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As usual the Americans get nothing but love for their sacrifices....

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I don't know about most despised nation.  But people love to hate them.  

i think it has to do with a jealousy not over superpower or not but just the wealth that they have.  And then i comes to them playing the role of international police man.  They do what they think is right (which is not always wrong but to the same degree not always the best decision.)

But they are the biggest kid on the block.  And that alone makes them the target of everyones scrutiny.
Wizard of OZ said:
I don't know about most despised nation.  But people love to hate them.  

i think it has to do with a jealousy not over superpower or not but just the wealth that they have.  And then i comes to them playing the role of international police man.  They do what they think is right (which is not always wrong but to the same degree not always the best decision.)

But they are the biggest kid on the block.  And that alone makes them the target of everyones scrutiny.

Exactly.  You never see protests against totalitarian regimes which murder their own people and occupy other nations.  Hell, how many protests do you see against Chinas occupation of Tibet?  Even though the people of Tibet are amongst the most peacefull in the world, and have been ruthlesly opressed by the Chinese.  Palestinians on the other hand kill Israelis on a daily basis, and Israel responds with an impressive ammount of restraint.  Yet do the "peace activists" protest against China, or against Israel?

People love to hate the Americans and the Jooos.  It has very little to do with their foreign policy, and a lot more to do with peoples perceptions and biases.
CivU said:

If the US is such a staunch supporter of freedom and democracy the world over and does such admirable work, as you suggest, then why is it that they are the most despised nation on the face of the Earth?   And let's avoid citing everyone elses superpower inferiority complex...

Actually, the inferiority complex is very heavily at play... not the least among our own political elites.  And I do take exception to your polemics "most despised nation on the face of the Earth" indeed.
Who is more despised than the US then? An example?

As far as, "Palestinians on the other hand kill Israelis on a daily basis, and Israel responds with an impressive ammount of restraint"

Restraint? The violence by Israeli military forces against Palestinians is hardly restrained.  Both sides engage equally violently, albeit through different means...I'd check your sources if you think the Israeli's are mere victims who fail to retaliate.
Quote from CivU,
If the US is such a staunch supporter of freedom and democracy the world over and does such admirable work, as you suggest, then why is it that they are the most despised nation on the face of the Earth? 

...because there is ALWAYS gonna be teenage and early twenty-year old alpha males in this world who just can't deal with the fact that someone else on the next block is bigger and tougher, and since I can't get the girl by standing tall, I will slither and slice and back-stab them so that just maybe someday I can shed this horrible case of penis envy that I'm burdoned with.
Horse_Soldier said:
Add a Canadian flag while you're at it.  Let's not be too proud here

we have the Dart team down then, including several of my buddies. So how about showing some respect to our troops that are down there serving and doing the best damn job they can.
CivU said:
Restraint? The violence by Israeli military forces against Palestinians is hardly restrained.   Both sides engage equally violently, albeit through different means...I'd check your sources if you think the Israeli's are mere victims who fail to retaliate.

   You just proved my point.  Instead of agreing that the Chinese treatment of Tibet is horrid, and maybe attempting to explain your lack of commentary on that subject, you start debating semantics about wether Israel or Palestine is the agressor.  That's typical of those who oppose the US and Israel.  They're so blinded by their hatred that they turn a blind eye to murder and oppression around the world.  Nothing in this world is wrong unless it's caused by the policies of the US or Israel, right?
CivU said:
Who is more despised than the US then? An example?

As far as, "Palestinians on the other hand kill Israelis on a daily basis, and Israel responds with an impressive ammount of restraint"

Restraint? The violence by Israeli military forces against Palestinians is hardly restrained.   Both sides engage equally violently, albeit through different means...I'd check your sources if you think the Israeli's are mere victims who fail to retaliate.

Umm Israel, North Korea, China, it depends on how's doing the finger pointing.  That could be the start of a list.  How bout Cuba, Columbia, Kirsblackistan (made that one up).


