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Afghan Facts and Fiction?

JaneBella said:
Well in reality the current occupation of Afghanistan has nothing to do with 9/11.
The United States had been planning an invasion and occupation of Afghanistan 3 years prior to 9/11
...sure they were. Cripes, take off that shiny foil hat you've got there.
Why don't you enlighten us. Share us your great wisdom on how you came to such a conclusion. (post proof)
So what sovereign government invited the United States to invade and occupy Afghanistan?
Al-Qaeda attacking, murdering 2 700 innocent people, and the Taliban aiding them led to the invasion. Once the invasion was 'finished' and the CF left Afghanistan, the new sovereign Afghan government invited the CF to partake in NATO's ISAF mission.

And seeing as how the current American puppet government of Afghanistan were not even in existence when the United States began the occupation, with Canada joining in soon after, it could not have been them who handed out the invitation.
So who exactly did the inviting?
Read above statement.

CDN Aviator said:
The US ( and allies) went in there as a response to attack which is permitted under international law.

OH.I didnt realize Afghanistan attacked the United States.
I guess maybe the American government should not have been rewarding the Talibamn with a 43 billion dollar gift just months before 9/11
( what gratitude)
And earlier some other uninformed person said the occupation was at the request of the government
And.If anyone thinks the current Afghani government is anything but a United States controlled government, then you indeed need to seek help
Methinks that you've stumbled onto some conspiracy theory website which itself probably doesn't have evidence for the claims it makes.
Then you come here to show all us dumb grunts what morons we really are (puppets of the Americans -because I haven't heard that one before)
Yet you STILL haven't provided any sources for any of the claims you've made although you seem to believe them with heart and soul.
That is called trolling.
JaneBella said:
OH.I didnt realize Afghanistan attacked the United States.

An international terrorist group aided, and harboured by the Taliban government attack the United States.

And earlier some other uninformed person said the occupation was at the request of the government

I'm very well informed thank you. It is not an occupation by any measure of the word. I believe it is you who need to get informed. I doubt you are anything but an anti-war activist who cannot bother to for an independent opinion.

And.If anyone thinks the current Afghani government is anything but a United States controlled government, then you indeed need to seek help

It is you who requires help. You must have slept through the elections in Afghanistan where the current AFGHAN ( notice the term) government won its mandate.

Now...lets see your sources that the US was planning an invasion 3 years prior to 9/11.........
JaneBella said:
OH.I didnt realize Afghanistan attacked the United States.
I guess maybe the American government should not have been rewarding the Talibamn with a 43 billion dollar gift just months before 9/11
( what gratitude)
And earlier some other uninformed person said the occupation was at the request of the government
And.If anyone thinks the current Afghani government is anything but a United States controlled government, then you indeed need to seek help
Wow, you don't know how much of that is wrong ::)
JesseWZ said:
Methinks that you've stumbled onto some conspiracy theory website which itself probably doesn't have evidence for the claims it makes.

Yes, you caught me.I just made that up.
The American government never gave the Taliban 43 billion dollars months before 9/11
The American government never attacked Afghanistan back in 99 with cruise missles.
There were never plans abandoned for a pipeline.3 years prior to 9/11
Plans that could only be carried out, with the removal of the Taliban the American government were being told.
I just made that up

Yes sir  :salute:
JaneBella said:
Yes, you caught me.I just made that up.
The American government never gave the Taliban 43 billion dollars months before 9/11
The American government never attacked Afghanistan back in 99 with cruise missles.
There were never plans abandoned for a pipeline.3 years prior to 9/11
Plans that could only be carried out, with the removal of the Taliban the American government were being told.
I just made that up

Yes sir   :salute:

If your next post doesnt contain sources to back up your claims you will be banned......understand ?

Milnet.ca staff
JaneBella said:
OH.I didnt realize Afghanistan attacked the United States.

So you are so dense as to not understand the principal of aiding and abetting?  Right...  Note to self dumb down all arguments with this one.

I guess maybe the American government should not have been rewarding the Talibamn with a 43 billion dollar gift just months before 9/11
( what gratitude)

In keeping with my first point...  Proof please.  Something reputable preferably.  No, that doesn't include Wikipedia or bushitlerliedpeopledied.com

And earlier some other uninformed person said the occupation was at the request of the government

In conjunction with what was noted earlier, apparently you also can not recognize the passage of time.  I'm wondering if someone taught a shittzu to type.  Certainly lower order animals have little/no concept of time either.

