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Army.ca Ideology -- what is it?

  • Thread starter Thread starter strongchristian
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We are all consumers here. How many have bought something only to find out they did something wrong and read the directions for the first time to see where their error was? I have. Some of you as well have. Think of the Conduct Guidelines and the FAQs as those instructions we should all read. Guaranteed if all took the time to read them, a lot of these issues would be avoided.
Manimal said:
being that so many youth post here, and many have the same questions, over and over and over again, i understand the need for directing staff. but i feel there is too much censorship for the WWW, and not enough tolerance.
IMO if you don't like a topic or a poster, don't read it.....
Personally I like the clean forums.
strongchristian why did you post this here instead of mailing it to the Administrators? Specially when it dosent matter because this is not a public forum, but owned by Mike Bobbit.

Slim said:
The world we live in, specifically outside the CF, is not the same place it was 10 years ago.

Personal responsability has somehow been lost along the wayside.

Allot of people, when they join the CF, are rudely awakened by a demand of personal behaviour and accountability that they are not (at first) able to provide, and so must be "taught" it by basic training and then further training, which changes your conduct and thought process from "mememe" to "teamteamteam."

This website is allot like the CF in that we (the owner and mods) DEMAND a measure of personal accountability when a member posts here. Its demanded from everyone and don't think for a moment that mods are exempt...We just don't do it in the open where the masses can see it.

The short version - You are responsible to post correctly, properly, not to provide bad info and not to stray out of your lane. Filling out one's profile is also a key step to being successful here.

If you follow the rules and listen when "guided" by those more senior then all will be well.

If, on occasion, you have to be "nudged" back into your lane by a mod then take the criticism and learn from it.

I agree with Slim's message
Thanks all, some good discussion and points on all sides. I won't re-iterate the excellent comments made above except to add that we as Staff are continually re-assessing our approach, so feedback like this is valuable in letting us know how things are working. Just as you have to "earn our respect" we have to earn yours.

Springroll said:
There is a level of respect that every human on this earth deserves.

I agree that respect is earned in most cases.

I take exception to this, you are mixing up respect and courtesy.  While everyone deserves some courtesy, like you said, respect is earned and not given.
spenco said:
I take exception to this, you are mixing up respect and courtesy.  While everyone deserves some courtesy, like you said, respect is earned and not given.

But there are rules about respect on this forum:

Expectation of Respect between Users

All visitors, regardless of age, rank or experience are to be treated as equal unless their conduct dictates otherwise. That means the veteran servicemember and the green private are to assume that they have as much to benefit from the other as they have to offer the other until a reason to contrary is made known. Age, nor number of years excuses anyone from behaving in a manner that isn't civil and polite.

And yes, I didn't forget the part that said to respect the moderators, just pointing out the part that deals with treating everyone as equal.

So the two, in this case, go together hand in hand.
Springroll said:
But there are rules about respect on this forum:

Expectation of Respect between Users

All visitors, regardless of age, rank or experience are to be treated as equal unless their conduct dictates otherwise. That means the veteran servicemember and the green private are to assume that they have as much to benefit from the other as they have to offer the other until a reason to contrary is made known. Age, nor number of years excuses anyone from behaving in a manner that isn't civil and polite.

And yes, I didn't forget the part that said to respect the moderators, just pointing out the part that deals with treating everyone as equal.

So the two, in this case, go together hand in hand.

There's a difference between being civil and polite, to respecting someone, and Showing someone respect:

3. respect - an attitude of admiration or esteem; "she lost all respect for him"
2. respect - show respect towards; "honor your parents!"

showing someone respect includes being civil and polite...having respect for someone, THAT is which is earned. Just because I show you respect, doesn't mean I respect you  8)
How about Springroll and Manimal dig up the discussions where they were apparently 'disrespected' because I don't seem to remember those posts, although I could have easily missed them.

Don't think of it as being 'disrespected.' Think of it as being sorted out, something all of us need at one point in our lives and careers.
For as long as I've been reading this site, I have Never seen Directing Staff blatantly disrespect someone for any one reason or another, DS are sometimes harder on some moreso than others to merely drive the point home.

