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Allowances - Post Living Differential (PLD) [MERGED]

The CMP Command CWO did a Chief's Coffee at the C&POs in Ottawa, and made it very clear that TB already thinks we are well compensated, so they had little appetite to increase our compensation.

He also pointed out that the TB doesn't care if the CAF is short 7K or 17K pers, there is no appetite to address it via compensation.
This confirms my long held belief that TB would love to see us wither on the vine and claw back what remains. Completely tone deaf.m4wvju52qKguFIxOVTcCMDO9rBFzKLyS2oe4N09fBZ4.jpg
The CMP Command CWO did a Chief's Coffee at the C&POs in Ottawa, and made it very clear that TB already thinks we are well compensated, so they had little appetite to increase our compensation.

He also pointed out that the TB doesn't care if the CAF is short 7K or 17K pers, there is no appetite to address it via compensation.
And there you have it!

As I said, Total Force Reduction is what is required.

We need to make deep cuts to personnel, particularly the Officer Corps. I'd be going scorched earth in the HQs in Ottawa right now and pursuing significant cuts/consolidations to formations, units, infrastructure, equipment, etc.
Its been explained that the 30M "saved" was the 30M that was over the funding envelope and the new benefit just puts us within the limits of what we were allowed to spend originally. So how long have we been over this 150M limit? 15 or 20 years? Who was paying the extra 30M we were over? Was it ever considered to just ask for a funding limit increase given the economic conditions we are in and the fact its been many years since this limit was imposed on us? Its been said that the worry was that we could of lost the entire benefit, sorry I'm not buying that given the dire straights that would of been placed on everyone and the optics of pulling the benefit entirely.
Because the government is in a far worse shape fiscally than it makes known.
Because the government is in a far worse shape fiscally than it makes known.
…other than the indicators and warnings we saw in 20/21 with crazy levels of deficits funded through massive bonds issues and loans that devalued the dollar and resulted in rampant inflation that it blamed on housing so it could jack interest rates to counter the dollar devaluing and push many homeowners in line for a correction that will see many no longer able to afford financing this pivoting them to rentals which are already under supplied but will help move people away from real estate equity into the rental/life-as-a-service vision of the WEF and CCP to not own anything and be happy renting in a 15-minute city while the government takes care of what was once your equity/property for you.

But other than that, yes…really surprised to hear that we’re in poor economic shape…
(To use an oldie but a goodie…)
shocked philip j fry GIF
We need to make deep cuts to personnel, particularly the Officer Corps. I'd be going scorched earth in the HQs in Ottawa right now and pursuing significant cuts/consolidations to formations, units, infrastructure, equipment, etc.

They'll do all that but won't cut operations. Go Go Go!
…other than the indicators and warnings we saw in 20/21 with crazy levels of deficits funded through massive bonds issues and loans that devalued the dollar and resulted in rampant inflation that it blamed on housing so it could jack interest rates to counter the dollar devaluing and push many homeowners in line for a correction that will see many no longer able to afford financing this pivoting them to rentals which are already under supplied but will help move people away from real estate equity into the rental/life-as-a-service vision of the WEF and CCP to not own anything and be happy renting in a 15-minute city while the government takes care of what was once your equity/property for you.

But other than that, yes…really surprised to hear that we’re in poor economic shape…
(To use an oldie but a goodie…)
shocked philip j fry GIF

To be honest, I'm not sure how the CAF digs itself out of the policy hole it is in. There are between 85-100 programs and initiatives being tracked under CMP alone. Even if only 30 if them require a TB submission, and the rest can be signed off between the CDS, DM, and MND, that is still an enormous amount of effort required to see files completed. Lets just take those files that require a TB submission. Those 30 submissions need to compete internally against all the other L1 submissions. How many projects, programs etc. from DND in a year need a TB submission to move forward? How many slots can DND get per year for submissions, competing against all the other departments?

It is a whole herd of elephants that needs to be eaten one bite at a time. Yet the individuals who are doing the work are constantly denigrated by non-NCR types for being lazy cubicle dwellers who are out of touch with the ground truth. It takes true dedication to put up with that and remain engaged.

I agree that the process is broken. I would like to agree that there are too many generals in the NCR, who require too many staff to support them instead of getting actual work done. But I have seen it with my own eyes, and experienced it myself, that the public service is often more hung up on dealing with "equal ranks" than we are in the military.
…other than the indicators and warnings we saw in 20/21 with crazy levels of deficits funded through massive bonds issues and loans that devalued the dollar and resulted in rampant inflation that it blamed on housing so it could jack interest rates to counter the dollar devaluing and push many homeowners in line for a correction that will see many no longer able to afford financing this pivoting them to rentals which are already under supplied but will help move people away from real estate equity into the rental/life-as-a-service vision of the WEF and CCP to not own anything and be happy renting in a 15-minute city while the government takes care of what was once your equity/property for you.

