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Army Communication & Information Systems Specialists (Sig Op, Lineman and LCIS Amalgamation)

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C/S 0 said:
Change is something that is going to blow your mind.  I have been a Reserve Radio-Teletype Operator 215, then in the Regular Force a Radio Operator 211 and then a Signals Operator 214 and now a ACISS Operator.

When I first joined we had analog radios that were voice and low data with a LTACS System that used low grade micro wave signals to extend telephone systems by Radio Relay.  Long range communications were by HF and you had to cut the antenna to the freq you were using.  With VHF not everything was encrypted and you could only speak for about 30 secs.

Now we have Digital Radios that pass both voice and data that hops freqs and is encrypted.  Instead of HF for Long Range now we have SAT Comms and instead of LTACS extending local Teelphone networks we have HCLOS that extends LAN Information Systems for data.

In the command post we had maps on boards and we used markers to draw on the map where everybody is.  Now we have Battleview and SAM/SAS which updates your position every few minutes on the 50 inch screen TV in the TOC.  We use to use map and compass to nav now we have GPS with build in waypoints to nav.

Just wait for twenty years down the road when you are a WO/MWO and the changes you are going to see.

Satcom is great as long as the birds are there. GPS is great as long as the birds are there. SAM/SAS is great as long as the bandwidth is available to quickly and accurately update your OSPR. In Afghanistan it took up to 20mins to poll from my veh to the TOC, by which time i had already travelled as much as 5 km. Nothing beats "locstat xxxxxxxx moving west along xxxxx".

HF will always work, you can pass data through it, encrypt it, and nobody turns off the RF spectrum. It's a waning skillset that is slowly making it's way back into relavence. Stay tuned on that one. MTF.

The Comm Rsch folks are also relearning an old lesson. Morse Code is soon going to be re-introduced into thier trade. Everything old is new again.
Technology is great, but as anyone knows it will collapse on you at the most critical time. If a soldier cannot fall back on some basic skills, the fight will be lost.
Jammer said:
Technology is great, but as anyone knows it will collapse on you at the most critical time. If a soldier cannot fall back on some basic skills, the fight will be lost.

Been there.  Murphy's Law seems to pick the most inopportune times to come into effect.
...yeah like when the helo is supposed to come in and lift you back for HLTA...oh sorry, it broke you have to take an ass puckering CLP instead...wait, the truck is overheating and you have to overnight at a FOB....wait, the Herc broke in Mirage and your going to be delayed...
Two skill sets seem to be dying in the CF: HF Comms and Winter Warfare.
There is presently a resurgance for Winter Warfare in the West. And HF Comms experience seems to be only with the old Rad Ops, and not so much the new Sig Ops.
C/S 0 said:
Two skill sets seem to be dying in the CF: HF Comms and Winter Warfare.

HF may be dying in the army...............not so everywhere else.
I don't think the Navy or Air Force are using field expedient antennas, might be a bit rough changing freqs in flight if you did.
Tango18A said:
I don't think the Navy or Air Force are using field expedient antennas, might be a bit rough changing freqs in flight if you did.

Yeah, i would need way better safety gear.
The monkey tail would be very long. It would make a good practical joke on the ground crew though. >:D
C/S 0 said:
Yes the reserves will fall under the same Dp1 and DP2 quals like the Regular Force.  The only difference is that for the res some of the PO's you won't get like SAM/SAS.
That's not what I'm asking about. I understand that the res and reg courses are equivalent, but are the old and new mods equivalent?

The reserve QL3 was delivered in 2 mods since a couple years ago, and it looks like that will be the case for the reserve DP1 as well. There are members who have only completed the first half of QL3.