And.If anyone thinks the current Afghani government is anything but a United States controlled government, then you indeed need to seek help

I was going to post something sarcastic but there is little use.  You are a troll, a mindless conspiracy theorist, and your posts aren't worth the bandwidth they are wasting on this site. 

just edited to make the post look better..;)


CDN Aviator said:
If your next post doesnt contain sources to back up your claims you will be banned......understand ?

Milnet.ca staff

I demand a link to a credible source saying the invasion of Afghanistan was not being planned prior to 9/11
And a link to prove the Taliban were behind the planning of 9/11

And a link to why Saudi Arabia, who have one of the worst human right records on Earth, and from where almost all the 9/11 suicide attackers originated from, and who by coincidence are one of the United States best friends, are not being occupied, making life better for those citizens by Canadian soldiers

Once the invasion was 'finished' and the CF left Afghanistan, the new sovereign Afghan government invited the CF to partake in NATO's ISAF mission.

Left and came back? By invitation?
You are kidding? Right?

Got a credible link to that wild claim?

You see what is so hilarious.
You demand links.
But yet you people are already saying certain links dont count.
I mean if the link were the Toronto Star or the CBC you would make some ridiculous comment about that.
What you are looking for is a link to Fox News or the Western Standard.
Now in your minds, those are credible links, no others are
JaneBella said:
I demand a link to a credible source saying the invasion of Afghanistan was not being planned prior to 9/11
And a link to prove the Taliban were behind the planning of 9/11

And a link to why Saudi Arabia, who have one of the worst human right records on Earth, and from where almost all the 9/11 suicide attackers originated from, and who by coincidence are one of the United States best friends, are not being occupied, making life better for those citizens by Canadian soldiers

Left and came back? By invitation?
You are kidding? Right?

Got a credible link to that wild claim?

You see what is so hilarious.
You demand links.
But yet you people are already saying certain links dont count.
I mean if the link were the Toronto Star or the CBC you would make some ridiculous comment about that.
What you are looking for is a link to Fox News or the Western Standard.
Now in your minds, those are credible links, no others are

bye bye troll......
JaneBella said:
Left and came back? By invitation?
You are kidding? Right?

Got a credible link to that wild claim?
Avec plaisir
The CF units and formations committed to Op APOLLO are organized under the Commander, Canadian Joint Task Force South West Asia (CA JTFSWA). The headquarters of the CA JTFSWA is the Canadian National Command Element (NCE), employing approximately 40 CF members, co-located with U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) at MacDill Air Force Base near Tampa, Florida. The NCE links the Chief of the Defence Staff with U.S. CENTCOM and the various CF units assigned to Op APOLLO.

In mid-August 2003, following the re-alignment of Canadian activities in southwest Asia, the NCE was reduced to a liaison staff. This liaison team is part of a new mission known as Task Force Tampa (TFT) or Op FOUNDATION.

In August 2003, upon request of the UN and Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, NATO took command of ISAF

  Task Force Kabul (TFK)  comprises all Canadian Forces (CF) units and formations committed to Op ATHENA.

ISAF is not a UN operation; on August 11, 2003, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) took over the mission. ISAF was authorized by the UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1386 on December 20, 2001, with a mandate to assist the Afghan Transitional Authority (ATA). The United Kingdom was the first country to serve as lead nation, from December 2001 to June 2002. UNSCR 1413 extended the ISAF mission and authorization to December 20, 2002. Germany and the Netherlands shared the lead under the original UN mandate (UNSCR 1386), which was extended on November 27, 2002 by UNSCR 1444 to run until December 20, 2003.

Just google her username ladies & gents and you'll see exactly how loopy her ravings against YOU, the soldier actually are ...  ::)

No story here. Just more left-wing ultra-lunacy anti-soldier (and anti-LEO) rants.

Do enjoy your googling ... I highly recommend it.  ;)

Heck, I get a chuckle out these people that can apparently read my mind!!

Hey Vern, get back to work, woman!!

( I mean that in a politically correct way)
Are there sources that can be used that would not be seen as very biased by the "opposition"?...
Government sites are all well and good, but of course, regardless of whether the information is right or wrong, they are very biased.

Just like you (and myself) shoot down CBC, The Sun papers, and Fox.  They would think the same about the sources you provide.  Understandably so.
Surely outside sources would be easy to find since most of the points raised by CDN Aviator, Boyd, and the like are well known, and correct.