But other than that, yes…really surprised to hear that we’re in poor economic shape…
(To use an oldie but a goodie…)
shocked philip j fry GIF

Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of the dust storms ;)

Great Depression Wind GIF by US National Archives
To be honest, I'm not sure how the CAF digs itself out of the policy hole it is in. There are between 85-100 programs and initiatives being tracked under CMP alone. Even if only 30 if them require a TB submission, and the rest can be signed off between the CDS, DM, and MND, that is still an enormous amount of effort required to see files completed. Lets just take those files that require a TB submission. Those 30 submissions need to compete internally against all the other L1 submissions. How many projects, programs etc. from DND in a year need a TB submission to move forward? How many slots can DND get per year for submissions, competing against all the other departments?

It is a whole herd of elephants that needs to be eaten one bite at a time. Yet the individuals who are doing the work are constantly denigrated by non-NCR types for being lazy cubicle dwellers who are out of touch with the ground truth. It takes true dedication to put up with that and remain engaged.

I agree that the process is broken. I would like to agree that there are too many generals in the NCR, who require too many staff to support them instead of getting actual work done. But I have seen it with my own eyes, and experienced it myself, that the public service is often more hung up on dealing with "equal ranks" than we are in the military.
This strikes at the heart of one of the CAF's overarching problems, our byzantine processes for every simple thing. The GoC and CAF have never seen an issue they can't make worse with additional process, all bottlenecked at a couple of desks.
The CMP Command CWO did a Chief's Coffee at the C&POs in Ottawa, and made it very clear that TB already thinks we are well compensated, so they had little appetite to increase our compensation.

He also pointed out that the TB doesn't care if the CAF is short 7K or 17K pers, there is no appetite to address it via compensation.

Edit: the Chief's Covfefe was back in January, so before the new HD and EI came out, or were finalized.

you’re asking for more than they’re willing to give right now.
Oh brother…. We need to talk…..
Too late, been out of that position for a number of years. Last I heard the job was given to a civilian as a secondary or lower responsibility. For at least 6 years after I left the American pilots were still contacting me for assistance though. Guess whoever was doing it here didn't feel the need to ensure things were updated.

As a side did you know those cute little planes the snowbirds fly take thousands of gallons of fuel each on a fuel up? Occasionally wonder how that one worked out. Careful with fueling up in Vegas.
True. Still, not the same risk. I’m going to assume the Cook Cpl is being supervised. The AES Op Cpl could be the A cat and in charge of AES Ops up to the rank of MWO B Cat during flying operations and responsible for their trg and upgrading. That’s not malarkey, rank has nothing to do with flying categories - the FOM is clear on that.

The potential responsibility and environment that happens in for the two trades aren’t comparable.
the dreaded assume. if by supervised you mean someone checks in with them at some point yes. not unusual to see the Cpl running the line on their own especially for breakfast, field ex or duty watches in my experience.
oh forgot, wish it helped me afford a meal out. We have cut back on even getting fast food for the kids as everything has inflated but our net income.

Shouldn't the BGEN know that we had PLD and not a housing allowance? I know picky picky.
As a side did you know those cute little planes the snowbirds fly take thousands of gallons of fuel each on a fuel up? Occasionally wonder how that one worked out. Careful with fueling up in Vegas.

Hardly « thousands ». More like at the very most 310 gal per aircraft. I flew the Tutor for 4 years (not with the Snowbirds) and the thing doesn’t have any legs. You need to do multiple stops in a single day when transiting, especially on bad weather days where our legs are even more restricted. Yet, the credit card is limited to transactions per day. I can’t count on two hands the number of times I had to beg the Fixed Base Operator to let me go with a promise the Canadian government will eventually pay them…
Hardly « thousands ». More like at the very most 310 gal per aircraft. I flew the Tutor for 4 years (not with the Snowbirds) and the thing doesn’t have any legs. You need to do multiple stops in a single day when transiting, especially on bad weather days where our legs are even more restricted. Yet, the credit card is limited to transactions per day. I can’t count on two hands the number of times I had to beg the Fixed Base Operator to let me go with a promise the Canadian government will eventually pay them…
With two hands you have ten digits which, when used to count binary, lets you count up to 1023...
When I got the bill from the US it didn't make sense to me so I checked with them. I was told 350 gallons at max. Every couple months the rejected bill came back hoping I would forget and pay it I guess.

Never heard of daily limit on transactions when I was there but the planes did or were supposed to have 3 different types of cards they could use if needed.
Back to CFHD - The CHRA was here and again advised that the briefing given to them was that there would be a normal pay increase when the unions settle and this increase is not part of it. Seems they are really trying to convince everyone of it as they keep pushing it. Damage control is on.
CHRA is wrong.

This is the economic increase.

In the event that the usual comparator public service unions settle for higher increases, past practice has been for the CAF to receive an additional increase to match those levels. So if, for example, the CAF got 1% and the PS later got 1.5% for the same time period, the CAF would receive a second increase for the same period of 0.5%.