I have seen a chart floating around illustrating the planned reserve DP1 career progression and it mentions that those who have completed only QL3 mod 1 will have to do a "28-day ACISS(-)" course (I don't know the source of the chart). I'm wondering if these 28 days are in lieu of a mod 2, or an added prerequisite.
The new ACISS DP1 Res will not be equivalent to the Reg DP1 ACISS. I don't think they'll be making you guys redo both mods, but wierder things have happened. It'll come down to a PLAR for the POs you've already completed.
This may have been answered but I can't seem to find it after using the search feature.  I'm a reservist currently waiting my summer training in Kingston and was wondering if anyone know's how long the ACISS DP 1 is going to be and if they are breaking into mods?  And if the schedule is allowing for both those mods to be done in one summer? I understand that ACISS is still a working progress and this information may still be up in the air like the rest of the program any help would be appreciated.
2 summers, 1 mod each summer as it stands right now.
So I finally got hold of that briefing powerpoint off of the sharepoint site. These questions concern the sig op trade or ACISS core sub-occupation or whathaveyou.

I'm familiar with the QL/2, 3, 5, 6A sequence.  I've got a rough grasp of the DP1-DP2 sequence.

DP1 includes recruit school, an initial trades course, and OJT. Like QL/2 or BMQ+SQ through QL/3 and QL/4 for those trades that had an OJT QL/4.

DP2 would include my 5's, PLQ, and some time as an acting det commander.

DP3A is... what? Assignment as a det commander I got. But DP3A common ACISS training?

DP3B I'd expect to include the Sig Op 6A's.

So what extra checks in the box does this ask for a Sig Op who's got his 5's and PLQ right now?
Thanks PuckChaser, are both mods 2 months? and are we able to do them both in a summer? (for reservists)
I believe they are 8 weeks each, but the firm numbers haven't come out yet. I aws just told it was 2 summers, one mod each summer.
Brasidas said:
DP1 includes recruit school, an initial trades course, and OJT. Like QL/2 or BMQ+SQ through QL/3 and QL/4 for those trades that had an OJT QL/4.

DP 1.0 is the common point of entry it is the equivalent to a QL3.  All driver wheel and SQ etc will be done prior to entering the DP 1.0 course.  The DP 1.0 qualified ACISS will proceed to a HQ & Sigs (some special few to CFJSR) for OJT and intro to the sub-occupations.  Those interested/chosen can then proceed on DP 1.1 or basic sub-occupation training (not common but sub-occ specific) to become a "Specialist".

Brasidas said:
DP2 would include my 5's, PLQ, and some time as an acting det commander.

DP 2.0 is the common QL 5 equivalent for ACCIS; all ACCIS core and sub-occupations will have to do this course.  DP 2.1 (not common but occupation specific) for the sub-occupations is their Journeyman's training and is required to become a "Technologist", they will also have to do a PLQ (L) to be promoted MCpl.  The PLQ (L) is considered to be the DP 2.1 for ACISS core.

Brasidas said:
DP3A is... what? Assignment as a det commander I got. But DP3A common ACISS training?
DP3B I'd expect to include the Sig Op 6A's.

DP 3.0 is common ACISS 6As/Bs.  DP 3.1 is (not common but occupation specific) 6As/Bs.  Then normal progression ILQ, ALQ and CQ.

I've heard talk of a potential common 4.0 and 4.1 with similarities to the Army Sig Planners (ASP) course but they haven't sat the writing boards yet.

Brasidas said:
So what extra checks in the box does this ask for a Sig Op who's got his 5's and PLQ right now?

DP 3.0 and 3.1 whatever comes after that (if anything) and then normal Army qual's

There is a bunch of DL thrown in the mix as well.

Oh ya...there is a CISTM course in there somewhere too.  Lots of school ahead for Army Sigs.

**Note:  I'm a bit waffly on the 4's stuff so don't quote me.
Swingline1984 said:
The PLQ (L) is considered to be the DP 2.1 for ACISS core.

Pretty good except for this point. There will be an ACISS core DP 2.1, basically a updated FC course, for managing voice and data radio networks.

PLQ (L) remains a career course, rather than a trade course.
Ack.  Never got that from the most recent brief by the School.  Was a bit of a snore so I might have missed that part.