I like that analogy better mind if i use it.  Have to agree, tis why thier bellys are so white, scrapping on the floor.
Restraint? The violence by Israeli military forces against Palestinians is hardly restrained

Do you realize that within days of being created Israel was attacked bu no less than three nations all bent on its complete destruction! I don't believe that they've let up since. They're just using different methods now that are more deniable...Like killing innocent civvies at the market or on a bus to make their point.

Certainly more restraint than I would show...

CIVU...I am beginning to think that this may not be the best website for you to belong to. After all you seem to be at odds with almost everyone here...

Slim said:
CIVU...I am beginning to think that this may not be the best website for you to belong to. After all you seem to be at odds with almost everyone here...

On the other hand, I think the board needs more diverse opinions, as long as they can express themselves according to the guidelines set.

I'd love a liberal to change my mind. (Too bad they fail most of the time) :D And I'm just a centrist too. LOL
Yeah I was wondering that too.  I figure if I wore one of those t-shirts to a campus party, I should be able to double my dating overnight :P
Because his opinion is different does not mean he should leave the board .. a forum where there are no differences of opinion would get stale real quick
No he can stay and play just remember the rules.

"If you can't run with the big dogs , then stay up on the porch."

You come up with and post a statement or some political theory at any end of the political spectrum, be prepared to back it up with facts and intelligent discourse because someone here may disagree with you.

My problem with many of our left of centre associates here (and elsewhere) is they often fail to do so. Then someone tears apart their ideas with the ease of 7.62mm round going through a figure 11 target ( or any other object that strikes your fancy   >:D) they get all wwhinyand defensive because the big bad, right wing, fascist, uncaring army boys yelled at them, and fall back on the same PC spouted drivel on how we don't understand the facts.

Gimme a break.

For the record in addition to my 17 years of honourable military service, I have the dubious honour of having one of those upper middle class suburban left wing university educations. I've also worked in and with agencies similar to those mentioned on the Lincoln and and at last count have seen more third world sh*t holes than many on this board first hand. That I think gives me some insight into this.

Personally I love the idea of forgetting to send the Helios back one night.

(edited to correct typos  :-[)

All this right and left talk .... I think I would actually change my name to Groovy George and put on a poncho while chanting "I hate the military!" if someone here were actually .. as crazy as this sounds .. neither left nor right.
That is typical of the thanks we get when we help countries with an ingrained hatred for our values and democracy.  But...we help em anyways because its the right thing to do.
HollywoodHitman said:
Anyone know where I can get a BinLaden T-Shirt? I think it'd be a hit at parties.

I think if you sign up you get the tshirt and the bomb vest. 

Big hits at cafe's bus stops and polling stations in Iraq.

mdh said:
If the US is such a staunch supporter of freedom and democracy the world over and does such admirable work, as you suggest, then why is it that they are the most despised nation on the face of the Earth?  And let's avoid citing everyone elses superpower inferiority complex...

yawn ....hey guys isn't the super bowl on this weekend?

Actually it is FEB 6th 

let the beer flow and Eagles Soar

(i actually don't care who wins as long as the beer is cold the wings are hot and the pizza is steaming)
Some of the rudest most ignorant people i've worked with abroad have been aid workers. Even people associated with these groups back home seem to have some chip on their soldier.

I don't know what it is about the military that makes people think they can boss soldiers around when both elements are working together.  I couldn't count how many times i've heard some dummy say "I pay your salary. Their like jackels. The minute they see you helping out they jump all over you and try to get as much as they can out of you.  Helping at a blood donar clinic? All of a sudden the red cross fucks off for 45 minute chit chats in the mess while you sort their shit out.
others walk around, as mentioned int he story, like they own the place. I don't know why they feel the need to seemingly make sure EVERYONE hears what they are talking about when they have a coversation. Reminds me of a bunch of girls in highschool starting rumors.
ahh they are alowed to be rude.  they pay your salary. ;D

heaven help them if the shit hits the fan and they piss off all the guys with guns.  Who ya come crying to now sweatheat.

yea love them liberals so PC yet so ignornant.  I loved being called a baby killer don't you. :rage:

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