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Afghan Facts and Fiction?


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edgar said:
One thing these retards miss, when they say nobody ever won a war in afghanistan, is that if the british and the russians lost, who won?
The Afghanis of course. And whose side are we on? The afghanis of course. We can't lose. Unless we give up.

Nice little word game there. 
The Russians were on the Afghans side as well, then. They backed a government that was toppled by the Taliban (at that time called the Mujahadeen) thanks to US support (money and arms supply).

Sure Canada is on the Afghans' side, if you don't count all the people that don't want foreigners there.
Majstorovic said:
Nice little word game there. 
The Russians were on the Afghans side as well, then. They backed a government that was toppled by the Taliban (at that time called the Mujahadeen) thanks to US support (money and arms supply).

Sure Canada is on the Afghans' side, if you don't count all the people that don't want foreigners there.

Interesting statement, since the Taliban didn't actually become a unified force in Kandahar Province until 1992, and you might want to ask the Tajiks, Uzbeks and Hazaras about being Taliban
If the NDP were to form the next federal government ( shudder ) the Military would be among the first to go to free up money for social programs and Canada would be finished.
Majstorovic said:
Nice little word game there. 
The Russians were on the Afghans side as well, then. They backed a government that was toppled by the Taliban (at that time called the Mujahadeen) thanks to US support (money and arms supply).

Sure Canada is on the Afghans' side, if you don't count all the people that don't want foreigners there.

Wrong. The Russians were toppled by the Mujahadeen who were overthrown by the Taliban. The remnants of the Mujahadeen morphed into the Northern Alliance.

The Mujahadeen were never the Taliban.
As it stands now and I truely don't see them changing much I would never vote NDP, hell if we ever had an election and only the NDP showed up to run I would just not vote
CDN Aviator said:
"Afghans" would be the term you are looking for.

"Afghanis" is the name of their money

Afghani = adjective form, used to describe nouns (Afghani culture, Afghani people)

Afghan = noun form (Afghans)

It's a logical error to make since many nationalities use the same word as both a noun and an adjective. Some examples would be:
(1) Canadians; Canadian culture
(2) Americans; American laws
(3) Mexicans; Mexican border

*I purposely selected -an endings to show why Afghan/Afghani seems unnatural to some.  ;)
Celticgirl said:
Afghani = adjective form, used to describe nouns (Afghani culture, Afghani people)

Afghan = noun form (Afghans)

It's a logical error to make since many nationalities use the same word as both a noun and an adjective. Some examples would be:
(1) Canadians; Canadian culture
(2) Americans; American laws
(3) Mexicans; Mexican border

*I purposely selected -an endings to show why Afghan/Afghani seems unnatural to some.  ;)

I just go by what the guys who have been there have told me. Have you been there ?
CDN Aviator said:
I just go by what the guys who have been there have told me. Have you been there ?

No, I haven't. As you are probably aware, I am not even in the military yet. I was simply taking the language perspective, as in my soon-to-be-former life, I was a language instructor at two Canadian universities. None of my students were Afghans, but several were Arabs and therefore, knowing how to properly phrase/name people and things was part of our classroom lessons. People hear "Afghan/Afghani" this or that in the news and aren't sure which form to use when. That's natural. As I have pointed out above, it's a somewhat irregular adjective form. I'm sure even some who've been to Afghanistan have made the error.

Just saying... ;D
Majstorovic said:
Nice little word game there. 
The Russians were on the Afghans side as well, then. They backed a government that was toppled by the Taliban (at that time called the Mujahadeen) thanks to US support (money and arms supply).

Actually, it is quite a word game, and you have fallen into it.  The Taliban and the Mujahadeen are not as closely related as you seem to imply.  Yes, some Taliban may have been Mujahadeen in the past, but that doesn't mean that all Mujahadeen became Taliban.  Some would have become members of the Norther Alliance.  Others became Warlords in their own little spheres of influence.  Others became politicans.  Others became happy civilians after the Russians left.

So, yes, a nice little word game indeed.
Celticgirl said:
Afghani = adjective form, used to describe nouns (Afghani culture, Afghani people)

Afghan = noun form (Afghans)

It's a logical error to make since many nationalities use the same word as both a noun and an adjective. Some examples would be:
(1) Canadians; Canadian culture
(2) Americans; American laws
(3) Mexicans; Mexican border

*I purposely selected -an endings to show why Afghan/Afghani seems unnatural to some.  ;)

CDN Aviator was correct.  Please see this link below which references the highlighted information. 

Full name of country: The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan 
Short Name of Country: Afghanistan
Short Name of Country for Lists and Tables: Afghanistan
Adjective of Nationality: Afghan
Capital City: Kabul
Currency Unit: afghani
Currency Symbol: Af 
Remarks: The formal name was adopted in November 2004, as per the letter of 9 November 2004 from the Permanent Mission of Afghanistan to the United Nations. (UNTERM, UN, 2004) 
Official language of communication English
UNDP Country Code: AFG
ISO country code (alpha-3-code) AFG
ISO currency code AFA
General information: See FAO Country profile

Celtic girl, you might want to be careful who you correct on this site.  Staying in your lanes is very important.  English language rules may not apply to foreign cultures and in this case you were wrong to do so.  Using your examples, it would still be Afghan culture, Afghan laws, Afghan border.  The use of the word aghani would not work.

