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I recommend you try the Canadian Forces Medical Group subforum.

I guess I should explain my situation before I ask my question. I'm a 16 year old Ontario high school student with high 80's to low 90's grades. My long term goal is to become a doctor but I among many other doctor-hopefuls may not make it. For now I'm worried about getting into university (preferably Mac) and Im confident I have the marks for it. My main issue however is tuition and other university costs. My parents are juggling between their debt and my older sisters tuition; I'm afraid I'd put too much stress on them next year when I enter university. So I considered joining the forces for subsidized education. Keep in mind I'm not simply joining the navy for the subsidized education but also for the experience as it was something I considered doing anyways. If/when ill become a doctor i plan to join the navy anyways. There are 2 main problems with this however. One is that my parents are very anti-anything dangerous (I need to escort my 11 year old sister down 3 floors in an elevator) and that I'm not physically fit :P. I've come up with a solution for the latter with a physically intensive routine and healthy diet. However I don't know what to tell my parents. They may think I'm only doing this for the money (although that is part of it) and they may keep me from joining. Although I could always wait till in 18 I'd rather go with their blessing. 

Anyways I plan to go through subsidized education for university with all the pay, work with the navy for 4 years in a trade in the medical field, then finally apply to a medical school and hope that my background as a medical related forces member (I'm thinking medical technician) will get me in. So what do you guys think?

Anyways my main questions are:
How can I convince my paranoid parents to let me join the army?
Do I need to be 18 to start the recruiting process? How long does it take approximately?
Any reccomandations on a work out for an overweight teenager? I'm currently doing HIIT up and down the stairs in my apartment building and weightlifting with a 15 pound dumbbell. I'm considering joining a nearby gym during their holiday promotion to see what it's like.
Can NCM's also recieve fully subsidized university education? I read the subsidized education page on the forces website and only found information on the ROTP
How much pay does one receive while under subsidized university?

Those are all the questions I have for now although I may think of more later. This site has been very useful answering most of my other questions but the aforementioned questions haven't been answered according to my particular situation. 

Thanks a lot :)
Actually, most of your questions have already been answered.

How can I convince my paranoid parents to let me join the army?


Do I need to be 18 to start the recruiting process? How long does it take approximately?


Any reccomandations on a work out for an overweight teenager? I'm currently doing HIIT up and down the stairs in my apartment building and weightlifting with a 15 pound dumbbell. I'm considering joining a nearby gym during their holiday promotion to see what it's like.

Exercise more, eat less.  Rinse.  Repeat.

Can NCM's also recieve fully subsidized university education? I read the subsidized education page on the forces website and only found information on the ROTP

That's because ROTP is the only subsidized method of entrance into the officer cadre from civvie street.  You either go to RMC, or civvie U, depending on the degree program and the needs of the service.

How much pay does one receive while under subsidized university?

See "Officers" - "ROTP" - OCdt at http://www.forces.ca/en/page/payscales-131

Have you considered joining the Naval Reserve at HMCS Star, attending Mac, and taking advantage of the Education Reimbursement Program for the Primary Reserve

I see you have been on this site since Aug (approx four months).  I am sure in your reading you have already read the topics that answered your questions.  We have had a couple topics on dealing with parents who were not too keen on their children joining the CF, Regular or Reserve.  We have numerous topics on financing one's education both in the Regular Force and the Reserves.  There are topics on the various programs available to train officers.  Why, there are even topics started by people asking the same questions as you about Medical School or Dental School, even Physiotherapy.  What have you been doing?  This post of yours has been added to the many posts made by other sixteen year old kids who have asked these very same questions.  In an age when all teenagers are so dependent on technology, only those who are not likely to succeed can not find the information that they need. 

As I was typing, I see that Occam was so kind as to hand you everything on a silver spoon. 
Good morning everyone!

  My name is Zach, and I want to join the canadian military next year. I am 15, in 10th grade. I want to join a trade in which action and adventure are involved.

  At first, I was thinking of joining the navy. I love the sea. But, my cousin (who is in the army) said that the army has a more action and adventure aspect to it, as well as, CQC, espionage etc. It sounds exciting, but dangerous. I want to live, haha. Yet, I want to experience it all..without dying.

Which trade do you think is best for me?
I have no clue who or what you are, why would you, who has no clue who and what I am, want me to tell you to do for a career. Go figure it out yourself.

