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Army.ca Ideology -- what is it?

  • Thread starter Thread starter strongchristian
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yeah, i've been belittled by the staff too. called a kid, told to shut my trap, both in PM and on the board.
what gets me, these guys wouldn't talk to me on the street like this! and part of me wonders why they act so tuff on here?
mind you, others are professional, and to the point. there is a difference between being strict, and being an ***. some of the 'staff' give this place a bad name.

You know, i've been in your exact same position before. But the truth is; if you go into the military with a bad attitude..for instance your "They act tough online but in real life I could tear a phone book with my eye lids and kick their asses" type of attitude, you'll be in for a big surprise. I know i'm not in the military yet and hold no real ground when saying these things, but the truth is you're going to have to shape yourself up and clean up your attitude.

there is a difference between being strict, and being an ***.

Sometimes to be strict, you have to be an ***.
I agree wholeheartedly with statements made about newbies that don't use the search function, or who start their own threads on a topic when their questions weren't answered to their satisfaction, or newbies that use rank or unit insignia without earning them (pet peeve of mine).. But back to the original post, strongchristian isn't attacking any of the mods, and neither am I. From what I read in the post, the complaint is about members that attack newbies immediately and without compunction. When a question is asked, and it's a dumb question, the immediate tendancy is to jump all over the poster (funny how many newbies are criticized for just this action).

This is a military forum, but it's not only military members, and the image of the CF is monitored here, whether or not this is a DND sanctioned site. This reminds me a lot of the old dog and pony shows that we often have to do. Military members in a public setting getting stupid questions and comments. How many times, while standing beside that ridiculous F-18 decoy, have I heard the old "wow, cutbacks are getting bad" or "does that thing fly like a kite" or "only an idiot would mistake that for a real plane, what a waste of money".. The difference is, I don't (although god I wish I could) retort back with some witty comeback, or snap at the person and say "hey stupid, look at the pictures taken from 5000' and tell me how easy it is to identify when you have half a second to pick a target". You don't have much choice, you just smile, nod, and hope to god that they go away before you go crazy.

Instead of an immediate comeback to a dumb question, or the ever annoying msn-speak (mandatory spellcheck would be nice), think about what you would say to the same question if you were out in the public, and how you would respond to it there. Others have mentioned that senior DND officials, the media, and many members of the general public often visit the forums. I don't know how true it is, but in this day of low public support for the CF, wouldn't it be better to just assume that someone is watching and remain professional?
Feral said:
Instead of an immediate comeback to a dumb question, or the ever annoying msn-speak (mandatory spellcheck would be nice), think about what you would say to the same question if you were out in the public, and how you would respond to it there.
difference being that this is our house, and they are coming into it. We are not going to them, they are coming to us. Mike's house, Mike's rules, as enforced by Mike's chosen.

Others have mentioned that senior DND officials, the media, and many members of the general public often visit the forums. I don't know how true it is, but in this day of low public support for the CF, wouldn't it be better to just assume that someone is watching and remain professional?
Or, we could continue to behave in the manner we have. Professional doesn't mean sycophantic to higher ranks or civilians. When the CoC is all screwed up, it's your professional duty to tell them so. If the civilians at a Dog and Pony I'm running get stupid, they get told, quite plainly, to smarten up or bugger off.
paracowboy said:
difference being that this is our house, and they are coming into it. We are not going to them, they are coming to us. Mike's house, Mike's rules, as enforced by Mike's chosen.

And by Mike's rules, he says to give respect to all regardless of rank or service history.
Springroll said:
And by Mike's rules, he says to give respect to all regardless of rank or service history.
your disconnect with this issue was pointed out earlier in this very thread, was it not?
When will I receive some Courtesy, Respect, professionalism etc etc.

I have been coming here for about a year now.  Having served a period of my life in the military, I found this site to be very much in tune with the camaraderie I had while serving.

The only time I don't see that is when the same question is asked a million times.  We have a magic button called search.  Yet certain people choose not use it and find the easy route by having to start a thread. To me that's lazy.

When someone posts a comment, and truly truly does not think of their actions at the time when the press the send button, this irks me.  When I respond by letting them know the wrong of their ways, I get mouthed back.  I would not accept this from anyone, especially at  "Dog and Pony" show.

For all of the ninja snipers, that insist on debating whether JTF can kick team America's ass.... don't need that and thank God it gets nipped in the bud here.

People who post dumbass cutesy things in a thread, that does not contribute in any way, do you do it to rack up points for your profile and be noticed.... stop.

To people who refuse to fill in their profile, a muzzle until you do!

I enjoy this site, which belongs to Mike B, on MY time.  And if I have to extend the electronic back of the hand to someone that does not want to take the time to "respect" me, then so be it...period.

Have an opinion, fantastic, start a thread, and have at her.  If you want to buck the system, goad people into a flame war, or just plain be a thorn in peoples' side.... take it elsewhere.

That is my ideology.  As a member of this site and former miltary member.



 I think sometimes people forget on here is that everyone is human (I hope hehe), moderators, military personel, civies, we all have the ability to make mistakes and most people on here learn from their mistakes and move on. I am on other forums where it's a free for all flame war and personally I don't like it. I like the fact that I can have an opinion in here and for the most part no one is going to belittle me for it. If I am wrong about something I am corrected and then I learn something new. This is a great forum and I wouldnt want it anyother way.

 As for the respect issue, respect is earned and I personally respect Mike and his mods for the professionalism they show on here. This is a volunteer job so its not like they are getting paid and yet they still do a good job. If you see them screwing up then send Mike a PM and he will deal with it. Whining about being treated unfairly in a thread wont solve anything.  >:D
Quote from Springroll,
And by Mike's rules, he says to give respect to all regardless of rank or service history.