So if you want them to use reputable, unbiased sources, could we use fewer government sites?
Koenigsegg said:
Are there sources that can be used that would not be seen as very biased by the "opposition"?...
Government sites are all well and good, but of course, regardless of whether the information is right or wrong, they are very biased.

Just like you (and myself) shoot down CBC, The Sun papers, and Fox.  They would think the same about the sources you provide.  Understandably so.
Surely outside sources would be easy to find since most of the points raised by CDN Aviator, Recceguy, the like are well known, and correct.

So if you want them to use reputable, unbiased sources, could we use fewer government sites?

As for the sources JaneBella asked from me, yes, they are government, but no, I honestly do not see any bias in the text I quoted. They included facts like dates, by whom the missions were mandated, and the likes of that. Hard to put a bias spin on dates explaining the mission backgrounds.
Those people will just disagree with anything that counters their cooky little rants, blaming it on "puppet-controlled governmental websites" et cetera. Facts mean nothing to them.

Just more left-wing ultra-lunacy anti-soldier (and anti-LEO) rants.
I see you've discovered enMasse.ca and their thread on the RCMP?

I agree with you on what you used as a source, and you are absolutely right.  I meant in general.

Haha, Yeah...I suppose I was giving them a little more credit than they deserve when it comes to bias, and facts...My bad.  :)

Thanks for the response, although I should have thought it through more.  If I had of, it would saved you some time.
I am humbled.
JaneBella said:
I demand a link to a credible source saying the invasion of Afghanistan was not being planned prior to 9/11
And a link to prove the Taliban were behind the planning of 9/11

And a link to why Saudi Arabia, who have one of the worst human right records on Earth, and from where almost all the 9/11 suicide attackers originated from, and who by coincidence are one of the United States best friends, are not being occupied, making life better for those citizens by Canadian soldiers

Your first demand is like demanding proof that there is no Loch Ness Monster.  You have to prove your theory.  9/11 caught the US and the West pretty much flat-footed.  The 9/11 conspiracy theories are both monstrous and hilarious the same time.

Al-Queda was behind 9/11, and the Taliban were intertwined with Al-Queda.  The Taliban had a chance, but they went with the conventional wisdom that they were safe in Central Asia.

While the 9/11 terrorists themselves were from Saudi Arabia and other locales, they were trained in Afghanistan by a terrorist organization openly linked with the Taliban government.  Al-Queda was based in Afghanistan with training and C2 infrastructure.

Right now, Canadian forces are working with Afghan and coalition allies to support the democratically elected Government of Afghanistan.  It is not a grand conspiracy to build some pipeline.

JaneBella said:
I demand a link to a credible source saying the invasion of Afghanistan was not being planned prior to 9/11
And a link to prove the Taliban were behind the planning of 9/11

And a link to why Saudi Arabia, who have one of the worst human right records on Earth, and from where almost all the 9/11 suicide attackers originated from, and who by coincidence are one of the United States best friends, are not being occupied, making life better for those citizens by Canadian soldiers

I know the troll is gone (aww, I wanted to play!), but I thought this needed pointing out...

He (or she) who makes (wild) claims must back up their claims with (credible) sources before demanding sources from others that counter their position.

N'est pas?

Edit to add:

Thanks T2B...stated better what I could.  Didn't see your post.

If I'm not mistaken, were the Taliban not composed of students (talib?) from Pakistan?  And are not most of their fighters foreigners?

For the chronologically and reality challenged:

  • Mujaheddin composed of disparate groups form to fight Soviet occupation;
  • After Soviets leave, Mujaheddin splinters, leaving a power vaccum for the foreign Taliban (which include some elements of the Mujaheddin) to fill;
  • Taliban invite Osama bin-Laden and Al-Quaeda to set up shop in A'stan;
  • OBL and AQ conduct attacks on American targets, US launches cruise missiles at AQ camps;
  • 9/11  AQ claims responsibility and the Taliban refuse to hand over OBL;
  • Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty is invoked by NATO;
  • With the assistance of US special forces and air power, the Northern Alliance overthrows the Taliban; NATO assists;
  • New internationally recognised gov't in A'stan set up; elections soon held;
  • Newly elected government requests aid from the international community to stabilise the country;
  • UN approves of ISAF; A'stan invites ISAF into their country to stabilise (including defeating the Taliban).

Please inform me if some details are incorrect.