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Although you may have never explicitly stated that the OP should drop out of high school, it was clearly implied in your previous statements that it was a viable option to be considered. As other posters pointed out, listing off a couple of successful friends without a high school diploma is hardly sufficient evidence to support such a theory.

The bottom line is that although it is possible to be successful without a high school diploma, the probability is much lower and and your professional options will be much more limited. In my opinion anyone with the option to finish high school should exercise that option.

As for your assertion that the other posters are being closed minded to an alternate point of view, seems to me to be a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Just my  :2c:
Not to mention, it's a check in the box.
CSIS require you to have specific university degrees to join.
RCMP require you to have university if I'm not mistaken?
Some jobs require any sort of college diploma.

I heard a great safty breif by the base satey dude in Petawawa, said something very eye opening.  Life won't turn out how you plan it.
He was a young head strong fit paratrooper hardcore grunt kinda guy. The army stuff was what he wanted and planned to do his whole life.
He was injured in an accident at like 24 and had to leave the forces. Lost his physical fitness and is now a civilian safty dude who goes around giving speaches and looking around work places for unsafe crap. Not very glorious.  "Life won't turn out how you plan it" (very good speaker I'll add)

It might seem that we're harping on the issue about finishing school but there are very good reasons for it.
Apollo Diomedes said:
RCMP require you to have university if I'm not mistaken?

"•Have a Canadian secondary school (high school) diploma or equivalent;"

"Canadian secondary school (high school) diploma or equivalent:
You must have a secondary school (high school) diploma. If your education was obtained outside Canada, you must get an equivalency assessment. Contact your local recruiting office for more information on how to obtain this assessment.
If you did not complete secondary school, you must obtain an equivalency assessment. For more information, contact your local board of education or adult learning centre to be assessed and take a General Educational Development (GED) test."
HeadLamp said:
I thought they taught students how to follow and understand a conversation...

No!  What they teach students are the fallacies of making relativistic arguments.  Your arguments - I mean that in the academic sense - have not been reduced to First Principles.

By that I mean that for every person you know who has been successful without finishing school, I know someone who is a complete "Fail".  Thus the argument cannot be won by either side, which makes it a fail.

This is what a lot of the posters have been trying to point out to you.  Do you think you are the only person who is frustrated by this thread?
HeadLamp said:
. . . isn't exactly what I said or in my current views/values. . .
(emphasis added)

There, so you obviously have some inkling of moral relativism - exactly what other posters are cautioning you against.

mariomike said:
"•Have a Canadian secondary school (high school) diploma or equivalent;"

"Canadian secondary school (high school) diploma or equivalent:
You must have a secondary school (high school) diploma. If your education was obtained outside Canada, you must get an equivalency assessment. Contact your local recruiting office for more information on how to obtain this assessment.
If you did not complete secondary school, you must obtain an equivalency assessment. For more information, contact your local board of education or adult learning centre to be assessed and take a General Educational Development (GED) test."

Thanks. Think I was confusing that with the polygraph I'd fail..
Apollo Diomedes said:
Thanks. Think I was confusing that with the polygraph I'd fail..

I've only seen them on "Meet the Parents", but they look like fun! :

Here's Homer with his "Good Enuff Diploma" - G.E.D.  :) :
HeadLamp said:
  You wont be seeing me around here anymore, I prefer having discussions not arguments that hold no water.

Enjoy your times

Wow! 1% pressure (if that) and you fold.
Apollo Diomedes said:
If he stayed in school he'd be able to handle pressure better..

I'm confued as to why he didn't go back to get those credits....it's not that hard. I've known a number of people who've done it and it didn't affect what they were doing at the time....just their oppertunities afterwards.
GAP said:
Boy, they should move out, get a job, preferably as a welder, and work hard for 5 years.

The change will be absolutely amazing!!!

Come back in 5 years and see how much your parents have changed!!

Totally true,

      My Father dropped out in the 10th grade and his father told him he had 3 weeks and the locks would be changed...3 weeks later they were and my Dad did the only thing he could think of, he joined the navy and learned life the hard way.  He spent 13 years in the CF and doesnt regret a second of it, and now do to HARD work and admitted dumb luck has landed himself in a postion that is competitive for people with graduate degrees in science!!!  One of his favorite lines to feed me when i was growing up was"When i was 16 i I couldnt believe how stupid my parents were....when i turned 21 i couldnt believe how much they had learned!!!"  There are always exceptions to the rules and people who do make it really well with out education but the only constant is that all those without education wish they could go back and get it!!!

my :2c: :argument:
HeadLamp said:
" Just to point out: Not once did I say it was a good idea for the OP to drop out of High School"

Nor have I said any of you should.