There's lots of sites regarding the CF, there's lots of threads here on trades.....get busy.
I'd prefer useful comments to benefit the decision on my ideal trade. So, if you're going to be rude, I suggest you leave, GAP. thanks.
If you're going to report a post to the Staff then do not come in and bitch about the comment you're reporting. Let us do our job.

That said, I see nothing wrong with GAP's comment and suggest you grow a thicker skin. The advice is sound.

All of you people are waste and rude. All I wanted was a bit of guidance. You need to learn respect.
You'll get respect when you earn it, not because you want to be spoon fed the information.

Then go find another site to ask your questions and drop your attitude on.

Now your thread is locked and you are on your last friendly warning from me.

zach2605 said:
All of you people are waste and rude. All I wanted was a bit of guidance. You need to learn respect.

Normally I don't post over a lock, my apologies to Scott.

zach - I'm giving you a chance here.

Take some time and read through the information on the site. It will help you answer your own questions.

You've come on to this site, asked a pretty broad question and didn't like the answer. Members here will not give you an automatic answer.

What the majority of the membership respect is someone who comes on here, does a bit of research on their own and asks straight forward, to the point questions. It's also earned here...not given.

Also, in case you thought that this site is populated by wannabe's or gamers, it's not. Most here, including myself, are either in the Forces or have been.

I suggest you suck back and think about your post and it's tone before posting again....growing a thicker skin will help you as well, not only here but if and when you get in.

Another thing - if you want to change your name, you have to let everyone here on the site know in this thread:


Don't change it again without doing so.

The Army.ca Staff
Zack, try harder if you want to fool us.

zach2605: I am posting through Scott's (my apologies too) lock to give you a little explanation here, and back up Der Panzerkommandant's advice, as you are young.

If you cannot put up with some bluntness here, you are not going to survive in the CF for long.

The simple fact is that nobody here can tell you what trade is right for you. We do not know you, and you do not know us.

You need to speak to a recruiter about this. I say again, you need to speak to a recruiter about this.

In the meantime, there is a lot of information here on this site already, which may help you. Read the older threads, and use the Search Function, to learn more. We expect members of the CF to be self-sufficient, and we expect no less from members of this Site, too.
Seems to me, you are less worried about your age, more the impact it would have on your lady - which is good. She's probably reacting a touch defensively (mine sure did) to the idea. It is important that you inform her as much as you can. Hold nothing back etc.

Also, come up with a plan. "I want to join the army" is not so much of a plan as an idea. Try and find out as much information about your desired career and create a timeline plan. The worst case, you do your initial engagement and take a break from your current life. If you have 10 years of trade experience, a few years break won't wreck that. One thing to note, since I just noticed it, if you are dead set on infantry be prepared for a potential wait of a few years. Infantry has been full for awhile and a lot of people have applied to it. Couple that with the Afghan pull out and it might be awhile to get through the queue.

Another idea would be to go to your nearest base and talk to people; see what the life is really like and what kind of options there are etc. You're not 18 so you need to shake the romantic idea of the military and take a realistic view.

There are quite a few of us joining up in later stages of our lives; myself I'll be take a huge pay hit but I just can't see myself developing software the rest of my life *yawn* Sometimes a guy just wants some action  :threat:
Movistardave said:
Looking for advice as to weather or not I'm too old to join the CF.

I would not worry about this. A lot of us want to join the CF and are over 30. I am 40 ;)

And also some advice on signing up and how it will change my life. I have searched around and read other stories, but none similar to mine.

I suggest you meet with a recruiter - no need to make an appointment for that - and ask all the questions you have. You have mentioned Infantry but there are plenty of other trades that you might like in the CF that might not be related to what you do now in the civil.

Anyways, if you read on the site, you'll see that most trades are closed right now with near zero possibilities of any opening in April (except for some Tech. Trades) so you do have the time to be informed and prepared for a new life.

I don't think she would enjoy life on base.

You don't have to live on a base. The majority of CF members don't.

Good luck,

Edit for Spell Check ;)
Movistardave said:
Thanks I must have used the wrong search. When I searched "too old" it came up with every thread with the word "too" or "old" even if they were part of another word. It was around 700 topics of no relation.

I'm sure my situation must be different in some way. If anyone else has advice please feel free to share

If you want to avoid this site's search engine, you can search the site using Google in this format:

site:army.ca too old
Movistardave said:
Thanks I must have used the wrong search. When I searched "too old" it came up with every thread with the word "too" or "old" even if they were part of another word. It was around 700 topics of no relation.

You need to search within the sub-forum, not the whole site.