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Army.ca Status- The History of Outages & Dark Days

Originally posted by Kirkpatrick S J E:
[qb] whew...

i got back from Shilo on Sunday and thought that the site had vanished off the face of the earth! [/qb]
hahaha same with me.. except not shilo
Has moral improved sufficiently for the beatings to be terminated?
Had another outage that lasted overnight, but we‘re back in business today...

The good news is that every time we have an outage like this I learn what *not* to do for next time. :)

Yesterday at around 1600 ET, the hard drive failed in the "primary" Army.ca server. This hardware has not yet been replaced, and we are currently running off of a backup system.

Unfortunately, any changes made between approximately 1000 ET and 1600 ET on 09 March 2004 were not backed up. That means that any posts, user registrations, etc made during this time have been lost.

The current setup is temporary, and as soon as the new hardware is in place, we‘ll be back up and running "for real" again. In the mean time, feel free to post normally, all changes made from here on out will be carried over to the new system.

I apologize for the inconvenience and the loss of information.

Good to have the site back, if there‘s anything I can do, don‘t hestitate to ask!

*Breathing deeply in a paper bag*
*Hands trembling*
...I I...I...Came...And...it wasn‘t......No one......Error 404.....
Don‘t ever leave me again.....*SOB*

Seriously though, good to have the site back.
Hahah... Hey, if you thought *you* were flinching, you should have seen me! ;)
Talk about a long shift at work without army.ca!!
Originally posted by Che:
[qb] *Breathing deeply in a paper bag*
*Hands trembling*
...I I...I...Came...And...it wasn‘t......No one......Error 404.....
Don‘t ever leave me again.....*SOB*

Seriously though, good to have the site back. [/qb]
Heh, that was me too. I was at home sick and I panicked when I realised that Army.ca wasn‘t there. I e-mailed everyone I knew and told them to try and get on Army.ca to see if it was only me.

Thank God it‘s back :D
Originally posted by Lexi:
[qb]Heh, that was me too. I was at home sick and I panicked when I realised that Army.ca wasn‘t there. I e-mailed everyone I knew and told them to try and get on Army.ca to see if it was only me.
Yeah....tell me about it. To console poor young Lexi I even let her in on George‘s and my OTHER hideout....sorry George ;)

Originally posted by Franko:
Originally posted by Lexi:
[qb]Heh, that was me too. I was at home sick and I panicked when I realised that Army.ca wasn‘t there. I e-mailed everyone I knew and told them to try and get on Army.ca to see if it was only me.
Yeah....tell me about it. To console poor young Lexi I even let her in on George‘s and my OTHER hideout....sorry George ;)

Regards [/qb]
Aww, I feel special. :D

Well, all that matters is that Army.ca‘s back up again, and HOPEFULLY there won‘t be another failure for a while.

Has the new hardware been installed or are we still on a backup?
The outpouring of emotion is overwhelming. ;)

We‘re still running on the backup hardware, which means two things:

1. There‘s no longer any backup. If we fail again. It becomes a big problem.

2. The bandwitdh on this connection is quickly going over the limit. This means we may start to incur "overage" chages soon.

I‘m trying to get the new hardware in place quickly, to resolve these issues, but it doesn‘t look like it‘ll happen until at least next week now.

Thanks for hanging in there...
Hi all,

It looks like the new hardware may be going into place shortly. That means I‘ll be taking the site down for a few hours to do the cutover. I‘m hoping it‘ll take place tonight, but if not possibly tomorrow.

Sorry for the short notice, I‘ll post here when everything‘s good to go again.

AWWWW Come on Mike I‘m on night shift, I need this tonight. :crybaby:
Well, we‘re back but not on the new hardware. Something went wrong and the new system never came up when it was rebooted.

I estimate that we‘ve racked up just short of $300 in usage charges this month already, and I was *really* hoping to get things cut over. Looks like another weekend spent tinkering.

Don‘t mean to whine, but I‘m at my wit‘s end right now... :(
Hey Mike,
That name I mentioned before in the PM, could he be of any help? I happen to know he works for rye and cokes and I‘m just the guy to supply it. I could ask him for a small road trip to the hamlet.