broke, I realize it saves money and time as the sets don't require the same detail, but i am sick of it. nowdays I rather play a video game than to watch TV.
Colin P said:
Please the cold war is over and no nuked the other.

Not to stray too far from the topic at hand but...Why do you think that all the nuclear weapons have just gone away?

They're all still there and the threat, while more distant than in times past, is still quite real. We just have other threats to consentrate on now...BTW it is believed in most professional circles that Iran either has, or is working very hard at acquiring the BOMB.

I'm sorry but the BSG ending could still be quite real some day... :skull:

Slim said:
Not to stray too far from the topic at hand but...Why do you think that all the nuclear weapons have just gone away?

They're all still there and the threat, while more distant than in times past, is still quite real. We just have other threats to consentrate on now...BTW it is believed in most professional circles that Iran either has, or is working very hard at acquiring the BOMB.

I'm sorry but the BSG ending could still be quite real some day... :skull:


Agreed, and not only Iran, but look at Russia selling nuclear arms to Venezuela. Not to even mention the fact that North Korea successfully detonated a nuclear device. Just because they say they have disbanded their program, doesn't mean a thing. They did it once, and can do it again if they wanted to. The world is still a very unstable place.

Back on topic: I am in the middle of re-watching all the episodes. I'm onto season two again, and wow is it ever deep when you watch too many episodes in a row!
Slim said:
I know that this part of the topic has been done to death but I have to say that I vastly prefer the 'new' series to the old one!
However, I do realize that there are dyed in the wool fans of the old one too...
Aide-Memoir, this question is for you sir;
How many of each do you encounter (if at all) and what do they say of each of the different series? :pop:

I ate up the old series when I was a kid, and couldn't wait for it to come on (Sunday nights, as I recall.)  Who didn't want to be Captain Apollo?  Last time the series was aired here in B.C. (long before we heard there was even going to be another series), I taped every one I could on VHS.  Yeah, the original series had its fair share of cheese (lighted-rope dancing comes to mind), but damnit, it had Vipers, lasers, aircraft-carrier-in-space action and evil robots -- what's not to love? (Okay. Muffet. Score one for the forces for darkness.) 

Throughout the various sci-fi fan groups, USENET groups and even email forwards, a few people I know heard of the projected new series and just were aghast at changes like "Starbuck" getting a bad case of female, "Galactica" itself turned into an orbiting museum and gift shoppe, and the overall drive to make the look "low-tech" high-tech.  More than a few people brought out the old "if it works, don't f*ck with it" in terms of the original Galactica formula, and figured the new series would just be Hollywood trying to recycle old properties, sex it up a dozen notches, and do it cheaply.

We were wrong. As wrong as one could be, as it turns out.  I watched the miniseries with the same trepidation I know a lot of other fans of the old series were experiencing too - but unanimously - and I mean unanimously - the verdict was "AWESOME!"  Once you worked out that it was possible to be fan of both the old and new versions of "Galactica", even the most stubborn holdouts (there were a few) came around. 

As you probably know, Richard Hatch ('Zarek' in the new one; the original "Apollo" in the old one) got together with a bunch of others from the old show and, on their own nickel, shot a short film with some of the old props and uniforms (with some updates, as I recall)  hoping to rekindle interest in producing more eps of the original  Galactica (five-six years before the current one was greenlighted.)  It should still be kicking around Youtube or Veoh or elsewhere on the web somewhere.  From what I understand he pushed and pushed his idea with Glen A. Larson and others to no avail BUT I can just about guarantee that was the spark which got people thinking about making the New Galactica - even though you can't really trace anything directly back to Hatch.  I also think he was a little bitter/reluctant at first, but was then persuaded to come on the new show anyway as Zarek, so if he harboured any resentment he soon got over it.  Once he got to set, he apparently had more than a few people come up and tell him Captain Apollo was their hero growing up, which isn't something a lot of actors get to hear 28 years after they took the uniform off for the last time.

On set - among the regular crew anyway - there are a *lot* of fans of the old Galactica, and I'd go as far to say that's the case with most of them (or at least the ones I talked to over the last couple years.)  When we were out on the set of the camp/settlement during that "New Caprica" arc a few days before shooting, everyone had their celphones turned on because there weren't any scenes being shot to interrupt.  The ringtone in all of them was the theme from the old Battlestar series! (da...da-da-daaa..da-da-da-dadadadaaa...) Heh.

