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Age Limits to Join

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bdave said:
On my BMQ, there was a man who was in his early 60s.

I believe the maximum age for enrollment is 52, in order for one to complete a 3yr BE*. The maximum Compulsory Retirement Age is 60 (on request).

*Table E to QR&O 15.31 lists as the maximum release age 55, ergo 55-3 for 52 years.

I don't doubt your recollection, but I doubt the accuracy of the gent's age.
I am 16 and thinking of joining the Reserves, and i have one question

i am in grade 10 right now and i done after allot of research on this and i found out i need grade 10 but seen as im in grade 10 right now can i still get in the reserves? i been SEARCHING for allot of the day and cant find an answer to this.

Thank you for your time.  :salute:

tyguy94 said:
but seen as im in grade 10 right now can i still get in the reserves?

Grade 10 is a prerequisite.

Noun: A thing required as a prior condition for something else to happen.

You do not have grade 10 as of yet.
Knowing how long the recruiting process takes, would it not be worth tyguy's time to start the recuiting process now, and get sworn in at the end of the school year? Or will the recruiting center not bother to open a new file until he meets the grade 10 requrement? I'm hoping someone with recruiting experience will answer this.
Good god finish highschool at least, the military is still going to be here 2-3 years from now.  Focus on your studies, your grades will follow you for the rest of your life.
Rheostatic said:
Knowing how long the recruiting process takes, would it not be worth tyguy's time to start the recuiting process now, and get sworn in at the end of the school year? Or will the recruiting center not bother to open a new file until he meets the grade 10 requrement? I'm hoping someone with recruiting experience will answer this.

He cant apply until he meets the requirements.
I live in Hamilton, in grade 10, and want to join the reserves. Right now I'm 15 but I want to join by the end of grade 10 (I turn 16 before then). I have 70's all my subjects except history in that subject I have a 90. I'm really interested  in military history and that's one of the reasons I'm interested in joining the reserves. I'm considering joining in one of the following areas: infantry, artillery, signal operator or weapons technician. I have a couple questions: what units in Hamilton are hiring, how does the training work, what exactly does a signal operator do, do weapons technicians see much if any action in terms of field exercises, can i apply before I'm 16 but only sign on when I'm 16 or do I have to wait to till I'm 16 to apply, and how fast can I be promoted to corporal(not to get ahead of myself)? Also any advice or opinions would be appreciated.
Your questions have been asked and answered over and over again just search, young Padawan.

Though to see what units are hiring talk to each unit recruiter, though some of your trade choices might not be available depending on what reserve units are in your area. 
Hello, I'm 17 years old, and I want to join the Canadian Forces next year. The only thing is, I don't know what I would like to do.. I'm just wondering how it works.. If I join the Canadian Forces, do I have to know exactly what I want to do? Example : mechanic, welder, medic, etc.? Or can I join, do the training and then talk to someone about choosing? I've always had a hard time to choose what I wanted for a career, and now I know this is what I want to do, but I just can't decide what I'd like to do once I'm in the Forces.. Aslo, is there any lists of all the jobs & the requirements for them? That would help out quite a bit.

Thank you all for your time.
JatomicBomb said:
Hello, I'm 17 years old, and I want to join the Canadian Forces next year. The only thing is, I don't know what I would like to do.. I'm just wondering how it works.. If I join the Canadian Forces, do I have to know exactly what I want to do? Example : mechanic, welder, medic, etc.? Or can I join, do the training and then talk to someone about choosing? I've always had a hard time to choose what I wanted for a career, and now I know this is what I want to do, but I just can't decide what I'd like to do once I'm in the Forces.. Aslo, is there any lists of all the jobs & the requirements for them? That would help out quite a bit.

Thank you all for your time.

It's best to stop by your local recruiting centre and speak with a recruiter. Make a list of questions and they will be more than happy to help.

All jobs are listed on the forces.ca website. Video links and requirements can be found there as well.


Or failing to do that, or in addition to, you could read the recruiting forum here, but either way, you are going to have to make the effort to find out the information by yourself...........
First off, you may have a lot of time to check the trades out.  Most of the trades are presently closed right now.  See: Trades OPEN / Closed ?

No, you can't join and then decide what you want to do.  There are only X amount of openings and you must chose your trade before you will be offered enrolment.

Try an on line job aptitude test to see what you might be interested in doing.

Also, your CFAT results will determine which trades you can apply for.

I see you've been on the site since August.  Do some searching and reading.  I'm sure you'll find lots of information.  Oh, and for the best answers, visit a CFRC.  ;)
Thank you for your replies! One more quick question.. I went on forces.ca, and looked up medical officer, and from what I understand, if you pass the Basic officer training course, then you can get sent off to do the Basic Medical Officer course... Would my school grades have any effect in this? If so, is there a place to find out what jobs require what school grades? Thank you.
JatomicBomb said:
so, is there a place to find out what jobs require what school grades? Thank you.
A couple.  One, for starters, is the Forces.gc.ca website, which you can filter trades by education level.  Or, more importantly, a recruiting center, who's job is to answer questions such as this.
Medical Officer is a doctor - you have to be in a program like the Medical Officer Training Plan for that to happen, or be a qualified physician to do your BMOC.

If you're only 16, you've got some work ahead of you...

Oh.. alright, thank you. Well, I'm actually 17.. and graduated school. Guess I should of thought of this before I graduated.. could of gotten much better grades in order to be a physician, guess thoese dreams are shattared. 
JatomicBomb said:
Oh.. alright, thank you. Well, I'm actually 17.. and graduated school. Guess I should of thought of this before I graduated.. could of gotten much better grades in order to be a physician, guess thoese dreams are shattared.

You can always go back to school and bring your grades up.

Milnet.Ca Staff
JatomicBomb said:
Oh.. alright, thank you. Well, I'm actually 17.. and graduated school. Guess I should of thought of this before I graduated.. could of gotten much better grades in order to be a physician, guess thoese dreams are shattared.

Umm... 17's pretty damned young. No matter how low your grades are, if you've got the smarts for it, you can get into college. It just might take a while, spending a year getting better marks for grade 12, maybe. You transfer into a university, get good enough grades to get into a school of medicine (they don't give a damn about high school), and apply for MOTP. Done.

You have to be good enough to get the grades in university, but that's a whole 'nother ballgame than feeling all sad about not knowing you had to try to get good grades in high school.
Thank you for the suggestion. I think that's what I'm going to do. Not just yet, I want to do a bit more research about it first.. so if any Medical Officer see's this and has time for a few questions.. I'd appreciate it if you could PM me. I just want to ask a few questions to make sure this is what I want to do. Thank you.