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Army Communication & Information Systems Specialists (Sig Op, Lineman and LCIS Amalgamation)

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Swingline1984 said:
Ack.  Never got that from the most recent brief by the School.  Was a bit of a snore so I might have missed that part.

I don't think it's been to widely talked about it. I'm only familiar with it because I was on the writing board
I know it's an impossible question, but your chances of winning the lottery are better if you buy a ticket......  Eta on treasury board decision?  Anyone?  Beuller?
Numbers thrown around for TB decisions is 2-3 years. RUMINT says they can auth backpay to all pers gaining spec 1 if the decision is favourable since we applied before trade stand up.
They can authorize back pay, BUT then the Army has to pony up the dough. Good luck with that.
PuckChaser said:
The new ACISS DP1 Res will not be equivalent to the Reg DP1 ACISS. I don't think they'll be making you guys redo both mods, but wierder things have happened. It'll come down to a PLAR for the POs you've already completed.
Got an answer the old-fashioned way; if anyone's interested, this summmer they'll run QL3 Mod 2 for the last time, as well as DP1 Mod 1. Makes sense, but the draft calendar had me concerned.
Just got the reservist course schedule from my CoC last night and I've got my name in for DP1 9 May- 8 July than a DP2 Distance Learning from 13 July- 22 July and my residency DP2 27 July - 19 August hopefully another tasking to follow my DP2
GrilledLincoln said:
Just got the reservist course schedule from my CoC last night and I've got my name in for DP1 9 May- 8 July than a DP2 Distance Learning from 13 July- 22 July and my residency DP2 27 July - 19 August hopefully another tasking to follow my DP2
An ambitious plan, but "DP1 9 May- 8 July" is only mod 1 (the first half of DP1). You need to do DP1 mod 2 before DP2, and it's not on the calendar yet. Or request a reg DP1 (but I'm guessing you're a student and those dates probably won't work for you).

I suggest looking for other courses/tasks for after 8 Jul.
Rheostatic said:
An ambitious plan, but "DP1 9 May- 8 July" is only mod 1 (the first half of DP1). You need to do DP1 mod 2 before DP2, and it's not on the calendar yet. Or request a reg DP1 (but I'm guessing you're a student and those dates probably won't work for you).

I suggest looking for other courses/tasks for after 8 Jul.

There has been a four-month QL3 mods 1&2 course running for the reserves for the last four summers. I don't see why the reserve wouldn't be running such a beast for DP1 this summer.

I'd suggest that buddy keep an eye out and pounce on it if his availability is May-August, and his training NCO should be able to find it when its announced and get him loaded.
Brasidas said:
There has been a four-month QL3 mods 1&2 course running for the reserves for the last four summers. I don't see why the reserve wouldn't be running such a beast for DP1 this summer.
That has been true in the past and I hope that will be available in the future. But apparently they're running the new DP1 mod 1 (from the CFSCE calendar) and the old QL3 mod 2 (from my CoC) this summer. Seems like it would take a lot of resources to run the old and new courses complete.

Anyway I won't speculate beyond the few bits of info I have, since there are people on this forum with better info than I (though they haven't had much to say on the reserve side).

Brasidas said:
I'd suggest that buddy keep an eye out and pounce on it if his availability is May-August, and his training NCO should be able to find it when its announced and get him loaded.
Also good advice.
Rheostatic, I'm actually not a student and I have applied for Reg Force DP1 courses and they all came back with a big ol no.  We are no longer allowed to put names forward for those courses.  My plan is ambitous but when they put the Calender out there was only DP1 didn't mention anything about mod 1 or mod 2 and if they were running it in two mod's why would they run DP2 at all this summer? nobody will be qualified to take it since everyone taking DP1 would have to do a second mod and those who did QL3 mod 1 are able to take QL3 Mod 2 for the last time this summer it wouldn't mak any sense to run DP2 until 2012, this is purely speculation.
GrilledLincoln said:
Rheostatic, I'm actually not a student and I have applied for Reg Force DP1 courses and they all came back with a big ol no.  We are no longer allowed to put names forward for those courses.  My plan is ambitous but when they put the Calender out there was only DP1 didn't mention anything about mod 1 or mod 2 and if they were running it in two mod's why would they run DP2 at all this summer? nobody will be qualified to take it since everyone taking DP1 would have to do a second mod and those who did QL3 mod 1 are able to take QL3 Mod 2 for the last time this summer it wouldn't mak any sense to run DP2 until 2012, this is purely speculation.

They'd run a DP2 for those who've already picked up QL3. QL3 is an equivalent to DP1, and there's a large number of folks in line for their next course.
Hi everyone,

I'm currently in my ninth week of BMQ and I've been monitoring this thread with a lot of interest. My application for LCIS technician was completed in March 2010 without any problems.

My current understanding is that from here I will attend BMQ(Land), Driver Course, and then QL3 training. At this point I will be an ACISS, which is a trade that combines elements of the sig ops, lineman and LCIS tech trades. I would then spend time doing this until eventually specializing into the LCIS equivelant sub trade.

