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assault rifles

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5.56mm C77 IVI - As well as the Business End, No Hollow Point. (Looking a little Mangled from a Bullet-Pulling Hammer).
5.56mm Hollow Point Boat Tail. 69g "Hornady" brand bullets for reloading.
5.56mm Hollow Point Boat Tail. 69g "Hornady" brand bullets for reloading. (Business End)

Not a good idea to be showing pictures of military rounds in your possession.   Or pulling apart military rounds.   SNC TEC does not sell IVI headstamped 5.56mm rounds commercially.   They market their civie ammo under DA (Dominion Arsenals).   Plus its got the NATO symbol so that makes sure it is a military round.   So if you are civilian where did you   get them?   Your dad was running some pistol matches at last years DCRA NSCC.   If they are passing intact ammunition to civilians (yourself) who did not use them to fire on the range you may have just screwed them.   Or the round was illegally removed from the range (theft).   Civilians may fire military ammo, but it has to be support of DCRA or a DND shooting team.   If you were a military member pulling apart ammo you could be charged unless you fall into a very narrow catagory of people who are allowed to.
Just a cautionary tale...use some common sense before posting pictures.

Of course if you got someone in the military who is authorized to take ammunition apart in this manner, and who just happened to have a requirement to take apart a 5.56mm round at the time you needed photos of it, thats fine.   What a stroke of luck and you can disregard everything I typed above.   Or if you got that round from a foreign military who SNC sold it to with that headstamp and you imported it correctly into in Canada the same applies.  Or you got the cart case from CADC or someone who bought from them and the projectile from somewhere else.  Of course considering the projectile was pulled I don't think thats the case.

Edit: Grammer
KevinB,  do you have any pictures of the C8A2.  I have seen the pic on this website but i'd like to see a real picture of one... thanks
CF_Lifer you have misread me again  ::).

SS109/M855/C77 is a FMJ-BT round -- What I had written was that not only were you incorrect on your discussion of the C77 bullet being illegal if it yawed and fragemented in tissue, but that OTM rounds were legal in rifles and the CF uses some versions of OTM rounds.

I am getting a little annoyed with your so superior attitude in this matter, when clearly you have no real knowledge nor understanding of the topic at all.

I will recommned to the the www.IWBA.com  It has peer reviewed data on wound balistics, and instead of buy some guns and blammo tripe you should consider this a worthy investment instead.

CF Lifer:

Please refer to this thread:


There are many members on this board who have extensive experience with disciplines within the military.  Kevin B has a passion for firearms and works with them professionally and on his spare time.  Even the senior soldiers on the board often defer to him on matters relating to small arms.  Likewise for AmmoTech, who is one of the few in the Forces that deals with the ordinance we send down range.  These two are among a group of members here that have tons of experience and are willing to pass on their knowledge to those willing to listen.
You are not one of those experienced members.  You are not a member of the Canadian Army, but your handle seems to pass you off as such.  Perhaps you should pass basic training before deciding to refer to yourself as a "CF Lifer".  Also, please don't attempt to speak authoritatively on matters you have no first hand experience with.  As well, you don't appear to be one of those members who is willing to take in the advice and relevent information that is being disseminated here.  Instead of constantly trying to get the last word with information that some book supplied to you, why don't you shut your mouth and open your ears, because it'll do wonders for you down the road.

You are providing a lot of static to these means.  Turn it down a notch so we can get a clear signal.

I have a few pics but no good ones - 

We are not issued C8A2's per sa - We have C7A2's but we have C8A2 uppers in addition (gets kinda muddled but the basic weapon is the C7A2)

I will endevour to take a few good ones and post...

Infanteer - Thanks, I owe you.
another point to the pics of a hollowed out 5.56mm round.......... under the g.c geneva convention.... to tamper with cut or hollow a bullet or tamper with a round as to inflict more damage than would otherwise be done is illegal ..........so if was a dirt monkey that did it ( very very silly ) ......................a normal round is just as good no point messing with them unless u know what ur doing unless u want it to explode in ur face remember it only works as it sould in the safty of the breach of a firearms..................be safe not dead!
It is the Hague Convention of 1899 that prohibits the use of expanding or flatting bullets as well the use poison gas and at one point throwing explosives out of balloons.
- Dear Infanteer,
I have no problem being open to what other people have to say. I spent my whole 6 days up at the DCRA's NSCC (While not RSOing) listening to what people had to say about joining the Infantry. I Listened to there stories, good or bad, and their advice....good or bad. I respect, and love taking in the information that the experienced people on this Forum have to offer. People who have served for even more than a decade!
To do with the CF_Lifer name, I plan on making a career out of the CF. Not a little stint for a couple years, or a 5 year RMC contract, with a super-Clique membership. I plan on staying over the 25year Pension Timelength. My whole family has always been in the Military, all throughout the commonwealth, and its just in me. Through and Through.
On to the topic of Firearms...
For starters, if you check with Mr. Bobbit, he met us, for my T-shirt, outside of LeBaron's in Bells Corners, where we had just purchased the 9mm rounds we'd need for the DCRA's NSCC. My dad has been shooting since he was younger than I, and my grandfather dominated Bisley when he was in the Brit Army. We work closely with Mr. Keith Cunningham (Ex-DCO of the Sniper School in Gagetown) and Mr. Tim Kagetsu (THE best Service Rifle shot in the country). My dad is a licensed Armourer, and had built, with a gigantic amount of work from Keith, all of our weapons that we possess today. I'm sorry, I dont get all of my info from Books. As for shooting, the newest addition to the victoriies would have to be the ORA's Service Conditions Match #1, which I wont Top T, and beat the 30FD Arty, and the Naval Combat Arms Team.
So I would appreciate it if you didn't slag me, before checking things out. Like I said, if I am ever in doubt about something theres always a "Correct me if I'm wrong". I am very open to people's opinions, and believe that the only way to get around, is to go off other people's senior experience.
I cant believe a Topic on Assault Rifles has come to this....