So find me a post where people are being disrespected and maybe I'll buy into your claims, until then I'll use a saying that you will be hearing sooner than later if you plan to join the army. Suck it up, butter cup!

With as many rules we have in the military regarding civil rights, ethics etc. it is still an army. People will disrespect you at one point or another, and people will belittle you. Especially if you constantly complain about it.
GerryCan said:
How about Springroll and Manimal dig up the discussions where they were apparently 'disrespected' because I don't seem to remember those posts, although I could have easily missed them.

Don't think of it as being 'disrespected.' Think of it as being sorted out, something all of us need at one point in our lives and careers.
For as long as I've been reading this site, I have Never seen Directing Staff blatantly disrespect someone for any one reason or another, DS are sometimes harder on some moreso than others to merely drive the point home.

So find me a post where people are being disrespected and maybe I'll buy into your claims, until then I'll use a saying that you will be hearing sooner than later if you plan to join the army. Suck it up, butter cup!

With as many rules we have in the military regarding civil rights, ethics etc. it is still an army. People will disrespect you at one point or another, and people will belittle you. Especially if you constantly complain about it.

Took the words right out of my mouth GerryCan.
At the risk of being one of those rude forum members who insults newbies and civvies, I have to say this whole thread is bolox (can I say that word here?  :-X )

If people would give more thought to their posts - rather than typing out every thought that pops into their head and then hitting 'send' - maybe members would be more tolerant. I've been away and without internet access since June so I was really looking forward to catching up on the discussions here.

One of the first threads I got on had a kid from britain typing in complete msn speak. I moved on...the next had another fairly  new member asking the same question in 2 different threads, (guess she didn't like the hugs and tea she was receiving in one and decided to open another thread on the same topic - herself)

I finally found what I was looking for on other threads started by more experienced members that included the one on Smokey Smith's legacy, the comments of Carolyn Parrish and basically things that interest me as a member of the CF and as a Canadian.

For my .02 I think newbies should not be allowed to start new threads until they've proven they understand and can use the SEARCH function :D

Anyway, to the moderators and Mike Bobbitt, thank you for providing this forum....keep up the good work!
GerryCan said:
How about Springroll and Manimal dig up the discussions where they were apparently 'disrespected' because I don't seem to remember those posts, although I could have easily missed them.

Read my first post in this thread.
Sig_Des said:
There's a difference between being civil and polite, to respecting someone, and Showing someone respect:

3. respect - an attitude of admiration or esteem; "she lost all respect for him"
2. respect - show respect towards; "honor your parents!"

showing someone respect includes being civil and polite...having respect for someone, THAT is which is earned. Just because I show you respect, doesn't mean I respect you   8)

Yes, I agree with showing someone respect, I had not thought of it that way. Thank you for posting that.
Mike Bobbitt said:
Thanks all, some good discussion and points on all sides. I won't re-iterate the excellent comments made above except to add that we as Staff are continually re-assessing our approach, so feedback like this is valuable in letting us know how things are working. Just as you have to "earn our respect" we have to earn yours.


This is great leadership!  :D And such timely service for my queries here at army.ca, all in one business day  8)
Springroll said:
Read my first post in this thread.

Oh I read it, and I still don't see what you're getting at.

Moderators enforce the use of the Search function to keep strain off the server with unnecessary topics started when one can search and most likely find what they were looking for in the first place. Is that what you're getting at with the scolding?
OK. I was referring to a bunch of posts I have come across on here where the newbie is automatically jumped on for not utilizing the search function.

Sorry if I did not state it clearly...I am in the midst of trying to quit smoking and things seems quite garbled in my head...lol
Springroll said:
OK. I was referring to a bunch of posts I have come across on here where the newbie is automatically jumped on for not utilizing the search function.

Sorry if I did not state it clearly...I am in the midst of trying to quit smoking and things seems quite garbled in my head...lol

Go for a nice long run  ;)
spenco said:
I take exception to this, you are mixing up respect and courtesy.  While everyone deserves some courtesy, like you said, respect is earned and not given.
NOTE: Springroll I agree with the fact that the board is asking for a level of respect. That respect is something that the Admins have asked and if the users cant give it, then I dont think they should be here.
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