If my understanding thus far is correct then that means I won't necessarily be doing what I applied for until taking the sub trade training probably 2-3 years from now.

Is my understanding somewhat reasonable? I'm really looking to be employed in as heavy a tech trade as I can. A big thanks for all of the knowledge shared so far!
I didn't think LCIS had to do a drivers course. Otherwise you're pretty much on the mark from the info we've all gotten.
LCIS might have to take the Driver Wheel now since they are trained to do the basic work of a Sig Op and Lineman. 
chillytech said:
Hi everyone,

If my understanding thus far is correct then that means I won't necessarily be doing what I applied for until taking the sub trade training probably 2-3 years from now.

Is my understanding somewhat reasonable? I'm really looking to be employed in as heavy a tech trade as I can. A big thanks for all of the knowledge shared so far!

Once you complete your DP1 you will be fast tracked to the DP1.1 CST Sub Occupation.
Baywop said:
Once you complete your DP1 you will be fast tracked to the DP1.1 CST Sub Occupation.

With one fine detail lacking.  You are not officially in a sub-occupation until you are approved by the board and qualified DP 2.1.
Baywop said:
Once you complete your DP1 you will be fast tracked to the DP1.1 CST Sub Occupation.

Is that guaranteed for the new kids coming in? And what kind of time-frame is "fast-tracked"? Will they be staying in Kingston to immediately begin their 1.1, or will they still be pushed out to the OJT units?
2 pages back, C/S 0 posted some notes from a recent briefing by the MES Manager of ACISS about the fast track process. They're gonna honour the trade choices of individuals as they are being recruited now, or are in the system. No details, but I'm sure they'll have a 1.1 course start right after the first ACISS DP1 to qualify all these pers.
Thought this might provoke discussion; from the Winter edition of the Branch newletter:
http://www.commelec.forces.gc.ca/inf/new-bul/vol54/article-07-eng.asp said:
Welcome to the Future! - ACISS Training Begins in January 2011
Written by Major M. Coyle, Chief Instructor, CFSCE

In 2007, General Hillier as Chief of the Defence Staff officially closed the Military Occupational Structure Analysis, Redesign and Tailoring (MOSART) project. This failed undertaking was initiated in 2002 and sought to modernize the CF’s Military Occupation Structures from top to bottom. It simply turned out to be too much, too soon.

We want to do it; we have to do it, the question is just how we do it. The solution is to continue the work in ‘chunks’—manageable pieces that won’t place too much pressure on the CF. - General R. Hillier

In the months that followed, Army Signals harnessed the good from that effort, and received approval from the Chief of Land Staff to transform the Sigs NCM occupations. The plan was to move from three silo structures into one integrated occupation called the Army Communications and Information Systems Specialist (ACISS). While billions of dollars were invested digitizing the CF / Army and developing a network-enabled capability over two decades, the Army Sigs NCM occupations and the supporting training had not kept pace.

After a two-year DLCI led effort to complete the macro design and layout the national transformation effort, Army Signals were set to embark on the critical task of developing the supporting training. Faced with this challenge (and an incredible opportunity!), DAT, CTC, and CFSCE worked collaboratively to fill in the new ACISS straw-man.

2009 / 2010 involved focused concept development to ensure that the jobs within ACISS and the supporting training were both relevant and future focused, not simply a re-shuffling of the deck. The result is a robust and flexible occupation where the “the network” truly is the common thread. Within the sub-occupations, a Computer Network Defence employment stream was formalized owing to the increasing importance of that domain. System Management is fully integrated and we re-invest heavily in the training of WOs and MWOs. These are but a few of the highlights…

This effort was reinforced by an unprecedented number of Qualification Standard (Requirements Phase) and Training Plan (Design Phase) Writing Boards. These boards assembled subject matter experts from across the Army Signals and beyond (Academia, Industry, Other Government Departments, …) to inform the development of training at every stage. In some cases, we made mistakes or otherwise learned something that made us challenge what we had done in a previous step. In all cases, our reflex was to go back and get it right.

The critical issue in getting to implementation was the need to define and seek approval for the additional resources – ACISS came with a bill. After a series of high level briefings from mid-September to early November 2010, CFSCE received approval from both Commander LFDTS and A/CLS to proceed with the implementation of training beginning with DP 1.0 in January 2011. From January 2011 to January 2012, ACISS training will be progressively phased in while legacy training is phased out by May 2011. To accommodate the increased training demand and address major gaps throughout the unit, CFSCE will grow substantially over a two-year period. Additional investments will also be in equipment, vehicles, and infrastructure over the same period.

While significant challenges lie ahead, both Army Signals and the C & E Community writ-large has reached a major milestone we can all be proud of. This trade transformation is also inspiring great professional discussion and debate in other areas of the C & E Branch, and we’re all stronger for it.
