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Afghan Facts and Fiction?

2 Cdo said:
Took your advice Vern, very entertaining indeed. A plethora of socialist left wing sites filled with the usual suspects (rabble was conspicuously missing though) ??? In fact one sight I tried to find her comedy act notified me that I was banned, when in fact until today I  had never even heard of the site let alone visited it! ;D 

Hmmm...  somebody got the list of current Milnet members and banned them all?  :o
Greymatters said:
Hmmm...  somebody got the list of current Milnet members and banned them all?   :o

Kinda what I was thinking? Oh well, nothing of importance on those sites anyways. :boring:
Majstorovic said:
Who said I was a fan of anyone?  I don't have to be a fan of someone in order to think their argument is sound. 
And why isn't he credible "around these parts"? Because he disagrees with you?

No, because he is speaking without working knowledge of the subject... I am sure he is very "book smart" however, that does not ever replace real time experience or ground truth.

The article you link is best used as toilet paper.
Majstorovic said:
I have done my best to address points as they come up.  It is my points that have gone unanswered as replies spin off into accusations and irrelevant directions.

I've been right here for the past 6 years.  And from where I am, any questioning of the mission (read war) in the media is interpreted as an attack on the troops, and as support for the Taliban.
The problem with that is this:  People who are against the war are not against the troops. Bringing troops home is somehow an act of treason whereas sending them out to fight, kill, risk their own lives is an act of patriotism. They know that the troops are doing their best and that the problem doesn't lie with them.
The war, as it is being conducted right now, is counter-productive and will eventually fail.  If the aim really is as it is claimed, then war lords would not be given crucial posts in the government, the Taliban would be obsolete due to lack of any popular support at all, Pakistan would be forced to stop arming and aiding Taliban fighters, Kandahar and the rest of the country would have running water and electricity, the general populace wouldn't be living in exactly the same crappy conditions prior to the "liberation", etc., etc.

This all sounds entirely too familiar... Does this board have the ability to check IP addresses?
2 Cdo said:
Kinda what I was thinking? Oh well, nothing of importance on those sites anyways. :boring:

It makes a kind of sense... they keep coming here and getting banned, why not return the favor?  Sort of a pre-emptive strike...

As to boring.. nah!  Its more like watching rattlesnake preachers... they're spouting fire and brimstone and putting on a great show, but you just know one of them going to get their ass bit sooner or later...
Teeps74 said:
This all sounds entirely too familiar... Does this board have the ability to check IP addresses?

Yep they have. And with the popularity that Majstorovic had, I'm sure a mod did it...
Majstorovic said:
Ultimately, it doesn't really matter what any of us here think because we don't get paid/trained to criticize and analyze foreign policy.  We behave like good little boys and girls and do what we are told. That is the basis upon which the chain of command works. Without it there would be no military.
We could get told to go attack our own mothers tomorrow and we would have to comply. 
It's the winners who write history, correct?   If WWII had turned out differently, Canada would be the evil ones and its soldiers would be put on trial as the culprits. Might makes right.
I'm not being sarcastic.  Can we not agree on that much?

No, we can not agree on your deliberate useage of misinformation here... You claim to be an engineer on your profile with 2 years. I say claim, because EVERY recruit in BMQ learns that not only must we report unlawful commands up the chain of command, but we MUST refuse to obey them. An unlawful command is any command that breaks our own laws, and the example you post above clearly falls under that category, just as the Mei Lei Massaquer did. Your lack of the basic concepts of military justice and ethics is clear, which opoints to a lack of even a basic understanding of the military ethos.
Teeps74 said:
... You claim to be an engineer on your profile with 2 years. I say claim, because EVERY recruit in BMQ learns that not only must we report unlawful commands up the chain of command, but we MUST refuse to obey them. An unlawful command is any command that breaks our own laws, and the example you post above clearly falls under that category, .............. Your lack of the basic concepts of military justice and ethics is clear, which opoints to a lack of even a basic understanding of the military ethos.

Very good point.  I guess this would make Majstorovic a Poser or another Francisco Juarez.