Tuesday night -into Wednesday a.m.  was the last day of shooting all things Galactica.  We were in the sack-end of nowhere and were shooting around a pit full of bodies that looked like a bad Srebrenica flashback.  The poor extras had to lie among all the very lifelike fake bodies (and parts thereof) for hours while this camera moved here and that one there - it was a long night.  It's just as well the last shooting day was a night shot as everyone walked around tired and thoughts were more of just getting to bed rather than "wow, this is the last time I'm going to be working with these people after five years", which cut down on most of the overly emotional crap  ;).    Most of it, anyway.

At the end, Edward James Olmos allowed himself an Adama moment, grabbed an applebox to stand on and a megaphone from an A.D., and congratulated everyone on being part of a great show.  He also said this series had been the most important chapter of his life.  His speech was off the cuff and brief, but you could tell the dude was choked up.  He ended by giving us a bit of hope at the end by announcing:

"This is it.  The end of Galactica. <then partly under his breath, conspiratorially almost> At least in its current form."

He then ended by leading a cheer of "AND SO SAY WE ALL!" which the entire mob still present echoed right along with him.  It was...something to see.  Sometimes the planets and stars and crap align and you're places you'd never thought you'd ever be and present at occasions you know you'll never forget.  That was one.
Intelligent Design said:
Agreed, and not only Iran, but look at Russia selling nuclear arms to Venezuela. Not to even mention the fact that North Korea successfully detonated a nuclear device. Just because they say they have disbanded their program, doesn't mean a thing. They did it once, and can do it again if they wanted to. The world is still a very unstable place.

Back on topic: I am in the middle of re-watching all the episodes. I'm onto season two again, and wow is it ever deep when you watch too many episodes in a row!

Can you provide a source for what I have bolded.
Ex-Dragoon said:
Can you provide a source for what I have bolded.

I didn't post that bit, but a quick Google reveals that Russia's entered into an arms deal with Venezuela for conventional weapons "and nuclear cooperation", whatever that means.  Russia's also evidently agreed to build nuclear plants in Iran.  Yeahswell.

Venezuela ref:  http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=ce7_1222377384 (but plenty of others can be found too.)

The one major downside to the end of the Cold War has been all these other countries wanting to join the Nuclear Club just so they can posture and say "Hey! We're players too, y'know!"  It's not hard to imagine a NoKo or Iran or Pakistan or India (or even Venezuela) sparking a conflict which would leave Earth in the condition Battlestar Galactica found it, which is why you have to wonder why Russia - obviously well aware of what the proliferation of nuclear weapons can cause after 40-plus years of Cold War scenarios and Chernobyl - seems so willing to sell the world into instability.  To me, Russia seems like some has-been actor stuck in a supporting role who's continually trying to take the spotlight away from the leads by any means necessary.  In some cases that means taking an opposing (and nonsensical) stance on world affairs just because they can, and aiding whatever third-world pesthole is currently being a thorn in the side of the U.S. specifically, and NATO in general.  In continually trying to remind everyone on the planet that they're still a player on the world stage, Russia comes across as a spoiled child.  IMO anyway.

(hey, I mentioned Galactica, so it's still at least *nominally* on topic...)
My problem with IDs post is that google says one thing and he assumes its nuclear weapons. one should be careful on what one speculates until proof is given.

Anyways back to BSG :D
Colin P said:
The Geiger counter crackling away in the scene was to make sure we didn't miss the obvious.

Like the rat in the final scene of the Departed?  lol
Colin P said:
The Geiger counter crackling away in the scene was to make sure we didn't miss the obvious.

Still...of all the endings that one caught me out! Never expected it in a hundred years!!

Don't know if I'm dissapointed about it or not...have to think on it for a time...

Does anyone know when they will start airing the final season?  Or am I not reading well enough back...or forward    ???      :blotto:

Any speculations on who is the final 5th Cylon??  Aidememoir??  {hint-hint...nudge-nudge}....Bueller?