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Army Communication & Information Systems Specialists (Sig Op, Lineman and LCIS Amalgamation)

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You only know where you're going if you were recruited into and signed an offer in one of the 3 legacy trades: Line, LCIS, Sigop. If you signed as ACISS, you're in the Core and follow the process Skeletor outlined.
Ok yes I got everything figured out and it is ACISS-core. And they said that it will take a couple years until you/they figure out which sub-occupation you will be branched out on... I really want line-man! :)
Thanks guys
I love how everyone is so informative, military seems like it has a good support group!
Sizzle709 said:
I was told there are selection dates in both August and November. Can anyone confirm this?

I can confirm that.  August 7th and one in November.  Not sure the exact date in November.  I'll ask after my interview today.
Has anyone heard anything else in regards to the spec pay decision that was supposed to come by end of July?
Nothing at all, I think the July decision was another MES pipedream. TB will give a decision when they feel like, regardless of the timelines set by another department.
Tango18A said:
Nothing at all, I think the July decision was another MES pipedream. TB will give a decision when they feel like, regardless of the timelines set by another department.


Yeah, pipedream is a good way to describe this situation.
I was wondering if someone could tell me a bit about the ACISS Stovepipes? (IST, LST, CST) I'm trying to get prepared for my interview. I'm looking for Timelines such as how long I'd be in the forces before I got offered my first Stovepipe (and are they called stovepipes? I heard a ACISS Reserve Cpl call them that)

Thank you.
RedKarma said:
I was wondering if someone could tell me a bit about the ACISS Stovepipes? (IST, LST, CST) I'm trying to get prepared for my interview. I'm looking for Timelines such as how long I'd be in the forces before I got offered my first Stovepipe (and are they called stovepipes? I heard a ACISS Reserve Cpl call them that)

Thank you.

If you ask the implementation team, there are no stovepipes. They got rid of them with the legacy trades to make one big stovepipe with 4 smaller stovepipes inside it.  ::)  You're chosen for a subocc based on technical ability, CF need and personal preference once you've completed your DP1 and do some OJT at your unit. Then you go back to CFSCE for 1.1 in your subocc.
Ok, so what are the differences between LST, CST, and IST? Also, what are the prerequisites needed before being offered a stovepipe?
There's no prereqs. Like computers? IST. Like climbing things and setting up line in buildings/field? LST. Like fixing stuff? CST. All the info you need is in this topic.
Refractive Region/Refractive Layer exercises...set up the CP and CRTTZ dets, send dits and dahs and Baudot code back and forth from Shilo to Victoria and everywhere in between, just using  knowledge of the D E F1 and F2 layers...and 400 watts of RF power, baby!

Setting up that stinking, steerable log-periodic. A bag-drive from beginning to end, but  was there a more potent symbol of Jimmy expertise?


CFSCE when it used to be fun.

Regular tours/posting to miserable places like the Golan, Cyprus, Sinai, Germany...rumour has it that occasional alcoholic beverages may have been consumed...

...and while we're at it, wet messes on exercise! Made those 2.5 months on Waincon a little easier to bear.

Then again, I may be looking back through rose-tinted R214/211/215 glasses....
Just finished a career diploma in Computer Programming and I am interested in the ACISS trade (again). Will this diploma help me out in regaining my trade and making my application more competitive within the selection process? Any of you Sigs guys help me with this one?
It would likely make you a little more competitive as a result of post-secondary education, but I don't think it's going to get you anywhere trade-related.  ACISS-IST are workstation/system/network admins, and won't be using computer programming skills at all.
Oh. Well, kind of disappointing.. I figured it could of at least helped me within the trade.
Well, I will chime in on this one, I'm ACISS, I'm working in an IST post even though I don't have my IST 1.1 training, probably because of my post secondary education in software engineering.  I can say that I program, a lot.  Not in the traditional languages, ie C/C++, (The system admins don't like you making your own exe's on their secure network) but a lot of web based stuff, HTML/XML/Java/CSS/PHP.  So it is possible, but I'm one of two here in Kingston doing that so its pretty rare.  The folks here at least are really good with getting you into stuff you want to do within reason, so if you want to join and program its possible.
Are there opportunities to do web-based programming as ringo598 has mentioned?  Yes, they're few and far between.  Is it a part of the job description?  Not a chance.

I used to work second line on one of the networks, and some of the best one-way conversations I've heard were when it was discovered that the guys out in the field were doing unauthorized "programming".
Heh, that actually came up on Ex a few months ago in Pet.  I also nearly caused a heart attack for the sir when he overheard me and another guy talking about programming because he thought we had installed an IDE on the network.  Sizzle, Occam is correct though, it might help you a bit because I'd assume you've got your math and problem solving skills sharpened a bit by post secondary, but in the new trade everyone is trained as an operator before a tech and in our basic trades training there wasn't much of that required.  That should help with your aptitude testing and such, so don't discount your extra education. 

That being said, if you are actually interested in the trade itself, once your done and into your first posting its actually pretty good, lots of good geek stuff.  From field antenna's to satellites, and lots of computers.
Those responses make me feel much better about the situation now. Thank you guys, I guess I just have to explain my reasoning to the recruiter and hope for the best.

Thanks again,

V_I_Lenin said:
CFSCE when it used to be fun.

CFSCE fun? Good god!

This ACISS thing seems almost identical to the RMS merger. Wonder if it will lead to the same problems? Being Jack of all Trades, (Sig Op, Lineman, LCIS) master of none? Wonder how many of today's muck ups with pay or leave, or other admin related issues would be easier resolved if there were still dedicated admin/fin clerks?

I was a res Sig Op from Jun '05 - Feb '10... just barely skimmed out of the ACISS Merger. Been in the field with some relatively fresh ACISS guys, and being a former jimmy, (still always the guy to get tagged to set up rads when no Sigs are attached) I was interested to see what I dodged. missed out on. How is it going for you guys that signed up for one trade, just to be f**ked nudged over to another one?  >:D

Are you all mostly grand-fathered over to the same stream within ACISS or has anyone really taken a bite and have had to completely switch streams? Seems like there could be some serious growing pains with any trade that has to almagamate.

It would be very interesting to get posted to Kingston now that I'm a meathead lol... I fondly remember my weekends at CFSCE where I'm surprised the MP's weren't called in.  Just remember folks, the grass ain't always greener on the other side :)