Link from the Food and Culture Organization of the United Nations  http://www.fao.org/faoterm/nocs.asp?lang=EN&source=EN&country=004
scoutfinch said:
CDN Aviator was correct.  Please see this link below which references the highlighted information. 

Full name of country: The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan 
Short Name of Country: Afghanistan
Short Name of Country for Lists and Tables: Afghanistan
Adjective of Nationality: Afghan
Capital City: Kabul
Currency Unit: afghani
Currency Symbol: Af 
Remarks: The formal name was adopted in November 2004, as per the letter of 9 November 2004 from the Permanent Mission of Afghanistan to the United Nations. (UNTERM, UN, 2004) 
Official language of communication English
UNDP Country Code: AFG
ISO country code (alpha-3-code) AFG
ISO currency code AFA
General information: See FAO Country profile

Celtic girl, you might want to be careful who you correct on this site.  Staying in your lanes is very important.  English language rules may not apply to foreign cultures and in this case you were wrong to do so.  Using your examples, it would still be Afghan culture, Afghan laws, Afghan border.  The use of the word aghani would not work.

Link from the Food and Culture Organization of the United Nations  http://www.fao.org/faoterm/nocs.asp?lang=EN&source=EN&country=004

Scoutfinch, I did not correct CDN Aviator. I was agreeing with him. He was indeed correct, and upon further research, I see that I used the term Afghani in the wrong context. Feel better?  :)

My whole point was that it's an easy mistake to make (Afghan/Afghani) as we hear both in the media. Perhaps you should go back and read my post again, hmm? By the way, what does this mean: "you might want to be careful who you correct on this site"? If I didn't know better, I would think you were threatening me, Scoutfinch.  ;)

[Edited to correct gender error.]

How about the Afghan/Afghani debate just end so that this thread can continue on topic

(If any of the interested parties wish maybe a MOD could split this bun fight off into it's own)
Celticgirl said:
Scoutfinch, I did not correct CDN Aviator. I was agreeing with her. She was indeed correct, and upon further research, I see that I used the term Afghani in the wrong context. Feel better?  :)

My whole point was that it's an easy mistake to make (Afghan/Afghani) as we hear both in the media. Perhaps you should go back and read my post again, hmm? By the way, what does this mean: "you might want to be careful who you correct on this site"? If I didn't know better, I would think you were threatening me, Scoutfinch.  ;)

I'll take it to PMs. 
Celticgirl said:
Scoutfinch, I did not correct CDN Aviator. I was agreeing with her. She was indeed correct, and upon further research, I see that I used the term Afghani in the wrong context. Feel better?  :)

CDN Aviator is a "HE" thanks.

My whole point was that it's an easy mistake to make

Its a mistake, made by a member, which i promptly corrected. With all due respect to your language experience, your post wasnt required.

"you might want to be careful who you correct on this site"? If I didn't know better, I would think you were threatening me, Scoutfinch.  ;)

It was friendly advice to keep you out of trouble. Some people here have been there and know bette than you.

Now, back to NDP bashing  ;D
CDN Aviator said:
CDN Aviator is a "HE" thanks.

Its a mistake, made by a member, which i promptly corrected. With all due respect to your language experience, your post wasnt required.

It was friendly advice to keep you out of trouble. Some people here have been there and know bette than you.

Now, back to NDP bashing   ;D

Sorry about the gender confusion. I think I have you mixed up with another member.

I guess you are right. My post wasn't required. My posts very rarely are.  :P

Please continue with the NDP bashing.  ;D

All on track again, Those Driver control sticks always come in handy ;D
Will you vote NDP in the next election?

Will the Kennedy's be supporting the NRA?

Will Osama Bin Laden be suntanning on a nude beach in Florida?

Will Stephan De yawn find his spine in the HOC anytime soon?
George Wallace said:
Actually, it is quite a word game, and you have fallen into it.  The Taliban and the Mujahadeen are not as closely related as you seem to imply.  Yes, some Taliban may have been Mujahadeen in the past, but that doesn't mean that all Mujahadeen became Taliban.  Some would have become members of the Norther Alliance.  Others became Warlords in their own little spheres of influence.  Others became politicans.  Others became happy civilians after the Russians left.

So, yes, a nice little word game indeed.

You are being very coy with your arguments.  Perhaps not every single Mujahideen member stuck around until they became the Taliban, but certainly the most important members/leaders DID remain. Namely Osama Bin Laden.  So, yes they are pretty darn closely related.  This semantics tactic you are employing is childish.

I'm not really understanding the primary motivation behind the NDP bashing here. 
The case of WWII is commonly brought up in attempting to show that if the NDP was in power at the time then Canada wouldn't have joined in WWII. Afghanistan is NOT anywhere in the same league as WWII Germany/Japan/Croatia/Latvia/Estonia/Lithuania/Italy/etc.  The thread is not anywhere near the same level or of the same type.

In any case here is a nice, straightforward article that, if you would be so kind to read, might make you rethink your positions.

I see you are a big fan of Prof Michael Byers.  Not a very credible person around these parts.

Oh!  By the way, where did you get your information on Osama Bin Laden?  I think you weren't paying much attention in class that day.