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AOR Replacement & the Joint Support Ship (Merged Threads)

RCN on helos for Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ships:

Helicopter Capability

    Depending on the mission, the embarked helicopter could range from a small utility aircraft right up to the new CH-148 maritime helicopter...

That "range" could certainly cover CCG choppers:
[new ones] https://www.canada.ca/en/fisheries-oceans/news/2016/12/government-canada-accepts-new-helicopters-canadian-coast-guard.html


CCG helo ops:


I have to wonder who is behind this campaign to create doubt about Seaspan ability to deliver on the JSS. I noted their article entirely misses that Seaspan will launch their first ship shortly after the Asterix is finished, and it will be Irving who launches their first ship last.


Colin P said:
I have to wonder who is behind this campaign to create doubt about Seaspan ability to deliver on the JSS. I noted their article entirely misses that Seaspan will launch their first ship shortly after the Asterix is finished, and it will be Irving who launches their first ship last.


The Diefenbaker was pushed back to allow construction of the JSS ships to take place first wasn't it (Just noticed your comment on CDR)? My only criticism of Seaspan is they should have started with the JSS to begin with :P They never had a say in that though did they?
Seaspan also has to design, prove and build 6 separate designs:  OFSV, OOSV, JSS, Dief, MEMTV, OPV.

How many designs is Irving responsible for? 2?
Irving has three. In reverse order: CSC, AOPS, and Scrooge McDuck style bank vault for all the money they are being paid.
serger989 said:
The Diefenbaker was pushed back to allow construction of the JSS ships to take place first wasn't it (Just noticed your comment on CDR)? My only criticism of Seaspan is they should have started with the JSS to begin with :P They never had a say in that though did they?

I don't think Seaspan was ready for that size of ship, the OFSV were a better choice and allows them to work out the kinks on the smallest vessels first and polish their techniques on the next 2 of class, the OOSV is a larger version of the OFSV. I hadn't heard if the Dief had been delayed. In my perfect world, Davie would build 2 Resolve class, Seaspan builds the dief first and then the JSS, by the time the first JSS is operational, the first Resolve can go through a deep refit and then the 2nd, at which point we have 4 AOR's, 2 on each coast, one can work coastal, while the other is out on extended patrol or one can be in hot layup for a period as the need ebbs and flows.
Colin P said:
I don't think Seaspan was ready for that size of ship, the OFSV were a better choice and allows them to work out the kinks on the smallest vessels first and polish their techniques on the next 2 of class, the OOSV is a larger version of the OFSV. I hadn't heard if the Dief had been delayed. In my perfect world, Davie would build 2 Resolve class, Seaspan builds the dief first and then the JSS, by the time the first JSS is operational, the first Resolve can go through a deep refit and then the 2nd, at which point we have 4 AOR's, 2 on each coast, one can work coastal, while the other is out on extended patrol or one can be in hot layup for a period as the need ebbs and flows.

The Diefenbaker was pushed past the JSS builds because of the Protecteur and Preserver being near the end of their service life and then decommissioned. Also keep in mind that when the NSS was first announced, bot the Dief and the JSS were expected to be completed by 2018. It is looking like it will be 2021-2025 now before we see the Dief, which is why I really like Davie's Project Resolute (The PC3 icebreaker AIVIQ and the 3x PC4 Viking icebreakers, their fast track icebreaker solution much like their Resolve project). I really wish Davie was included into the NSS or inserted more easily without all the politics. In my perfect world lol Irving/Davie/Seaspan all hold hands, work together, share suppliers, and participate in block building, while expanding their infrastructure (Like maybe planning a national common user facility?).

Is Seaspan designing the JSS though? I thought there was a competition which shortlisted the BMT and TKMS designs. The TKMS being the Berlin/Queenston design and the BMT MARS design is the one the RN went with for their 4x new Tide supply ships. Do they still have to modify the design after that, I do not actually know? Either way, I do not expect the 2xJSS or Dief until after 2020+, they still need to finish the 3 OFSV and OOSV before they even start the big projects which will take even longer no doubt than what they have already been working on.
Did Irving design the AOPS and is it designing the CSC?

And yet they got government money for a "design-build" contract.

Life is just so confusing for this cynical old bugger.
So scuttlebut is that the Queenston and Chatugay are now being renamed the Protecteur and Preserver.  Navy brass I guess really didn't like ships named after land battles, and wanted to preserve (no pun intended) the battle honours of these two stellar ships.  And because they've both now been retired early there should be no problems with that.

Trying to find a non-banned reference for this news and get a good fix on the chart here
jmt18325 said:

That's a big boat.

And I love how they used every trick known to mankind for radar cross-section reduction .... NOT!!!  ;D
Underway: Fact not scuttlebut:

Joint Support Ships to be renamed Protecteur and Preserver
In October 2013, the Government of Canada announced that the JSS ships would be named the Queenston-class. Since that announcement, the original purpose-built AORs, the former Protecteur and Preserver, were paid off and are no longer part of the RCN’s fleet.

This fact presented the RCN, through its Ships Naming Committee, an opportunity to consider reusing the names of the original AORs, an option that was not available when the JSS were originally named in 2013...

But surely was available a while ago.  Looks like Liberal BS to me with Justin simply continuing to écraser Harper legacy-- and Canadian history at same time?

MarkOttawa said:
Underway: Fact not scuttlebut:

But surely was available a while ago.  Looks like Liberal BS to me with Justin simply continuing to écraser Harper legacy-- and Canadian history at same time?


As a long time Tanker Wanker, l don't care why the names are being changed to PRO & PRE, just that they are.  Something that of late that is being done to/with the navy l can agree with.
jollyjacktar said:
As a long time Tanker Wanker, l don't care why the names are being changed to PRO & PRE, just that they are.  Something that of late that is being done to/with the navy l can agree with.

Concur. I'm all about hammering Trudeau for making stupid decisions, but this just make sense since PRO and PRE are paid off already. In 2013 they figured we had at least enough service left with them to have already had the naming (christening?) ceremony for the new JSS, unfortunately they were wrong.
jollyjacktar said:
As a long time Tanker Wanker, l don't care why the names are being changed to PRO & PRE, just that they are.  Something that of late that is being done to/with the navy l can agree with.

Now if they can split the MARTECH trade things would be great.
From the RCN facebook page.


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