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Army Communication & Information Systems Specialists (Sig Op, Lineman and LCIS Amalgamation)

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FreeFloat said:
Why's that?

To get real field experience and exposure to Bde comms right from the get go? JSR built itself a very specialized role in TLAN and MT dets and is only now trying to break out of that mold. Taking a Cpl who spent the first 5 years of his career in a TLAN det and put them into 2 Sigs and they're gonna be treading water trying to catch up.
PuckChaser said:
To get real field experience and exposure to Bde comms right from the get go? JSR built itself a very specialized role in TLAN and MT dets and is only now trying to break out of that mold. Taking a Cpl who spent the first 5 years of his career in a TLAN det and put them into 2 Sigs and they're gonna be treading water trying to catch up.

I don't think it's so much an issue going from JSR to a Bde Sigs Sqn if they go into the IS Tp or even Extension Dets, the switch from TLAN to using WAN kits is pretty minimal. Networks pretty much a network, especially with the use of the TSL-Heavy's.

I think the biggest issue is taking someone with no network experience and throwing them into a network heavy Det like TLAN. It's a lot of training time and investment right off the hop.
Beadwindow 7 said:
I think the biggest issue is taking someone with no network experience and throwing them into a network heavy Det like TLAN. It's a lot of training time and investment right off the hop.

Especially for someone they're going to make into a Core guy.
I think that there should be no privates at JSR, and soldiers should be DP2.1 qualified Cpls prior to posting there. There is a minimal need for CNR at the unit, they will end up bored and disgruntled.

Privates from the school should ALL go to the 3 Brigades, this will give them the exposure to the Army that they need, and allow them the time (first BE) to decide that they like it or not. Teach them the basics, get them in the field, give them an adventure. Sending them to JSR gives them a skewed sense of what the military is all about... There are only so many spots in A troop....

If they insist on continuing to take them from CFSCE, then the unit really needs to get its act together, maybe even going so far as standing up a training Sqn (imagine that?!). Roaming the halls, I have seen a lot of young privates sitting around doing nothing (staring at smartphones). Aren't they supposed to be training?
signalsguy said:
I think that there should be no privates at JSR, and soldiers should be DP2.1 qualified Cpls prior to posting there. There is a minimal need for CNR at the unit, they will end up bored and disgruntled.

I have a feeling that most guys getting in will become bored and disgruntled by the time they hit the 2.1 level, regardless of where they are.

I'll agree that guys shouldn't be hitting JSR right out the gate, but you won't see that happen. Trade's just filling positions right now, even if it's a square peg in a round hole.
Beadwindow 7 said:
I have a feeling that most guys getting in will become bored and disgruntled by the time they hit the 2.1 level, regardless of where they are.

I'll agree that guys shouldn't be hitting JSR right out the gate, but you won't see that happen. Trade's just filling positions right now, even if it's a square peg in a round hole.

As someone who is in the middle of all this ACISS mess, I can tell you that this is happening for alot of people... maybe not intentionally, but it is happening. The idea of farming DP1.0's to different units is good as being stuck at HQ & SIGS with very little (tech-related) OJT is very similar to PAT platoon at CFSCE.... it = suck!

Some of the DP1.0 techs are getting great tech-related OJT, while others... not so much. Myself I am happy where I am at right now as I am getting ALOT of exposure to all the different military vehicles, and I am getting to know the comm suites very well... especially as we are getting ready to begin the phase 2 comm suite upgrades.

I just finished DP1.1 not long ago and instead of being farmed out to another unit again, my current unit asked to keep me here to help out for the phase 2 upgrades. It's nice going to work where you are wanted as opposed to being somewhere where you are just an administrative burden and taking up space.

I am an older guy with alot of pre-military tech experience so my mentality is different... I'm not looking for the adventure, I just want to get on course (DP 2.1 mod 2) without having to wait forever to do a 2.0 common course first.

The one thing I have seen ACISS do right however is see poeple who were originally signed as one signals trade, be able to switch to another sub-occ if they found they didn't like the one they were in. We had one guy fail his DP1.1 CSS tech course, but now he has the chance to try being LST which is the trade he originally wanted.
Now it's just waiting to hear about CST's reinstatement of Spec Pay. It's suppose to be announced this month. Although I can see it getting delayed yet once again. Spec pay for all Sub-Occs would be a neat tactic. I can tell you though all the former LCIS will either not be staying or re-mustering and will definitely be very bitter towards the MESS.
Fizzik said:
all the former LCIS will either not be staying or re-mustering and will definitely be very bitter towards the MESS.

And thats different from now, how?
This restructure is a poison to all that are forced to drink it. We all know what the proper plan should have been.
I'm new on the forum and I'm french as well so excuse my english!

I just sign 4 years for ACISS and after reading this post, I must say that I'm worried about my choice. I didn't know that the trade have been changed or anything about the "amalgamation". So if I understand well, I signed 4 years in a new trade with a bad formation and long wait on pat plt? ...nice :facepalm:
max1441 said:
So if I understand well, I signed 4 years in a new trade with a bad formation and long wait on pat plt? ...nice :facepalm:

That's pretty much how we were before the ACISS thing. The wait on PAT was insane regardless.
I was told today they were looking to recruit roughly 300 ACISS techs this year so looks like there is a better chance of me getting in, thank god! :) crossing my fingers!
This years SIP has approx. 335 ACISS for 'external' intake, aka off the street recruiting (largest # of external intakes in the CF IIRC).  Its now end July so unknown how many have been filled.
I was told there are selection dates in both August and November. Can anyone confirm this?
I was wondering if when you get a job offer they tell you which part of aciss you will being doing lineman, tech, sig op... or do you choose after basic and when your on your course??? please help! lol
On the job offer it will be for ACISS-Core not for a sub occupation.  AFAIK somewhere along the way at CFSCE or the unit you get to say what you would like,  and eventually going by your skill level,  needs of the unit, etc you will either stay ACISS Core or go into a sub occupation like LST or CST.  Start reading in the Signals/C&E sub forum,  there is a large thread with all kinds of info about ACISS.

Just noticed your other thread,  you said you got your job offer.  So you should already know the answer to that question.
Thank you!n and yes I should know the answer but I told my friend (whoalso in the mil) and he asked what sub section was in and I didn't think the said any thing about it but I started second guessing if they did or not because I was excited to get the call.