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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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Northern Ranger said:
I agree I dont mind the drama, but the need to bring something on with the toasters involved.   

BTW what was the show called a few years back that had the humans against the aliens and the marines (some where clones or something)  The Major is now the guy in CTU on the tv show 24.  Anyways it was short lived only two or three seasons.  hope this doesn't go that way.
Space:Above and Beyond
I just answered his question, BYT Driver...guess you haven't been paying attention to the previous posts.

And BTW, you are a CYLON!!! One of the FINAL FIVE!!!!! ;D

Yeeesss, I see it now.
Now CK, about me being a cylon?   ;D
Don't forget that I play with fluids that go kaboom.   >:D
But its fun and exciting and just as enticing as speculating who is/are the real Cylons.

The others have yet to be revealed therefore we speculate, maybe SR is one and just trying to direct away any incoming fire>>>

BYT Driver said:
But its fun and exciting and just as enticing as speculating who is/are the real Cylons.

The others have yet to be revealed therefore we speculate, maybe SR is one and just trying to direct away any incoming fire>>>

That's right... you are correct, i'm a cylon.


ERASE ERASE ERA.... argh, crap. Too much Dr. Who
So far, I've only heard that line once in the last 3 years.  It was in the mini series and 6 said it.  It hasn't been said since. 

Didn't like the episode this week. Felt it was well a bit. Boorish and over the top. The Cheif being a union leader...yeah right.
He had been one when he was on New Caprica.  I assume since his character had been a unionist on NC he was voluntold to deal with the refinery ship's workers as he would have known most of the shop stewards on NC. I thought it was pretty cool when the theme song from Norma Rae started to play when he went to shut off the line. 
niner domestic said:
He had been one when he was on New Caprica.  I assume since his character had been a unionist on NC he was voluntold to deal with the refinery ship's workers as he would have known most of the shop stewards on NC. I thought it was pretty cool when the theme song from Norma Rae started to play when he went to shut off the line. 
That sounds like a TV geek thing there Niner? 
I think they're trying to lay some ground work and charactor development {yes, I'm saying this, hard to believe?!} for a big fall in plot that will include some deaths and Cylon discovery. 

NOW! if they'd only bring this one back!
Saw preview of the next episode. Looks like we finally are going to get ass that kicks ass while being kicked in the ass.... and hit with an ice hammer in the nuts... 'cept hammer is made from vodka and not water  :threat:
niner domestic said:
This is the last episode Starbuck is in for this season. 

THANK GOD (or Gods for you non-Cylons  :P). I was getting sick of the whole Starbuck/Adama thing.
niner domestic said:
This is the last episode Starbuck is in for this season. 
How do you know this, niner?
Why would Katie be leaving the show?
Enquiring minds need to know.

Sounds kind of like she will be back next season.
Wow, what to say....  I was very suprised at what happened....  Not sure i fteh show is going to the same now.
Damn! Just saw the episode tonight- I can't believe they (the screenwriters) killed Starbuck off before the fleet reached Earth!

If she's not one of the Final Five, then I'm sorry the writers made meet her fate exploding in a Viper in some Gas Giant Planet.

She really stood among the other characters...but somehow I feel this isn't the last we've seen of her.  :salute:

As for Adama mourning over Starbuck, HE DIDN'T HAVE TO TAKE IT OUT ON HIS POOR MODEL SHIP!!!! :o hehehe...oh well....