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As usual the Americans get nothing but love for their sacrifices....

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I'm going to agree with CivU on this one, although as Che said, he may not have said it in the best way.

What is the point of the US becoming strategically engaged in Iraq, paying the butchers bill all-along, only to squander away whatever political capital they had.   Whoever gets in power in the Iraq elections will be on a short-leash.
CivU said:
You honestly think that after several years and almost 1500 American lives the United States is going to permit a leader to gain power in Iraq that is not on board with their plans for the country...?   I don't think I'm the one out of touch with whats happening...

I can't believe the stuff that comes out of you...Is someone else paying you to come here and spew this drivel?!

You're a second L.T. who isn't even out of school yet. You have 0 life experience in an area where the people you're talking to (or spewing garbage at) have been over there and seen for themselves what the situation is.

Take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth!
I'm actually an Officer Cadet.  But thats beside the point, as you have no idea as to the extent of my life experience...

As far as Iraq and the election goes, I don't know that anyone on this board has been over there in a capacity that would provide them an insight into the relations between Iraqi politicians and the American policy makers...I do not think personnel at the sharp end are concerned with this...

Infanteer, in a rare moment of agreement, stated that the US is strategically engaged in Iraq.  Whether you believe its about oil or that they are simply the greatest proponents of freedom and democracy the world over, one cannot deny that after all the costs associated with the Iraq quagmire they willl merely allow a government to take power that is in opposition to their interests.  But I guess you know everything there is to know regarding the backroom political strategizing currently taking place in Washington and Baghdad...either that, or your the only one pretending to have facts when all of us recognize that this is speculation, but nonetheless, has been agreed upon as the most self evident course that will be taken...
CivU said:
I'm actually an Officer Cadet.   But thats beside the point, as you have no idea as to the extent of my life experience...

As far as Iraq and the election goes, I don't know that anyone on this board has been over there in a capacity that would provide them an insight into the relations between Iraqi politicians and the American policy makers

This includes you as well right?
...I do not think personnel at the sharp end are concerned with this...

Maybe or maybe not. However the BTDT's have a much clearer understanding of the types of situations that Iraq represents and can probably see a much less convoluted picture than the rest of us!

  But I guess you know everything there is to know regarding the backroom political strategizing currently taking place in Washington and Baghdad...either that, or your the only one pretending to have facts when all of us recognize that this is speculation, but nonetheless, has been agreed upon as the most self evident course that will be taken...

If you're of the opinion that this is all idle speculation then why, a few posts back, did you loudly proclaim (and I quote:
I don't know that these elections will represent freedom and democracy, its essentially hoop jumping in order to put a leader into power that is complacent and accepting of US policy.  It happened in Panama following the Noriega ousting and more recently in Afghanistan...hardly the epitome of freedom and democracy.

You seem pretty certain that you DO have all the answers and are rather dissapointed that the rest of us refuse to sit at your feet and suck up your point of view as the gospel. Like I said...All books, no life on the line. Others have been there and I would be much more willing to give them an ear before some university student with all the answers.
Yes I included myself.  And no I did not proclaim to have all the answers; however, I did give a historical reference for comparison.  Look at the leadership following Noriega as I mentioned, not unlike the interests the US has in Iraq...

CivU said:
Yes I included myself.   And no I did not proclaim to have all the answers; however, I did give a historical reference for comparison.   Look at the leadership following Noriega as I mentioned, not unlike the interests the US has in Iraq...

Why is it that people like you bitch and whine about the U.S. being the big bad wolf and never say a word about all the third world shithole tyrants who are doing the same things that Saddam did before he was ousted? Why do we never see a protest about any of that?!
I don't support Saddam or any tyrannical dictator as you seem to suggest.  But I think when you look objectively, the United States are presently steam rolling the World with a foreign policy directed around ensuring American hegemony.  Was Iraq necessary? Will Iran or South Korea be necessary? No...but will they happen...Inevitably, yes...
But thats beside the point, as you have no idea as to the extent of my life experience...

I've found you can often tell a lot about someones life experiences from the posts and comments they leave.
Slim said:
Why do we never see a protest about any of that?!

You do. Look up Amnesty International's protest rosters and I'm sure you'll find they're quite busy.
CivU said:
You honestly think that after several years and almost 1500 American lives the United States is going to permit a leader to gain power in Iraq that is not on board with their plans for the country...?   I don't think I'm the one out of touch with whats happening...

Why don'y you try passing on your TASTELESS statement to the families of US soldiers killed! Then see how far you get. How dare you rubbish fallen Allied soldiers in such a sickening statement. They had more guts than you ever will!


I have kept my mouth shut for now but the attitude you seem to have in these posts and towards other members is in very bad taste, and I don't like it one bit, especially coming from a snotty nosed OCDT. If you want to be an officer pal, and a leader of men, bloody accept the role, not the arrogance.

You got a lot to learn about life. There is more to life than silly theories and the contents of a textbook. Try to maybe speak to people like you would expect to be spoken to. If you can't do at least that, well maybe its time to move on from here.

As for your life experience, I got more time infront of a urinal in the Mess than you got in life. What life experience does an OCDT have?   ::) I am sure you'll go far in your career :crybaby:


CivU said:
I don't support Saddam or any tyrannical dictator as you seem to suggest.   But I think when you look objectively, the United States are presently steam rolling the World with a foreign policy directed around ensuring American hegemony.   Was Iraq necessary? Will Iran or South Korea be necessary? No...but will they happen...Inevitably, yes...
SOUTH korea ?? That was taken care of 50 years ago... you're out to lunch, kid !!! Take a break from posting, and take the time to read and learn. As a future (?) officer, the first thing you need to realize is that loyalty and respect are 2-way streets.
South Korea was a typo.  I meant to say North.  Such is life.

As for, "What life experience does an OCDT have?"

This sums up how narrow minded you obviously are.  Being an OCdt does not mean that I am either young or inexperienced.  It means that at the present time I am attending university and undergoing phase training.  Plenty of Officer Cadets are in their 30's and 40's...

You strike me as the type of person who obviously feels that because they are older there is nothing that they can gain from someone younger.  It's unfortunate, because you probably miss out on a lot of insightful people you pass off as merely being juvenile.
I'm probably one of the oldest here, and I still learn new things....even apply them once in a while. However, one of the things I learned a long, long time ago was that Officer Cadets, with attitude, no matter their age seldom make it through their Phase training. Almost never in fact, after running into a crusty old WO that returns the attitude in kind, only stepped up several notches.
Apart from venturing far off topic this thread is going to turn into a chest poker,
I'm locking it for the time being.
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