Yeah I saw you get kicked out the first row in the pic taking, kinda like WTF is that kid doing there  ;D

I never saw you over at the Service Rifle matches, 30 RCA is a reserve artillety unit, the Naval unit I think you are attemptign to refer to is reserve as well the MCST team only showed up for the NSCC - and coudl not use their issue SIG's so they were penalized at bit.

Did you shoot in Helmet, flak vest and tac vest?

No I did not think so.

Spounting off to infanteer to try and look high and mightly on the internet is not going enhance your rep which was already on the slippery slope to mall ninjahood at it were...  :salute:
Click on his msn profile next to his name. Read about his interests, then go to his website. Make your own conclusions. I've made mine but I probably don't need to share.  :o ::)
CF_Lifer said:
- Dear Infanteer,
I have no problem being open to what other people have to say. I spent my whole 6 days up at the DCRA's NSCC (While not RSOing)
Exactly what did you do for your Dad? 

. People who have served for even more than a decade!
Oh like me  ::)
On to the topic of Firearms...
For starters, if you check with Mr. Bobbit, he met us, for my T-shirt, outside of LeBaron's in Bells Corners, where we had just purchased the 9mm rounds we'd need for the DCRA's NSCC. My dad has been shooting since he was younger than I, and my grandfather dominated Bisley when he was in the Brit Army.
What has this to do with YOU?

We work closely with Mr. Keith Cunningham (Ex-DCO of the Sniper School in Gagetown) and Mr. Tim Kagetsu (THE best Service Rifle shot in the country).
Nothing against Keith or Tim (who are excellent folk) but.
The Infantry School houses the Master Sniper cell - which is run by MWO's and WO's (albiet administrated by a Lt)
Tim is an excellent shooter - however I must say you should look at the scorers before you run off at the mouth.
My dad is a licensed Armourer, and had built, with a gigantic amount of work from Keith, all of our weapons that we possess today.
So I am a Colt and Sig armourer - relevance to you?

I'm sorry, I dont get all of my info from Books.
Which you already admitted too
As for shooting, the newest addition to the victoriies would have to be the ORA's Service Conditions Match #1, which I wont Top T, and beat the 30FD Arty, and the Naval Combat Arms Team.
So I would appreciate it if you didn't slag me, before checking things out. Like I said, if I am ever in doubt about something theres always a "Correct me if I'm wrong". I am very open to people's opinions, and believe that the only way to get around, is to go off other people's senior experience.
I cant believe a Topic on Assault Rifles has come to this....


Neither can I...
KevinB said:
Yeah I saw you get kicked out the first row in the pic taking, kinda like WTF is that kid doing there   ;D

I never saw you over at the Service Rifle matches, 30 RCA is a reserve artillety unit, the Naval unit I think you are attemptign to refer to is reserve as well the MCST team only showed up for the NSCC - and coudl not use their issue SIG's so they were penalized at bit.

Did you shoot in Helmet, flak vest and tac vest?

No I did not think so.

Hey Kevin. Yeah, I was supposed to have a seat in the Front row for the Pic (Did Last year, check the NSCC Picture), but I guess Plouffe forgot my seat! My dad and Keith called me down to sit next to them...but I guess neither him, nor keith remembered that it was Bill's chair! No, I wasn't shooting service Rifle, as our AR-15/Elcan combo is quite out of comission. I shot precision, and won the 600m TYRO, I got f***ed over on the first few matches, because the trigger assembly that Keith had built wasn't working properly. I took it to his trailer that night, and went spent the night talking about matches with Jason Walker, and rebuilding it and the bolt. And for the 800, well....5.56mm doesn't do very well at 800. As for the helmet and Tac Vest.....when i wont Top TYRO at the ORA's Service Match, against the the MCST and 30 FD RCA, I was wearing helmet and '82 pat Webbing. I would wear a flak jacket, but A: nobody, not even the two CF Shooting Teams were wearing them, and B: I dont have $200 to spend on a useless Flak Jacket. And what WAS I doing exactly for my dad? ARSOing (Qualified RSO with the ORA/DCRA, did the Course run by Keith, as well As IPSC Black Badge and RSO Qualified) for him while he shot, and actually working the range. Seeing as how we were dearly understaffed, (Us two) I had to do most of the work while he was running the range. Maybe you dont know what it takes to run Practical, and Service Pistol matches? Especially when its one man RSOing, and the other doing as much as he can, when he isn't shooting his own matches. If you were there, I'd loved to have talked to you, two guys from the forum in one weekend! (Mr. Bobbit being the first) If you knew who I was, why didn't you approach me in person? We could of ratified our differences we had about the AK discussion.   All the rest of the guys there loved to talk to me between matches down at the Pistol ranges.
Andrew - get a bigger hat  ;D
I was only at the matches for the Fri-Mon I wanted to get back to my leave, I saw you twice (the first meeting which I was not sure if it was you and the picture).  My time was fairly occupied as I saw some buddies I had not seem since '94 and was catching up with them.

Hey Kevin. No problem, I hear ya. Coming halfway across the country, you probably had a few things planned already. YEah, my Bush cap is a Size small, hah, had it all through my cadet career. Served me Well!!
Cant wait until I get issued a WBCH....then I'll put the bush cap into Permanent storage, as a momento.   ;D

But imagine that eh, only talk to me a couple times on the Forum, then you run into me halfway across the country! Hope we can stay in Contact, cause I hear they're sending people from the LCFA to the Patricia's.