Lets see, I think I will ask a question and then when three posters with tons of military and civilian experience give me the answer to that question I will just poo-poo in their faces and say " well, we'll see what my lawyer says about that".


Springroll, your stay here is fast approaching the expiry date....
Feral said:
Instead of an immediate comeback to a dumb question, or the ever annoying msn-speak (mandatory spellcheck would be nice), think about what you would say to the same question if you were out in the public, and how you would respond to it there. Others have mentioned that senior DND officials, the media, and many members of the general public often visit the forums. I don't know how true it is, but in this day of low public support for the CF, wouldn't it be better to just assume that someone is watching and remain professional?

I think for the most part members are patient, tolerant and professional in their responses here.

Where I see the problem is persistent newcomers who use the board to espouse their personal views (the sort of  people who like to speak just to hear themselves talk). They don't think before they post but they flood the board with irrelevant comments and diatribe usually starting off with "I think blah blah blah". They have no real experience. Perhaps they have a friends' dad's cousin's brother-in-law who used to be a sailor and they offer up opinion as fact based on that relationship.

Personally I read a lot more than I submit on these boards. Not every single thread needs my input. If it's been said already, why repeat over and over the same sentiments?

When I see a newbie who has posted 450 posts in a day or two I wonder just how many of those posts were necessary and/or relevant. Those type of persistent posters are usually more interested in reading their own posts than finding out anything about the CF or it's members.

and that ends my rant today :D
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Quote from Springroll,
And by Mike's rules, he says to give respect to all regardless of rank or service history.


Lets see, I think I will ask a question and then when three posters with tons of military and civilian experience give me the answer to that question I will just poo-poo in their faces and say " well, we'll see what my lawyer says about that".


Springroll, your stay here is fast approaching the expiry date....

Thank you for the warning.

Here is the information on the medals from Veterans Affairs since I am unable to post it in the wearing medals thread:

Can I wear my father's (brother's, relatives') medals?
Medals may only be worn by the veteran. It is a criminal offense to wear military medals that someone else has earned.

and here is the link: http://www.vac-acc.gc.ca/general/sub.cfm?source=help/generalfaq

paracowboy said:
Or, we could continue to behave in the manner we have. Professional doesn't mean sycophantic to higher ranks or civilians. When the CoC is all screwed up, it's your professional duty to tell them so. If the civilians at a Dog and Pony I'm running get stupid, they get told, quite plainly, to smarten up or bugger off.

I'm not saying we have to be sycophantic to anyone, and I've been pulled off a dog and pony because I opened my mouth when I should have just stood there (feels like years since the last time I was threatened with jailtime).

As for dealing with the laziness of not searching, or the JTF sniper ningas, or those who want to rack up their posts, I agree. And fill out your damned profiles! Real names aren't necessary, but a little background helps credibility (I don't think anyone can argue with that). What I don't see is how the "electronic back of your hand" helps matters in any way. It usually ends up with a smartass reply, then another warning to shut up etc, then another smartass reply, etc etc until the offender is banned or sufficiently cowed. Half of those that need the slap are usually out for exactly the reason you mentioned: flame wars or just to be a pain in the neck.

Ignore them. They'll get bored and go away. I also like the suggestion of not letting newbies immediately start their own threads, maybe if they really want to start a thread, they need to PM a mod about it. Certainly might keep a lot of the stupid questions out when you get a PM back that says "Thread denied, use the search function."

And to point out again, this has nothing to do with the mods, I think they do a great job as well, and most of their work probably goes unrecognized.
Springroll said:
Thank you for the warning.

Here is the information on the medals from Veterans Affairs since I am unable to post it in the wearing medals thread:

Can I wear my father's (brother's, relatives') medals?
Medals may only be worn by the veteran. It is a criminal offense to wear military medals that someone else has earned.

and here is the link: http://www.vac-acc.gc.ca/general/sub.cfm?source=help/generalfaq

You illustrate my previous point exactly. How is it that you have something to say to almost every single discussion on this board? If you are unable to post on a thread it's probably because everything that needs to be said on that topic has been said. Your input is only important to you.

Either you are incredibly self-involved or just plain stunned. Now I'm sure you're going to think that is rude and disrespectful....and this time....you'd be correct.
This is getting ridiculous, just troll some hot threads, see the people who have been banned, look at their profiles and tell me who you think the real problem is here. The mods and senior members or the "others"?
and with that, i beleive that this thread, like the medals one i just finnished reading, has reached it's "time expired" point
Rhyno is right, *Monty Python voice* " Allright, stop stop, this is getting silly. I didn't mind the......"

If anyone wishes to comment on the original intent of this thread[ if one can remember] by all means please save it from itself.
I'll just try to make a last comment here, I read over the thread and can't believe that some people have a problem with this site because of the directing staff. I've been here for quite some time now and haven't had a problem with how this site is run. It's a great site, with great people, and great information. If you get upset because a member tells you to use the search forum and decide to cry about, well boohoo. It's happened to me before and I didn't throw a hissy fit. This is a great site, and it's run similar to what the military is like which is great.

Great job to the admins and Mike Bobbit. :salute:
Springroll said:
And by Mike's rules, he says to give respect to all regardless of rank or service history.
He says with the exception of Newbs not using the search button. Read it again.
EDIT: Sorry Mods, I guess I missed the post that was saying this thread reached its expiry, I always read from page 1 and on, I guess I should start reading all the last posts then make a comment on the past posts.
i never said i was tough or that i wanted to use violence to solve the problems i have here...
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