I think this policy hit where it needed to. We need the newest members to be able to live on the economy and not starve. For those of us that have 12+ years in, we should have already been established and we should be able to maintain a decent QOL with this raise. There is no one size fits all solution, and I think they hit the right priorities. With that being said, I do feel for anyone in Victoria that lives in a PMQ, this is policy is going to hurt.
For the Spec 1 aircraft maintainers….. they always come across as the most entitled cry babies. You follow a book and torque some bolts, maybe change an electronic card. You can’t even use a power tool to takeout or put in a screw because you are too stupid not to strip it, so only an ACS tech can perform that function. Any problem that isn’t listed within your book, needs to be approved by an outside agency or company because of the stakes involved. They assume the risk and you are simply a parts changer and, rightfully, someone comes behind you to confirm your work, because again, the stakes are high. Yes, you had one course that was 12-14 months long, then you did a QL4 that is 3+ years like every other technical trade. The only difference is you need to do a new QL4 every time you go to a new aircraft, big deal, that just means your skills are not as flexible or transferable as other trades. It has nothing to do with the quality of the tech or their “smarts”.
To be honest, the above isn’t my usual tone, but I think it is equivalent to marking every supply tech as a “bin rat” and my description of a maintainer is more accurate than your description of a supply tech. You ignore all of the technical functions they are responsible for. Large contracts, procurement, supply chain management, brigade level planning etc. etc. I maybe missed a little cursory knowledge you need to have on turbines and testing procedures for them, that again, you can and must read out of a book to perform.
I am not within the logistics branch, but I am well aware of how important and versatile they become as they progress past the rank of Cpl. We all have a roll to play in the big wheel, the key is to not overinflate your head so it gets ran over as it turns.