I thought they taught students how to follow and understand a conversation...

I forgot this was the internet and we all are suppose to take on the whole "What I say is always right and if anyone says anything that isn't exactly what I said or in my current views/values I'll just not follow the context of their posts and make comments that don't even relate to the viewpoint they hold"

  You wont be seeing me around here anymore, I prefer having discussions not arguments that hold no water.

Enjoy your times

Buh-bye. THis is the second time you've said you were taking your ball and going home, please mean it this time.

EDIT: Just read your profile...wow, 18, eh? And going on about how you have several buddies who dropped out and are making the big bucks? For what, like a year now? I am not even going to bother pointing out how flawed this reasoning is and on how many levels because YOU will not get it. I wish you lots of luck, you might need it.

And to be clear: this comes from a guy who dropped out and made good for himself, with luck and hard work - you are nowhere near being able to state that yet.
well first i would like to say this is my first day on this site and am liking what im seeing, I mean this smiley is badass-  :piper: 

anyhow I am turning 16 in December and have always been facinated and very interested in History and the "Art of War", how guns worked and other military equipment. So When I am 16 I would like to join the my local Army reserve in the summerand when I am 18 I want to become a full time member of the CF, I want to be a infantry soldier and move on hopefully to beocme a member of CSOR because tactical equipment and elite training is the biggest thing I have a interest in. But I heard the Reserve aren't really recruiting at the moment and the Full time Forces are having budget issues??? is this correct, also what are the requirments to first ge tinto the reserves? and how can a 6"2 155lbs, unfit guy get ready for the army life?
Here's my professional recommendation as a Recruiter ('cause I'm not officially posted out until the 30th)

DON'T join the Reserves.

If your intention is to become a full-time member of the CF in two years, joining the Reserves right now would be a waste of your time. Use that time instead to get better marks, get fit, play sports, whatever to make your overall application better and give yourself more options for your future career.

IF you join the Reserves right now (provided that they're open in your area) ... it will take 2-6 months to get in.

That means you will have missed the winter BMQ session. IF you get into a summer BMQ next summer (provided your unit even HAS that option), you will have time to complete that, then return to your unit for the winter still unqualified for a trade.

By the time the next summer rolls around, you'll be ready to apply for the Regular Force and, guess what? You'll wait another 12-18 months for the CT from Res to Reg because they NOW need to get your service records, training records and medical records prior to starting the assessments at CFRC!

Once they've completed all the assessments and reviews of your Res file, you may turn around and find out that you have to do BMQ again because, depending on which one you did, it MAY not be equivilent.

The better solution is patience ... work hard at school ... and apply directly when school is done. Maybe if you work hard enough you can make yourself a good candidate for ROTP and go to RMC to become an officer. If that's not your preference, you can still apply directly for an NCM job or maybe choose the college route ...

Listen to Otis and you won't go wrong, he's got GREAT advice but definitely take advantage of the search function here its really useful. Don't worry about getting into CSOR right away..take your time getting there you may find out that it may not be what you're looking for after all...Always keep your options open.

Good Luck.
I'm also 16, have gone through a bunch of the recruiting process, (My Fitness Test is August 16th). I am curious, if I pass my fitness test, when I get sworn in does it have to be with a bible? I am not religious so I am curious if I have to be sworn in over a bible.
2587PDub said:
I'm also 16, have gone through a bunch of the recruiting process, (My Fitness Test is August 16th). I am curious, if I pass my fitness test, when I get sworn in does it have to be with a bible? I am not religious so I am curious if I have to be sworn in over a bible.

No you don't have to use a bible.
2587PDub said:
I'm also 16, have gone through a bunch of the recruiting process, (My Fitness Test is August 16th). I am curious, if I pass my fitness test, when I get sworn in does it have to be with a bible? I am not religious so I am curious if I have to be sworn in over a bible.

A search for swearing an Oath vice Swearing on a Bible turns up many threads answering this question. As Larkvall mentioned, the process for swearing on oath is allowed and posted on this site.
maybe if you sign up in the reserves first you can determine if this is really the career path for you in the long run?
i am currently in grade 10, i'm 16 years of age. i have done lots of research on the canadian reserves and want to know if i can still join the reserves even though i just went into grade 10. i am very dedicated to join the reserves and im aware that the training is hard. please take the time to respond back and let me know thanks.
